133 research outputs found

    An entropy based heuristic model for predicting functional sub-type divisions of protein families

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    Multiple sequence alignments of protein families are often used for locating residues that are widely apart in the sequence, which are considered as influential for determining functional specificity of proteins towards various substrates, ligands, DNA and other proteins. In this paper, we propose an entropy-score based heuristic algorithm model for predicting functional sub-family divisions of protein families, given the multiple sequence alignment of the protein family as input without any functional sub-type or key site information given for any protein sequence. Two of the experimented test-cases are reported in this paper. First test-case is Nucleotidyl Cyclase protein family consisting of guanalyate and adenylate cyclases. And the second test-case is a dataset of proteins taken from six superfamilies in Structure-Function Linkage Database (SFLD). Results from these test-cases are reported in terms of confirmed sub-type divisions with phylogeny relations from former studies in the literature

    Optimization of morphological data in numerical taxonomy analysis using genetic algorithms feature selection method

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    Studies in Numerical Taxonomy are carried out by measuring characters as much as possible. The workload over scientists and labor to perform measurements will increase proportionally with the number of variables (or characters) to be used in the study. However, some part of the data may be irrelevant or sometimes meaningless. Here in this study, we introduce an algorithm to obtain a subset of data with minimum characters that can represent original data. Morphological characters were used in optimization of data by Genetic Algorithms Feature Selection method. The analyses were performed on an 18 character*11 taxa data matrix with standardized continuous characters. The analyses resulted in a minimum set of 2 characters, which means the original tree based on the complete data can also be constructed by those two characters

    A new phase in Turkey-EU relations: the refugee deal

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    The process of a common migration policy of the European Union goes back to 1980s. It has started with the Single European Act and Schengen Agreement. The migration policy strengthened with further agreements- the Maastricht Treaty and the Amsterdam Treaty. However, these regulations did not create a desirable solution to Syrian refugee crisis. Even though the EU imposed new policies to the crisis such as resettlement and relocation with hotspots, the crisis continued. Therefore a new policy such as the refugee deal was introduced. The deal seems to be an outcome of negotiations of various actors on the same crisis with separate interest. Upon the data taken from ESI, it seems that the deal was successful for following months however future consequences of the deal are not predictable. All these initiatives of the EU for Syrian refugee crisis indicate that the EU has a migration policy that needed to be updated with in accordance with the current crisis. With each crisis, the EU experiences its missing point which led to new policies for further integration for the EU. Syrian refugee crisis would also lead to such an integration process

    Structural change and industrial policy in Turkey

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    This paper presents evidence on structural change in Turkey and provides an overview of the evolution of industrial policy in the last three decades. Turkey has experienced substantial growth in labor productivity in the last decade. About two thirds of the increase in aggregate labor productivity arises from reallocation of employment from low to high productivity sectors and one third from productivity increases within sectors. Decomposition of productivity growth using micro-data also reveals an important contribution from reallocation. We also document substantial change in the composition of exports. We argue that structural change was not a direct result of selective industrial policy, simply because the incentive system displayed little sectoral selectivity during the period when major structural change took place

    Görüntü işleme teknikleri kullanılarak göz kırpma hareketleriyle tekerlekli sandalye simülatörü kontrolü

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    Görüntü işleme, bilgisayarla bütünleşik olarak birçok endüstriyel ve teknolojik uygulamalarda kullanılabilen bilgisayar çalışmasıdır. Dijital ortama aktarılan görüntülerin sayısal verileri kullanılarak iyileştirilmiş veya değiştirilmiş birbirinden farklı görüntüler elde edilebilmektedir. Aynı zamanda görüntü işleme tekniklerinden faydalanılarak nesne tanıma işlemleri de gerçekleştirilebilmektedir. Görüntü işleme sistemi yüz tanıma sistemlerinde sahteciliğe karşı koruma için de kullanılabilir. Göz kırpılmalarının algılanması, operatör olarak çalışan kişilerin dikkatini izleyen sistemlerde önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, görüntü işleme teknikleri kullanılarak tespit edilen yüz bölgesinden OpenCv ve Dlib kütüphaneleri kullanılarak göz ve kaş unsurları ayrıştırılıp elde edilen veriler işlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Python programlama dili ile yazılım algoritmaları oluşturulmuştur. Yapılan filtrelemeden elde edilen göz kırpma algılama işlemleri göz bölgesinde herhangi bir rahatsızlık olmayan kişiler üzerinde test edilmiştir. Farklı ışık Lüx değerlerine sahip ışık ortamlarının göz kırpılmalarına olan etkileri Arduino ile geliştirilen LDR sensörü ile hesaplanmıştır. Aynı zamanda ışık kaynağının bulunduğu açının yüz hatlarının ve göz kırpılmalarına etkileri gözlemlenmiştir. Kamera açısının ve mesafesinin göz kırpılmalarının hesaplanmasına olan etkileri hesaplanmıştır. Uzun deneysel çalışmalar sonucunda elde edilen verilerin Raspberry Pi modülüne gönderilip hazırlanan algoritmalar ile tekerlekli sandalye yerine geçecek mini robotun kontrolü sağlanmıştır.Image processing is a computer work that can be used in many industrial and technological applications, integrated with the computer. By using the numerical data of the images transferred to the digital environment, improved or modified images can be obtained. At the same time, object recognition processes can be performed by using image processing techniques. The image processing system can also be used for counterfeiting protection in face recognition systems. Detection of blinks is important in systems that monitor the attention of operators. In this study, the data obtained by separating eye and eyebrow elements from the face region determined by using image processing techniques, using OpenCv and Dlib libraries were tried to be processed. Software algorithms were created with the Python programming language. Blink detection processes obtained from filtering have been tested on people who do not have any discomfort in the eye area. The effects of light environments with different light Lux values on blinking were calculated with the LDR sensor developed with Arduino. At the same time, the effects of the angle of the light source on facial features and blinking were observed. The effects of camera angle and distance on the calculation of blinks were calculated. The data obtained as a result of long experimental studies was sent to the Raspberry Pi module and the control of the mini robot, which will replace the wheelchair, was provided with the prepared algorithms

    The effect of material properties and isolation system on thermal bridge behavior

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    Enerji tüketiminin azaltılması ülkelerin gelişimi için çok önemlidir. Yapılarda enerji tüketimi bu nedenle büyük önem arz etmektedir. Binalarda ısı kaybını azaltmak için ısı köprülerini, ısı köprülerini oluşturan yalıtım sisteminin etkilerini ve kullanılan malzemenin davranışlarını çok iyi bilmek gerekmektedir. Bu çalışma, teras katlarda beton, duvar ve yalıtım malzemelerinin ısıl iletkenlik katsayılarının değişiminin ısı köprüsüne etkilerini incelenmektedir. Bunun için literatürden farklı olarak Türkiye'de betonarme binaların teras katları için en sık kullanılan 9 kesit üzerinde inceleme gerçekleştirilmiştir. "Yalıtım sistemi, beton ve/veya duvar malzemesinin değişiminin ısı köprüsüne etkisi ne olmaktadır?" sorusuna yanıt aranmıştır. Hesaplamalar TS 825'te belirtilen birinci derece gün bölgesi için sıvalı durum göz önünde bulundurularak yapılmış olup farklı yalıtım çeşitlerinde duvar-döşeme-kiriş birleşimlerinin Hesaplamalarda gerçeğe yakın değerler veren ve sonlu elemanlar metodunu kullanan, QuickField 5.6 programından yararlanılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları ile ısı köprülerinde beton, duvar ve yalıtım malzemelerinin ısıl iletkenlik değerlerinin değişiminin iki boyutlu olarak nasıl değiştiği görülmektedir. En büyük ısı kaybı, betonun ısıl iletkenlik katsayısının artması sonucunda elde edilmektedir. Ayrıca elde edilen sonuçlarla teras katlarda kullanılan yalıtım çeşitlerinin hangisinin daha verimli olduğu sorularına da yanıt verilmektedir.Reducing the energy consumption is very important for the development of the countries. For this reason, energy consumption at the buildings is very important. It is necessary to know behaviours of thermal bridges, affects at insulation system utilized and materials constituting the thermal bridges very well to cut down thermal loss in buildings, this study searches affects at change in the thermal conductivity coefficients of concrete, wall and insulation materials used in the terrace floors on the thermal bridges . For this reason, apart from literature, examination on 9 insulation sections most frequently used for the terrace floors at reinforced concrete buildings in Turkey were realized. What is the effect of changes at insulation system and/or the concrete and the wall materials on the thermal bridge?". Answers to this question was researched. Calculations were made for temperature and heat flux distributions at wall-floor-beam combinations at different insulation states considering plastered state for first degree day area, as mentioned in TS825 Standard. For the calculations, QuickField 5.6 program, which gives realistic values and utilizes finite elements method was used. With the results of this study, it was seen how the behavior of the variance of the concrete, wall and insulation heat conductivity values at the thermal bridges changes in a two-dimensional way. As a result of the calculations, the biggest heat loss was obtained when thermal conductivity coefficient of the concrete increased. Besides, answers are given to questions such as which is the most productive section used in terrace floors?

    Sıçrama yapan şirketler (Leapfrogging firms)

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    Testing robustness of relative complexity measure method constructing robust phylogenetic trees for Galanthus L. Using the relative complexity measure

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    Background: Most phylogeny analysis methods based on molecular sequences use multiple alignment where the quality of the alignment, which is dependent on the alignment parameters, determines the accuracy of the resulting trees. Different parameter combinations chosen for the multiple alignment may result in different phylogenies. A new non-alignment based approach, Relative Complexity Measure (RCM), has been introduced to tackle this problem and proven to work in fungi and mitochondrial DNA. Result: In this work, we present an application of the RCM method to reconstruct robust phylogenetic trees using sequence data for genus Galanthus obtained from different regions in Turkey. Phylogenies have been analyzed using nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences. Results showed that, the tree obtained from nuclear ribosomal RNA gene sequences was more robust, while the tree obtained from the chloroplast DNA showed a higher degree of variation. Conclusions: Phylogenies generated by Relative Complexity Measure were found to be robust and results of RCM were more reliable than the compared techniques. Particularly, to overcome MSA-based problems, RCM seems to be a reasonable way and a good alternative to MSA-based phylogenetic analysis. We believe our method will become a mainstream phylogeny construction method especially for the highly variable sequence families where the accuracy of the MSA heavily depends on the alignment parameters