19 research outputs found

    Noticing as reasoning in Lesson Study teams in initial teacher education

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    In the current study on noticing as reasoning of Lesson Study (LS)-teams in initial teacher education (ITE), we analyzed the reasoning two mixed LS-teams set up about pupils' subject-related learning of. Both teams consisted of a student teacher and experienced teachers. Both teams paid more attention to identification (describing pupils‘ learning behavior) and planning elements (considering and deciding how to act) than to interpretation elements (determining and explaining pupils’ problems with learning). They differed in the extent to which they considered plans and provided continuity in their reasoning. Stimulating meaningful reflection may help further develop noticing among LS-teams in ITE

    Twijfelen mag!:Leerlingen kritisch leren lezen via de Lesson Studymethode

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    Docenten van een professionele leergemeenschap ontwierpen via de Lesson Studymethode een lessenserie waarbij de focus lag op kritisch leren lezen

    Activerende didactiek:Een actief lerende leerling in de klas

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    Carien Bakker en Jan Folkert Deinum doen verslag van een onderzoek uitgevoerd door talendocenten in opleiding aan het Universitair Centrum voor de Lerarenopleiding in Groningen. Zij onderzochten hoe de docenten op hun stagescholen vorm geven aan activerende didactiek, tegen welke problemen ze daarbij aanlopen en wat het beleid van de schoolleiding is om activerende didactiek te bevorderen. Uit het onderzoek komt naar voren dat docenten tijdgebrek als één van de belangrijkste knelpunten ervaren bij de invoering van activerende didactiek: door het volle programma, de opsplitsing van de leerstof in kleine onderdelen en de weinige contactmomenten (met name in de Tweede Fase) komen docenten er niet aan toe om veel verschillende werkvormen toe te passen. Daarnaast voeren de meeste schoolleidingen geen actief beleid om activerende didactiek te bevorderen

    Lesson Study in Initial Teacher Training in Groningen, the Netherlands

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    A prerequisite for sustainable Lesson Study (LS) in schools is that teachers develop a research stance towards teaching practice. One way to establish this is by already starting with LS in initial teacher education (ITE). In this featured symposium, we discuss how lesson study nowadays is used in ITE four different cultural contexts, how adaptations are used in ITE contexts, the challenges that implementation poses, experiences of student teachers and teacher educators, and outcomes for student teachers. The different approaches from Ireland, Japan, the Netherlands and Norway will be presented and critically compared and discussed.In the Dutch context, educational research is seen as an engine for innovation and practical improvement. Teachers of the future are viewed as self-responsible and have decision-making power. They use educational research and do practical research themselves to develop their practice and vision. To develop knowledge and skills to be able to conduct practical research for the benefit of professionalization and practical improvement, the University of Groningen has opted for Lesson Study (LS) in ITE. In recent years, experience has been gained with various forms of LS in ITE: a variation in which three student teachers who share the same subject matter work together, and a form in which student teachers work together with experienced subject teachers at their school practice. In school year 2018-2019 school, all 120 students of the teacher training program carry out LS: the majority of the student teachers in the first variant, supervised by trained teacher educators, and some 10 student teachers in the second variant, in the context of a school-university partnership, supervised by trained mentors, and where their subject matter teacher educators can be consulted as knowledgeable others. The experiences and outcomes gathered this year will be reported at the WALS 2019 in Amsterdam.<br/

    Schoolexamens academisch schrijven als voorbereiding op het hbo en wo

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    Een professionele leergemeenschap Nederlands (plg) heeft zich de afgelopen jaren gebogen over mogelijke invullingen van het onderdeel schrijfvaardigheid van het schoolexamen