265 research outputs found

    Virtual Urbanity: A parametric tool for the generation of virtual cities

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    Which are the underlying rules that govern urban growth and the structure of the street network? Which are the distinctive characteristics that define highways and the differentiation of the various street patterns? How can we combine the above information and incorporate them in a computer aided urban simulation in order to successfully model a virtual city in which people will be able to successfully orientate and navigate? This research aims to address and investigate the above issues and proposes the development of a parametrically adjustable computer program in order to conduct navigational and way-finding experiments. Virtual Urbanity is a simulation engine which is capable of procedurally generating a vast and diverse variety of virtual 3D urban configurations. It uses an operational grammar which consists of a local generative process which is based on a Lindenmayer system, and a prescriptive set of global parametric rules. This combination defines the topology, the geometry, the width, the length, the density and the spatial significance of the streets, ultimately setting an effective street hierarchy. The program engages in the methodological exploration of existing and theoretical urban configurations and the analysis of the human perception about the structure of the built environment, and builds towards a working algorithm (rule-set) for the on the fly generation of city structures in the next generation video games. In accordance, a trial experiment regarding the mental correlations of the roads’ width and their hierarchical significance and function within the street network was conducted and its findings were discussed

    Optimal steering for kinematic vehicles with applications to spatially distributed agents

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    The recent technological advances in the field of autonomous vehicles have resulted in a growing impetus for researchers to improve the current framework of mission planning and execution within both the military and civilian contexts. Many recent efforts towards this direction emphasize the importance of replacing the so-called monolithic paradigm, where a mission is planned, monitored, and controlled by a unique global decision maker, with a network centric paradigm, where the same mission related tasks are performed by networks of interacting decision makers (autonomous vehicles). The interest in applications involving teams of autonomous vehicles is expected to significantly grow in the near future as new paradigms for their use are constantly being proposed for a diverse spectrum of real world applications. One promising approach to extend available techniques for addressing problems involving a single autonomous vehicle to those involving teams of autonomous vehicles is to use the concept of Voronoi diagram as a means for reducing the complexity of the multi-vehicle problem. In particular, the Voronoi diagram provides a spatial partition of the environment the team of vehicles operate in, where each element of this partition is associated with a unique vehicle from the team. The partition induces, in turn, a graph abstraction of the operating space that is in a one-to-one correspondence with the network abstraction of the team of autonomous vehicles; a fact that can provide both conceptual and analytical advantages during mission planning and execution. In this dissertation, we propose the use of a new class of Voronoi-like partitioning schemes with respect to state-dependent proximity (pseudo-) metrics rather than the Euclidean distance or other generalized distance functions, which are typically used in the literature. An important nuance here is that, in contrast to the Euclidean distance, state-dependent metrics can succinctly capture system theoretic features of each vehicle from the team (e.g., vehicle kinematics), as well as the environment-vehicle interactions, which are induced, for example, by local winds/currents. We subsequently illustrate how the proposed concept of state-dependent Voronoi-like partition can induce local control schemes for problems involving networks of spatially distributed autonomous vehicles by examining different application scenarios.PhDCommittee Chair: Tsiotras Panagiotis; Committee Member: Egerstedt Magnus; Committee Member: Feron Eric; Committee Member: Haddad Wassim; Committee Member: Shamma Jef

    Greedy Finite-Horizon Covariance Steering for Discrete-Time Stochastic Nonlinear Systems Based on the Unscented Transform

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    In this work, we consider the problem of steering the first two moments of the uncertain state of a discrete time nonlinear stochastic system to prescribed goal quantities at a given final time. In principle, the latter problem can be formulated as a density tracking problem, which seeks for a feedback policy that will keep the probability density function of the state of the system close, in terms of an appropriate metric, to the goal density. The solution to the latter infinite-dimensional problem can be, however, a complex and computationally expensive task. Instead, we propose a more tractable and intuitive approach which relies on a greedy control policy. The latter control policy is comprised of the first elements of the control policies that solve a sequence of corresponding linearized covariance steering problems. Each of these covariance steering problems relies only on information available about the state mean and state covariance at the current stage and can be formulated as a tractable (finite-dimensional) convex program. At each stage, the information on the state statistics is updated by computing approximations of the predicted state mean and covariance of the resulting closed-loop nonlinear system at the next stage by utilizing the (scaled) unscented transform. Numerical simulations that illustrate the key ideas of our approach are also presented

    Koopman Operator Based Modeling and Control of Rigid Body Motion Represented by Dual Quaternions

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    In this paper, we systematically derive a finite set of Koopman based observables to construct a lifted linear state space model that describes the rigid body dynamics based on the dual quaternion representation. In general, the Koopman operator is a linear infinite dimensional operator, which means that the derived linear state space model of the rigid body dynamics will be infinite-dimensional, which is not suitable for modeling and control design purposes. Recently, finite approximations of the operator computed by means of methods like the Extended Dynamic Mode Decomposition (EDMD) have shown promising results for different classes of problems. However, without using an appropriate set of observables in the EDMD approach, there can be no guarantees that the computed approximation of the nonlinear dynamics is sufficiently accurate. The major challenge in using the Koopman operator for constructing a linear state space model is the choice of observables. State-of-the-art methods in the field compute the approximations of the observables by using neural networks, standard radial basis functions (RBFs), polynomials or heuristic approximations of these functions. However, these observables might not providea sufficiently accurate approximation or representation of the dynamics. In contrast, we first show the pointwise convergence of the derived observable functions to zero, thereby allowing us to choose a finite set of these observables. Next, we use the derived observables in EDMD to compute the lifted linear state and input matrices for the rigid body dynamics. Finally, we show that an LQR type (linear) controller, which is designed based on the truncated linear state space model, can steer the rigid body to a desired state while its performance is commensurate with that of a nonlinear controller. The efficacy of our approach is demonstrated through numerical simulations
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