15 research outputs found

    Evolution des pressions en oxygène et en dioxyde de carbone et du pH du sang artériel pendant la croissance

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    peer reviewedaudience: researcher, professiona

    Growth-Related Changes in the Pulmonary Function of Goats

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    Growth-related changes in pulmonary function values were investigated in 20 healthy French Alpine goats, aged between 20 and 550 days, weighing 7-55 kg. Pulmonary ventilation, mechanics of breathing and arterial oxygen tension were measured using standardized techniques and methods adapted for goats of different body sizes. The Ppl values and the tI/tTOT ratio showed no significant changes with age and body size. The ventilation values (Vt, Ve, mVI and mVE) increased linearly with growth. There was a significant correlation of age and body weight with dynamic lung compliance (Cdyn), total pulmonary resistance (RL), viscous work of breathing (Wvis tot) and minute viscous work (Wvis min) throughout the age range studied. Cdyn, Wvis tot and Wvis min increased and RL decreased with age and body weight. Arterial blood gases (PaO2 and PaCO2) did not show significant changes over the age range studied. Regression equations for each pulmonary function parameter are given with body weight as the independent variable. Data for the mechanics of breathing were compared with those elsewhere for cattle, horses, man and dogs

    Respiratory and Pulmonary Haemodynamic Changes During Experimental Organophosphate Poisoning in Goats

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    Five French Alpine goats received 2 mg kg-1 of dichlorvos (DDVP) by intravenous injection and 0.15 mg kg-1 of atropine sulphate 5-10 min later. Ventilatory mechanics, gas exchanges, pulmonary haemodynamics and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) were measured before treatment, 5 min after DDVP injection and 5 min after atropine injection. Within 2 min of DDVP administration, all the goats showed acute respiratory distress, excitation and slight muscle fasciculations. A post-inspiratory pause was recorded in 3 goats. Hypersecretion of saliva or nasal discharge was not observed. Dynamic compliance and heart rate decreased significantly and total pulmonary resistance, pulmonary artery and wedge pressures increased significantly. On the other hand, minute ventilation, arterial oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions were not significantly altered by DDVP. Atropine treatment reversed all the clinical and functional parameters, with the exception of the central nervous and muscular signs, which disappeared within 12 h. It was concluded that experimental DDVP toxicosis induced changes in the mechanics of breathing and pulmonary haemodynamics associated with diffuse bronchoconstriction and cardiac insufficiency respectively

    Mechanics of Breathing in Goats

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    peer reviewedaudience: researcher, professional, studentCommon pulmonary function tests used in man and domestic mammals were adapted to the goat. Requirements for intrathoracic pressure record and pulmonary function investigation were determined. The elastance of the mid-thoracic portion of the oesophagus was measured in 17 healthy goats. The calculated percentage error in identifying the endoesophageal intrathoracic pressure decreased with somatic growth, and was found to be smaller than 2 per cent for adult goats. The location of the oesophageal balloon catheter used to measure the intrathoracic pressure was standardised. The following regression equation calculated between the length of catheter (Lcat) and the thoracic circumference (TC) was found: Lcat (cm) = 6.19 +/- 0.7163 X TC (cm) (R2 = 0.96). The influence of the dead space of a face mask on respiration pattern and arterial blood gas were studied. There were no significant changes in arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) and carbon dioxide (PaCO2), pHa, breathing frequency and intrathoracic pressures. The influence of head and neck position was investigated. Upper airway resistance (Ruaw), measured with the head in a normal position did not significantly differ from values obtained with the head in a horizontal position. Ruaw measured with the head in a vertical position was considerably increased. Arterial blood gas tension and pulmonary mechanics were measured to assess the reproducibility of pulmonary function measurements. Variability in blood gas tension, tidal volume and minute volume is small. The variability of peak to peak intrathoracic pressure change (max delta Plp), dynamic lung compliance (Cdyn), total pulmonary resistance (RL) and Rt were relatively large

    Comparaison de deux systèmes d'exploitation des pâturages au Haut-Lomami (Shaba), Zaïre

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    Comparison of two pastures exploitation systems in Upper-Lomani (Shaba) Zaire. In this paper, the authors compare the pasture exploitation system of two neighbourghing ranches in the country of Upper-Lomami (Shaba), Zaire. The two ranches are : "La Pastorale du haut-Lomami", and "Grands Elevages de Katongola" (Grelka). They show the influence of the number of fires, of the periodicity of cattle introducing periods and of the pasture rotation system on the efficiency and improvement of those pastures