11 research outputs found

    The Influence of Hydrocarbon-Oxidizing Auxin-Producing Bacteria on the Growth, Biochemical Parameters, and Hormonal Status of Barley Plants in the Process of Bioremediation of Oil-Contaminated Soil

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    Взаимосвязи бактерий и растений в процессе биоремедиации почв, загрязненных нефтью, уделяется много внимания, однако воздействие бактерий-деструкторов нефти, синтезирующих фитогормоны, на содержание и распределение этих соединений в самих растениях, исследовано слабо. Целью полевого опыта было изучение влияния углеводородокисляющих бактерий, продуцирующих ауксины, на ростовые, биохимические показатели и гормональный статус растений ячменя в присутствии нефти и перспективы применения их ассоциаций для очистки почвы, содержащей нефть (в среднем 2,7 %). Обработка растений штаммами Enterobacter sp. UOM 3 и Pseudomonas hunanensis IB C7 приводила к увеличению длины и массы корней и побегов, индекса листовой поверхности и улучшению показателей элементов структуры урожая, которые были угнетены под воздействием поллютанта. В результате бактеризации повышалось содержание хлорофилла, флавоноидов и снижалось количество пролина. Наиболее заметным проявлением влияния бактерий на гормональную систему растений было уменьшение накопления абсцизовой кислоты. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о том, что интродукция микроорганизмов ослабляла для растений негативные последствия абиотического стресса, вызванного присутствием нефти. Совместное применение бактерий-нефтедеструкторов и растений эффективнее снижало содержание углеводородов в почве и увеличивало ее микробиологическую активность по сравнению с использованием их по отдельности. Изученные микробно-растительные комплексы признаны перспективными для биоремедиации нефтезагрязненных почвExtensive research has been done to investigate the relationship between bacteria and plants in the process of bioremediation of soils contaminated with oil, but the effect of oil-degrading bacteria that synthesize phytohormones on the content and distribution of these compounds in plants has been poorly studied. The aim of the field experiment was to study the effect of hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria producing auxins on the growth, biochemical parameters, and hormonal status of barley plants in the presence of oil and the prospects for using bacterial-plant associations for treating soil that contains oil (2.7 %, on average). Treatment of plants with cultures of Enterobacter sp. UOM 3 and Pseudomonas hunanensis IB C7 led to an increase in the length and mass of roots and shoots and the leaf surface index and an improvement in the parameters of the components of the crop structure that were suppressed by the pollutant. As a result of bacterization, the contents of chlorophyll and flavonoids increased, and the amount of proline decreased. The most noticeable effect of bacteria on the hormonal system of plants was a decrease in the accumulation of abscisic acid. The data obtained indicate that the treatment of plants with bacterial cultures alleviated the negative consequences of abiotic stress caused by the presence of oil for plants. The use of oil-degrading bacteria and plants in combination rather than separately more effectively reduced the content of hydrocarbons in the soil and increased its microbiological activity. The microbial-plant combinations studied in this work are regarded as promising for the bioremediation of oil-contaminated soil

    A Case of an Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Causing Infiltrative Optic Neuropathy and Carcinomatous Meningitis

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    Gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma is known as one of the most difficult malignancies to treat. The development of carcinomatous meningitis from it is extremely rare and indicates poor prognosis. This case report describes diagnostic challenges in a patient with an esophageal adenocarcinoma causing infiltrative optic neuropathy and carcinomatous meningitis

    Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (PDF)

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    Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (Video)

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    A 61-year-old woman, active smoker with history of COPD, presented with bilateral progressive vision loss and ataxia. Four months prior to her presentation she developed "black spot" in her right eye (OD) and was found to have "OD disc edema and right hypertropia" by an outside ophthalmologist. She was admitted to the hospital where she had a brain MRI that was interpreted as normal. Lumbar puncture showed elevated CSF white cells and protein. CSF cultures were negative. She was diagnosed with viral meningitis and treated supportively with subjective improvement of vision. Over the next three months she developed progressive bilateral vision loss and severe ataxia to the point that she was not able to ambulate without a walker. On presentation to our neuro-ophthalmology clinic, her best corrected visual acuities were 20/60-2 OD and 3/200 OS, she missed 6.5 Richmond color plates OD and was unable to see the control plate OS. She had a left relative afferent pupillary defect. Her extraocular motility was full, and she had downbeat nystagmus. The external and anterior segment exams were normal. On funduscopic exam, she had bilateral moderate optic disc edema. Automated perimetry showed an inferonasal defect OD and generalized depression OS. The rest of her neurological exam was notable for dysmetria with left heel-to-shin probe and severe swaying in all directions when standing. She was unable to take any steps due to imbalance.ICparaneoplasticautoimmun

    Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (Slides)

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    A 61-year-old woman, active smoker with history of COPD, presented with bilateral progressive vision loss and ataxia. Four months prior to her presentation she developed "black spot" in her right eye (OD) and was found to have "OD disc edema and right hypertropia" by an outside ophthalmologist. She was admitted to the hospital where she had a brain MRI that was interpreted as normal. Lumbar puncture showed elevated CSF white cells and protein. CSF cultures were negative. She was diagnosed with viral meningitis and treated supportively with subjective improvement of vision. Over the next three months she developed progressive bilateral vision loss and severe ataxia to the point that she was not able to ambulate without a walker. On presentation to our neuro-ophthalmology clinic, her best corrected visual acuities were 20/60-2 OD and 3/200 OS, she missed 6.5 Richmond color plates OD and was unable to see the control plate OS. She had a left relative afferent pupillary defect. Her extraocular motility was full, and she had downbeat nystagmus. The external and anterior segment exams were normal. On funduscopic exam, she had bilateral moderate optic disc edema. Automated perimetry showed an inferonasal defect OD and generalized depression OS. The rest of her neurological exam was notable for dysmetria with left heel-to-shin probe and severe swaying in all directions when standing. She was unable to take any steps due to imbalance

    Self-attitude and coping-strategies of children with eating disorders

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    Nowadays, the topic of eating behavior is becoming more and more popular. People with deviant forms of eating are described as mysterious “THEY” who deceive a lot in order to hide the true form of eating and deep feelings about this, are tyrants in their families, strive for perfection and are extremely difficult to treat. This paper focuses on the attitudes of patients with eating disorders and their habitual strategies for coping with stress behavior. The study is based on the question: are there differences in self-attitudes and coping strategies among adolescents with different eating behaviors