24 research outputs found

    Assessment of ecological damage from the NATO bombing of the Republic of Serbia in 1999

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    In 1999, NATO bombed the Republic of Serbia, which inflicted irreparable environmental damage on ecosystems and habitats. The topic of this paper is the method of determining and analyzing the assessment of inflicted ecological damage. Its quantification is possible, but it requires an integrated approach, since the exact value can be estimated only on a case-by-case basis. The financial valorization of environmental damage is an open and complex issue and it implies moral and ethical parameters. The paper presents in general the assessment of ecological damage, and also the assessment of the damage inflicted on endemic and other types of habitats and ecosystems. A special emphasis is paid on the environmental damage assessment and the assessment of human health consequences that have arisen from the use of munitions with depleted uranium. The problem of determining ecological damage and its consequences for ecosystems, habitats and humans due to the NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999 is particularly pointed out

    Ecological consequences of warfare

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    During 20th century several wars were conducted in the world. It can be claimed that these wars caused serious ecological consequences, which affected the quality of the environment, the health and life of people, a decrease in population, slowing down the development of economy and many others. Four wars were waged solely at the territory of the Republic of Serbia: from the Balkan Wars via World War I and II to the NATO aggression in 1999. The NATO bombing caused the most severe consequences for the environment. Due to a rather negative effect of warfare on the environment, such effect is visible at the beginning of most famous wars. However, it was present in some wars and remained the threat for many years. This paper deals with the examples of warfare in the world that data and concrete indicators exist for and it focuses public attention to problems and consequences of warfare

    Planiranje i projektovanje velikih elektroenergetskih sistema i njihov uticaj na životnu sredinu

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    This paper analyzes the impact of planning and designing large power systems on the environment, such as the DSP 400 kV optical cable from the Montenegrin coast to Pljevlja. It is a very complex and multidisciplinary project, and involves the analysis of a number of important factors and cause-effect relationships that such a system can produce. The analysis was guided by the fact that this is an atypical example, from the planned and implemented aspect unknown both on the national and wider regional level. For this reason, it is challenging to shed light on the consequences of any such system and structure, which is specific in many ways, and whose repercussions in the near future are still vague. The paper discussed European and international experiences as well as their perceptions of problems with similar solutions in practice.U radu se analizira uticaj planiranja i projektovanja velikih elektroenergetskih sistema na životnu sredinu, kao što je Detaljni prostorni plan (DPP) postavljanja 400 kV optičkog kabla od Crnogorskog primorja do Pljevalja. To predstavlja vrlo kompleksan i multidisciplinaran posao i podrazumeva analizu niza bitnih faktora, kao i uzročnoposledičnih veza koje jedan takav sistem može proizvesti. U analizi se rukovodilo činjenicom da se radi o atipičnom primeru, s planerskog i izvedbenog aspekta nepoznatog na nacionalnom, ali i širem regionalnom nivou. Zbog toga je bilo potrebno rasvetliti posledice jednog ovakog sistema i konstrukcije, koji je specifičan po mnogo čemu, i čije se reperkusije u bližoj budućnosti tek mogu nazreti. U istraživanju su razmatrana evropska i svetska iskustva, i njihova percepcija posmatranja problema sa sličnim rešenjima u praksi

    Ecological consequences of warfare

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    During 20th century several wars were conducted in the world. It can be claimed that these wars caused serious ecological consequences, which affected the quality of the environment, the health and life of people, a decrease in population, slowing down the development of economy and many others. Four wars were waged solely at the territory of the Republic of Serbia: from the Balkan Wars via World War I and II to the NATO aggression in 1999. The NATO bombing caused the most severe consequences for the environment. Due to a rather negative effect of warfare on the environment, such effect is visible at the beginning of most famous wars. However, it was present in some wars and remained the threat for many years. This paper deals with the examples of warfare in the world that data and concrete indicators exist for and it focuses public attention to problems and consequences of warfare

    Teledetekciona analiza ugroženih elemenata životne sredine opštine Ub - prilog za najugroženije delove opštine

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    This paper analyzes the affected parts in municipality Ub by remote sensing. On the basis of determining the recent state of environmental elements of the municipality with the clip, suggestions were made for the protection and control. Special attention is devoted to the analysis of the most vulnerable parts of the municipality, located in the eastern and northeastern part of the municipality. In those parts of the observed traces of heavy metals in the images, and partly visible, and erosion processes. For the purposes of monitoring environmental elements in Ub, the results of remote sensing analysis are presented.U radu su analizirani ugroženi delovi opštine Ub teledetekcionim metodama. Na bazi utvrđivanja recentnog stanja elemenata životne sredine opštine sa snimka, dati su predlozi za zaštitu i kontrolu. Posebna pažnja je posvećena analizi najugroženijih delova opštine, lociranih u istočnom i severoistočnom delu opštine. U tim delovima su zapaženi tragovi teških metala na snimcima, a delimično su vidljivi i erozivni procesi. Za potrebe monitoringa i oditinga elemenata životne sredine opštine Ub, dobijeni rezultati teledetekcione analize su informatizovani

    Procena ekološkog rizika u funkciji zaštite životne sredine

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    This paper proposes an appropriate methodology for ecological risk assessment. The methodology has been applied in the region of Boka Kotorska Bay (Bay), Montenegro. The emphasis of the research is on the analysis of the impact of various stressors on the ecological components of Bay. The consequences of that impact can be seen in an increased level of eutrophication of water environment, mostly through the influence of nitrogen and its compounds. The actual research at/about the region of Boka Kotorska Bay was performed in the period of 2008. The study emphasized the importance of the acquisition, processing and analysis of various ecologically related data for more efficient monitoring and management of the environment. The suggested methodology of the ecological risk assessment is, therefore, a remarkable scientific and expert contribution in the area of environmental protection in our country and in general.U radu je predstavljena primena metodologije procene ekološkog rizika. Metodologija je primenjena na primeru Bokokotorskog zaliva (Zaliv). Istraživanjem je razmatrana procena uticaja većeg broja stresora na ekološke komponente Zaliva. Posledice ovih uticaja ispoljene su kroz povećan stepen eutrofikacije vodene sredine i dovode se u vezu sa koncentracijom azotnih jedinjenja (nitrata i nitrita) Konkretna merenja vršena su u 2008. godini. Istraživanjem je posebno ukazano na značaj razvoja sistema prikupljanja i obrade ekoloških i drugih informacija radi efikasnijeg upravljanja životnom sredinom datog prostora. Primenjena metodologija procene ekološkog rizika trebalo bi da u naučnom i stručnom pogledu predstavlja doprinos u oblasti zaštite životne sredine,kako kod nas, tako i u svetu

    Teledetekciona analiza ugroženih elemenata životne sredine opštine Ub - prilog za najugroženije delove opštine

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    This paper analyzes the affected parts in municipality Ub by remote sensing. On the basis of determining the recent state of environmental elements of the municipality with the clip, suggestions were made for the protection and control. Special attention is devoted to the analysis of the most vulnerable parts of the municipality, located in the eastern and northeastern part of the municipality. In those parts of the observed traces of heavy metals in the images, and partly visible, and erosion processes. For the purposes of monitoring environmental elements in Ub, the results of remote sensing analysis are presented.U radu su analizirani ugroženi delovi opštine Ub teledetekcionim metodama. Na bazi utvrđivanja recentnog stanja elemenata životne sredine opštine sa snimka, dati su predlozi za zaštitu i kontrolu. Posebna pažnja je posvećena analizi najugroženijih delova opštine, lociranih u istočnom i severoistočnom delu opštine. U tim delovima su zapaženi tragovi teških metala na snimcima, a delimično su vidljivi i erozivni procesi. Za potrebe monitoringa i oditinga elemenata životne sredine opštine Ub, dobijeni rezultati teledetekcione analize su informatizovani

    Assessment of ecological damage from the NATO bombing of the Republic of Serbia in 1999

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    In 1999, NATO bombed the Republic of Serbia, which inflicted irreparable environmental damage on ecosystems and habitats. The topic of this paper is the method of determining and analyzing the assessment of inflicted ecological damage. Its quantification is possible, but it requires an integrated approach, since the exact value can be estimated only on a case-by-case basis. The financial valorization of environmental damage is an open and complex issue and it implies moral and ethical parameters. The paper presents in general the assessment of ecological damage, and also the assessment of the damage inflicted on endemic and other types of habitats and ecosystems. A special emphasis is paid on the environmental damage assessment and the assessment of human health consequences that have arisen from the use of munitions with depleted uranium. The problem of determining ecological damage and its consequences for ecosystems, habitats and humans due to the NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999 is particularly pointed out

    Ekološke posledice NATO bombardovanja Republike Srbije 1999. godine

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    Za NATO bombardovanje Republike Srbije 1999. godine, prema indikatorima devastirane životne sredine, može se reći da je imalo i da ima velike ekološke posledice. O razlozima, toku i drugim detaljima ovog rata do sada je objavljen veći broj radova multidisciplinarnog pristupa. U ovom radu daje se sistematizacija podataka i događaja iz ugla problematike životne sredine, bez obzira na činjenicu da su neki od njih već objavljeni. Od rada se očekuje da skrene pažnju i podstakne diskusiju i dileme domaćoj i široj javnosti o obimu posledica zagađenja životne sredine izazvane NATO bombardovanjem Republike Srbije 1999. godine. Radom se posebno ističe problem produženog delovanja izazvanih posledica i neophodnost šireg naučnog pristupa u proceni sadašnjeg stanja životne sredine. Poruka rada je da se u budućnosti ovakva i slična ratna dejstva ne ponove bilo gde u svetu

    Ekološke posledice NATO bombardovanja Republike Srbije 1999. godine

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