35 research outputs found

    Sainfoin in the Dams’ Diet as a Source of Proanthocyanidins: Effect on the Growth, Carcass and Meat Quality of Their Suckling Lambs

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    Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) is a forage legume with a medium content of proanthocyani-dins (PAC), which may affect animal performance and product quality. The objective of the present study was to assess the effect of PAC from sainfoin fed to dams, using polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a blocking agent, on the performance and carcass and meat quality of their suckling male lambs. After lambing, twenty lactating dams were fed fresh sainfoin ad libitum plus 200 g per day of barley; ten were orally dosed with water (Sainfoin), and ten were dosed orally with a water dilution of 100 g PEG (Sainfoin + PEG). Their lambs (4.1 ± 0.64 kg at birth) suckled ad libitum until they reached the target slaughter weight of 10–12 kg. The presence of PAC in the dams’ diet did not affect the growth, blood metabolites and carcass weight and fatness of the suckling lambs but decreased the lightness of caudal fat (p < 0.05) and increased the weight of the digestive compartments (p < 0.05). Regarding the meat characteristics, PAC only decreased polyphenols content (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the presence of PAC in the dams’ diet had not significant effects on the performance and product quality of their suckling lambs. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Effect of Maternal Dietary Condensed Tannins from Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) on Gut Health and Antioxidant-Immune Crosstalk in Suckling Lambs

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    Ewes fed sainfoin (a source of condensed tannins "CT") may influence the homeostasis of the gastrointestinal tract of suckling lambs. This study investigated the effects of CT from sainfoin in the maternal diet on plasma fructosamine, faecal coccidian excretion, and gene expression of immune and antioxidant markers in jejunum and ileum of suckling lambs. Twelve Rasa Aragonesa lambs with their dams were selected. The maternal diet was based on fresh sainfoin (SAINFOIN, n = 6) and sainfoin + polyethylene-glycol (SAINFOIN + PEG, as a CT-binder, n = 6) plus a daily supplement of 200 g barley in both groups. A lower percentage of lambs that shed more than 10 oocysts/g faeces was observed in SAINFOIN compared to the SAINFOIN + PEG group (p = 0.07). Jejunal gene expression of transforming growth factor-β1, tumour necrosis factor-α, and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) 1 and 4 were lower in the SAINFOIN group (p < 0.05). In contrast, ileal catalase and GPX2 expression were increased in the SAINFOIN group (p < 0.05). Overall, the results suggest that the presence of CT in the dams' diets has a positive effect on reducing excreted coccidian oocysts and favours antioxidant-immune crosstalk at gut level in suckling lambs.This research was funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain and the European Regional Development Funds, grant number INIA RTA2017-00008-C02-01 and 02

    Inclusion of Sainfoin in the Concentrate of Finishing Lambs: Fatty Acid Profiles of Rumen, Plasma, and Muscle

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    The effects of sainfoin inclusion (Onobrychis viciifolia) in the finishing concentrate for light lambs on the fatty acid (FA) composition of the ruminal digesta, plasma, and meat were evaluated. Twenty-six weaned male lambs were divided into three groups and fed individually ad libitum for 40 days with one of three concentrates differing in the level of sainfoin inclusion: 0% (0SF), 20% (20SF), and 40% (40SF). The rumen digesta showed an increase in C18:3 n-3 concentration and a decrease in C18:1 t10 concentration when sainfoin was included in the concentrate regardless of the level of inclusion. However, the highest C18:1 t11 and the lowest C18:2 n-6 proportions were obtained only in the 40SF rumen, showing a stronger t11 biohydrogenation pathway. In plasma, most effects were associated with changes in the levels of polyunsaturated FA (PUFA) n-3. The meat FA profile of 40SF lambs presented higher percentages of PUFA n-3 and CLA c9,t11 and a lower PUFA n-6/PUFA n-3 ratio compared with those from 0SF and 20SF diets because of the potentiation of the ruminal t11 pathway. Inclusions of 20 and 40% sainfoin both showed beneficial effects on meat quality; furthermore, these effects were most marked in the 40% sainfoin diet.Este estudio ha contado con el apoyo del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, los Fondos de Desarrollo Regional de la Unión Europea (INIA RTA2017-00080-C02) y los Fondos de Grupos de Investigación del Gobierno de Aragón (A25_23R) además de el apoyo de una beca de doctorado del INIA-EFS (PRE2018-086670).Publishe

    Cambios en la biohidrogenación ruminal producidos por la inclusión de esparceta en el pienso de cebo de corderos

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    La inclusión de un 20 % y un 40 % de esparceta deshidratada en el pienso de corderos de cebo produjo cambios en el perfil de AG en el rumen, siendo estos efectos más marcados con la inclusión del 40 %, que podrían suponer la mejora del perfil de AG de la carne.Beca predoctoral PRE2018-086670 (AEI), proyecto RTA2017-8-C2-2, Gobierno de Aragón (A14_20R), personal técnico del Laboratorio de FMV-ULisboa y de Valoración Nutritiva y Digestibilidad del CITA, en especial A. Domínguez y M.A. Legua

    Nutrendo Anima e corpo. Itinerari di delizia tra le Ville Del Sacro Monte Sopra Varese/Feeding body and soul. Delightful journeys among villas in Sacro Monte above Varese

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    Con le sue architetture, il Liberty ha connotato il territorio Varesino dai primi del novecento fino alla prima guerra mondiale ed è ora una parte essenziale del paesaggio. Il territorio Liberty è il prodotto della stratificazione dell’intervento dell’uomo e di quello della natura, un tutt’uno dove natura e architettura sono elementi complementari coordinati in un disegno in cui la linea curva è l’elemento ordinatore di un disordine apparente. Accanto alle più famose architetture di Sommaruga, numerose Ville di delizia di notevole pregio e con grandi potenzialità di sviluppo costituiscono al momento un patrimonio architettonico estremamente vulnerabile, trattandosi spesso di edifici privati, classificabili come esempi minori meno conosciuti, non soggetti a vincoli ed esposti al rischio di demolizione e abbandono. Tali significative e pregevoli testimonianze dell’identità e della vocazione del luogo, caratterizzato anche dalla presenza di quattro siti UNESCO, fanno del Sacro Monte un’eccellenza che richiederebbe specifici progetti di tutela e valorizzazione turistico-culturale anche in vista di Expo 2015. Rafforzare la consapevolezza collettiva dei valori culturali ed estetici territoriali quali aspetti da preservare per assicurare il necessario benessere psicologico ed emotivo può costituire un passaggio essenziale nella direzione della concreta conservazione e salvaguardia del patrimonio paesaggistico e architettonico. La ricerca che ha portato alla pubblicazione di questo libro fa parte di un percorso di conoscenza, catalogazione e valorizzazione del sistema dei beni culturali finalizzato a suscitare l’attenzione e l’interesse del pubblico nei confronti di un’area di pregio naturalistico e artistico