17 research outputs found

    Efektivitas dan Persepsi Pelaksanaan Penyuluhan Pertanian pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19

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    This study aims (1) to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of agricultural extension and (2) to analyze farmers' perceptions of the implementation of the agricultural extension during the Covid 19 pandemic. The research was conducted in North Gorontalo Regency, through a survey method from June to September 2020. The sample of research respondents was 60 corn farmers who were taken by purposive sampling. To determine the effectiveness and perception of the research data, the analysis used semantic differential analysis. The results showed that the implementation of the agricultural extension during the Covid 19 pandemic was "effective" because it was carried out under the objectives of the counseling program and health protocol guidelines which had an impact on changing mindsets, attitudes, and abilities of farmers in managing farming during the Covid 19 pandemic. Farmers' perceptions of the implementation of the agricultural extension during the Covid 19 pandemic were “Good” because the implementation of the extension was based on the competence, independence, and motivation of the extension agents, which are key factors in the quality of agricultural extension personnel in achieving the objectives of the extension institution.Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) menganalisis efektivitas pelaksanaan penyuluhan pertanian dan (2) menganalisis persepsi petani terhadap pelaksanaan penyuluhan pertanian pada masa pandemi Covid 19. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara melalui metode survei pada bulan Juni sampai dengan September 2020. Sampel responden penelitian 60 orang petani yang diambil secara purposive sampling. Untuk mengetahui efektivitas dan persepsi data penelitian di analisis menggunakan semantic diferensial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan penyuluhan pertanian pada masa pandemi Covid 19 “Efektif” karena dilaksanakan sesuai dengan tujuan program penyuluhan dan petunjuk protokol kesehatan yang berdampak pada perubahan pola pikir, sikap dan kemampuan petani dalam mengelola usahatani pada masa pandemi Covid 19. Persepsi petani pada pelaksanaan penyuluhan pertanian di masa pandemi Covid 19 “Baik” karena pelaksanaan penyuluhan didasarkan pada kompetensi, kemandirian dan motivasi penyuluh yang merupakan faktor kunci kualitas sumber daya manusia penyuluh pertanian dalam mencapai tujuan dari lembaga penyuluhan

    Managerial competencies in agriculture

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    The purpose of this study is: (1) to identify competencies that can be applied to agricultural extension agents in agribusiness in the sub-district Kabila and sub-district Tilongkabila, and (2) to find out the factors that influence agricultural extension agents’ competence in agribusiness in the same sub-districts. The method used in this study is a survey method where data was collected through interviews and questionnaires. Results of this research found that, competency of agricultural extension agents in the Kabila and Tilongkabila sub-districts on agribusiness, have the ability to design educational programs, the ability to implement education programs and the ability to manage information dissemination. The factors that influence agricultural extension agents’ competence, are: knowledge, skills and attitudes of educators in designing educational programs, counseling programs to implement and manage agricultural field information.peer-reviewe

    Competency Development Model for Agricultural Instructors in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia

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    The purposes of this study are to analyze internal factors that can formulate a model of competence development of agriculture instructor in Gorontalo Province and to analyze the degree of relationship of internal factors that can formulate a model of competence development of agriculture instructor in Gorontalo Province. The research applied survey method. The model is verified by using analytical SEM (Structural Equation Model) through the LISREL (Linear Structural Relationships) program. The results show that there is an influence of variable characteristics, motivation and self-reliance towards agriculture instructor’s competency. Simultaneously, these three variables influence the competency of agriculture instructor as 0.74 units (74%) at significant ? = 0.05. There is a coefficient of relationship between variables, that is; the coefficient of relationship between the characteristics and self-reliance of extension agent, the coefficient of relationship between the characteristics and the motivation of extension agent and the motivation and self-reliance of the extension agent. Keyword: Competency, Characteristics, Motivation, Self-reliance, Agricultural Extensio


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi pendapatan keluarga petani dari usahatani kelapa, dan mengetahui tingkat distribusi pendapatan keluarga petani dari usahatani kelapa. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei. Teknik pengambilan sampel didasarkan pada pertimbangan kecamatan yang mempunyai potensi perkebunan kelapa yang di tarik purposive random sampling masing-masing dua Desa yang merupakan wilayah potensial perkebunan kelapa. Dari setiap desa ditarik secara acak sederhana 25 orang responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, besarnya kontribusi usahatani kelapa pada pendapatan keluarga petani adalah 53,6 % atau 4,77 juta rupiah per tahun (2.62 juta rupiah/ha). Sumber pendapatan di luar usahatani kelapa telah memperbaiki distribusi pendapatan keluarga petani yang ditunjukkan dengan semakin kecilnya nilai koefisien Gini. Koefisien Gini untuk pendapatan yang berasal dari kelapa sebesar 0,364, untuk pendapatan keseluruhan usahatani sebesar 0,329, sedangkan untuk seluruh pendapatan termasuk non usahatani 0,275.ABSTRACTThis research aims to know the contribution of income farm families of coconut farmer, and knowing the level of distribution of income farm families of coconut farmer. The method used is the method the survey. Sampling technique is based on the consideration of the district which had the potential of plantations are in random simple pull each of the two villages which are the potential areas of coconut plantations. From each village are pulled purposive random sampling 25 respondent. The results showed, the amount of contribution revenues from agribusiness coconut farmer in the family income is the 53.6% or 4.77 million rupiah per year (2.62 million rupiah/hectare). Other sources of income outside of farming has coconut farming families improve income distribution as indicated by the small value of the Gini coefficient. Gini coefficient for income derived from oil of 0.364, for overall farm income amounted to 0.329, while for all, including non-farm income of 0.275


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    Pemberdayaan merupakan upaya untuk membantu masyarakat agar dapat menolong diri merekasendiri atau upaya untuk memimpin masyarakat agar belajar memimpin diri mereka sendiri, sehinggamasyarakat tersebut dapat memecahkan masalahnya sendiri sesuai dengan kemampuansumberdaya lokal yang ada dalam masyarakat tersebut. Kemiskinan merupakan sebuah kondisiyang berada di bawah garis nilai standar kebutuhan minimum, baik untuk makanan maupun nonmakanan, yang di sebut garis kemiskinan atau batas kemiskinan. Pemberdayaan Masyarakatmelalui PNPM Mandiri pada hakekatnya adalah gerakan nasional dalam wujud pembangunanberbasis masyarakat yang menjadi kerangka kebijakan serta acuan dan pedoman bagi pelaksanaanberbagai program pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam rangka penanggulangan kemiskinan.Kata Kunci: Pemberdayaan, Kemiskinan, Program PNPM Mandiri

    Corn Commodity Value Chain Analysis and Strategy in Increasing Farmers’ Income in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia

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    The objectives of this study are to find out the profile of the potential agricultural resources particularly corn and to get the result of chain analysis of corn commodity value in Gorontalo Province. Besides, through a value chain analysis there are some important things can be formulated namely the strategy to strengthen the value chain, the proposed interventions, and the formulation of the development master plan which in turn will contribute to increase corn farmers’ income in this province. Descriptive quantitative method and SWOT analysis were used in this research. The results show that agricultural potential of corn in Gorontalo Province in 2012 consisted of: a. the harvested area was ??135,543 Hectare (ha), b. the production was 644,754 Ton, c. the productivity average was 47.57 Kw/ha, and d. the number of corn farmers was 165,858 or approximately 63.84% of 259.798 as the total farmers in Gorontalo province. The value chain analysis provides strategic issues in improving corn commodity consisting of three categories, they are: firstly; before planting, include: a. aspects of financial for the procurement of seed and fertilizer, b. land clearing disregarding the environmental aspects. Secondly; cultivation, include: a. farmer’s knowledge of good farming practices, b. land conditions (slope), and the last is after planting, include: a. cash management, b. limitations of post-harvest facilities, c. farmers’ weak bargaining position on the selling price, and d. infrastructure and transportation of crops that still need to be developed. Besides, there are some barriers in the development of corn commodity in this province: first; the lack of integration between the corn production with industrial needs, second; weaknesses in the application of a good cultivation process and stages, third; post-harvested handling is not maximal yet due to the loss of some of the crops and the declining quality of corn, and fourth is the weaknesses of supporting institution capacity at the level of farmers group (POKTAN) and its associations (GAPOKTAN) which make farmers have weaker bargaining position, limited access to information, capital, and technological resources. Keywords: Chain analysis, Corn commodity value, Farmers’ incom

    Pengaruh Kompetensi pada Kinerja Penyuluh Pertanian dan Dampaknya pada Perilaku Petani Jagung

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    The purpose of this study are: (1) identify the influence of competence that can improve the performance of agricultural extension in the development of maize farming in the province of Gorontalo, (2) examine the influence of competence and performance of agricultural extension on the behavior of corn farmers in the province of Gorontalo and (3) study the impact of extension performance agriculture corn farmers on changing behaviors in Gorontalo.Research conducted in Gorontalo Province in February-April 2017. The study was "ex post facto," The smallest unit of observation is the agricultural extension numbering 118 persons. Data collected through interviews using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using LISREL 8.30 SEM program.Results showed the influence of competence on the performance of agricultural extension is influenced by the dimensions of counseling and leadership ability to plan extension. Variable competence of extension agents indirect influence on corn farmers' behavior changes, while the performance of agricultural extension through the dimensions of quality of appreciation of cultural diversity and quality of management information direct impact on farmer behavior with the influence coefficient of 0.83 unit. Impact of agricultural extension agent performance impact on changing behaviors through a dimension of competence corn farmers and farmers with farmer participation coefficient of determination (R2) equal to 69 percent.Keyword: Competence, performance, behavior farmer, extension agricultur

    Development Performance of Agriculture and Fisheries as Leading Program of Local Government and their Impact on People’s Lives in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia

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    This research discusses two problems, namely the construction performance of agricultural and fisheries development and (2) their impact on community. The research employed qualitative research. The results showed that attainment of agricultural performance in the last five years, gave a quite significant impact on community. Along with the extensive development of the harvest and production, especially for commodity corn, growing on average per year (2012-2016) of 54.8% reached 548,220 tons each year. Agricultural performance has given the economic impact to farmers, with contribution of agricultural sector in gross regional product of Gorontalo Province (30.35% per annum). For the fisheries sector, the fisheries development is shown by the last of five years (2012- 2016), both capture fisheries or fishing areas, the average growing 59,228.6 tons per year. The performance of this economic impact on fishing communities, demonstrated by the contribution of fisheries to GDP of the Province (2012-2016) of 20.06% per year, and per capita income grew an average of Rp 12.51% per year. The second performance of the program impact was significant for society, particularly in the field of education, which is shown by the development of the school's participation numbers, the rate of literacy, and the use of education facilities of community expenditure above 95%

    Respon Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman Cabai (Capsicum annum L.) Pada Pemberian PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria)

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    This research aims at investigating the growth and production response of Chili of Samiya variety based on Giving Dose of PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria). This research was done from March to June 2016 in Village of Tamboo, Sub-district of Tilongkabila, District of Bone Bolango, Gorontalo Province. This research applies Randomized Block Design with one factor consisting of 4 levels such as without dose, 5 ml/ liter dose, 10 ml/ liter dose and 15 ml/ liter dose. Research results show that treatments of PGPR doses have significant influence to growth and production of Chili in observations of 2 MST, 4 MST, 6 MST and 8 MST. Doses of 10 ml/ liter and 15 ml/ liter are the best treatments which are shown by heights of the plants in 10 ml/ liter dose are 14,16 cm, 24,46 cm, 48,83 cm, and 55,91 cm; amount of leaves are 6,95 strands, 24,91 strands, 69,79 strands, 156,91 strands; amount of chili is 23,53 and its weight is 378 gr per plot. Then, dose of 15 ml/ liter reveals the height of the plants which are 16,26 cm, 26,31 cm, 46,39 cm, and 58,24 cm; amount of leaves are 7 ,82 strands, 27,53 strands, 81,99 strands, and 197,74 strands; amount of chili is 28,4 and its weight is 397,75 gr per plot

    Farmers Community Empowerment through Institutional Strengthening of Rural Food Barn

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    Food insecurity is one of the crucial problems to solve. The research objectives are: (1) to describe the form of community empowerment farmers’ through institutional strengthening of rural food barn, (2) to explain the process of community empowerment farmers’ through institutional strengthening of rural food barn, and (3) to find out the constraints faced in the empowerment of peasant communities by strengthening institutional of rural food barn. The research was conducted in Huyula Subdistrict Mootilango Gorontalo, Indonesia, employing qualitative methods by selecting farmers who are using barns to store grain as food reserves. Data were collected through in-depth interview to the informant. The results showed that the empowerment of peasant communities by strengthening institutional food barns can be performed well based on the potential and capability of farmers. Thus the policy of strengthening institutional food barns rural effect on the empowerment of peasant communities in improving family welfare. This implies that Indonesian government still needs to strengthen institutional of of rural food barn to keep food security in broad sense