4 research outputs found

    Mathematical model of endothelial cell proliferation and maturation

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    Angiogeneza jest jedna z cech charakterystycznych raka. Lepsze ilosciowe zrozumienie tego procesu pozwoliłoby na opracowanie skuteczniejszych terapii antyangiogennych. Postawiono hipoteze, ze nie tylko liczba komórek sródbłonka, ale takze jakosc układu naczyniowego, odgrywa wazna role w sposobie, w jaki chemio- iradioterapie sa dostarczane do guza. W zwiazku z tym rozwazamy minimalnie sparametryzowany matematyczny model proliferacji i dojrzewania komórek sródbłonka. Komórki sródbłonka dziela sie na dwa rodzaje - dojrzałe i niedojrzałe (lub proliferujace). Zakłada sie, ze komórki ulegaja samoistnemu dojrzewaniu, podczas gdy utracie jakosci naczyn krwionosnych posredniczy zewnetrzny czynnik wzrostu (tutaj VEGF). Rozwazany model został dopasowany do danych eksperymentalnych. Pokazuje on, w jaki sposób hamowanie VEGF prowadzi do lepszej jakosci układu naczyniowego i wolniejszej proliferacji.Blood vessel sprouting (angiogenesis) is one of the hallmarks of cancer. Better quantitative understanding of this process would allow more effective antiangiogenic therapies to be developed. It has been hypothesised that not only the number of endothelial cells, but also the quality of the vasculature play an important role in how chemo- and radiotherapies are delivered to tumour site. Hence in this study a minimally-parametrised mathematical model of endothelial cell proliferation and maturation is developed. Endothelial cells are subdivided into two compartments -- mature and immature (or proliferating). The cells are assumed to undergo a self-mediated maturation, while loss of blood vessel quality is mediated by an external growth factor (here VEGF). The model is fitted to experimental data. The model shows how inhibition of VEGF results in better quality vasculature and slower proliferation

    Optymalne sterowanie w modelu radiochemioterapii uwzględniającym uwrażliwienie

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      In this work, we consider a simple mathematical model of radiochemotherapy which includes a term responsible for radiosensitization. We focus on finding theoretically optimal controls which maximise tumour cure probability for a finite, fixed therapeutic horizon. We prove that the optimal controls for both therapies are of 0-bang type, a result which is not altered by the inclusion of the radiosensilization term. By means of numerical simulations, we show that optimal control offers a moderate increase in survival time over a sequential treatment. We then revisit in more detail a question of measuring the synergy between the therapies by means of isobolograms, a common experimental technique for measuring the additivity of two treatments