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Can a Uniform Civil Code Address Injustices for Muslim Women in India?
Despite a long history of legal pluralism, India attempts to unify its diversity by codifying religious personal laws. Indian law currently permits multiple family law systems to function, which respect the beliefs of tribal and religious communities. However, Islamic personal law has been accused of discriminating against women because Islam contains different rights for men and women in accordance with the Islamic Shari’ah law, derived from the Qur’an and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. Shari’ah law aims to foster equity between the genders and not strictly equal rights. Due to this, the application of personal laws within the Muslim community in India is argued to be the cause of injustices towards Muslim women, who are one of the marginalised groups in Indian society. The removal or restriction of the application of Muslim personal law is argued to be the remedy to such a situation. Governance of family law matters currently in Muslim personal law would be abrogated by the introduction of a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in India, irrespective of gender or religion. However, there are questions about the effectiveness of such a proposal to accomplish the goal of justice for Muslim women. Adding to existing literature on the topic of the UCC, personal laws and gender equality, this article takes a broader lens and argues that a UCC would only scratch the surface of what are multiple root causes of the injustices that Muslim women endure in India. The article argues that a UCC could not only exacerbate the injustices against Muslim women, but, crucially, would ignore the root causes of such injustices. The 21st Law Commission Report in 2018, in its assessment of the potential adoption of a UCC in India, flagged the ‘dangers of forcing uniformity’ on India’s diverse population. However, just four years later, the 22nd Law Commission Report of 2022 has taken up this debate once again. This article attempts to further the analysis of a UCC by addressing how the adoption of such a code might impact on the injustices Muslim women face in India. The article offers suggestions for ways forward to address the root causes of injustices that Muslim women face in Indian society
Polyradiculonévrite inflammatoire démyélinisante chronique révélant une thrombocytémie essentielle
La polyradiculonévrite inflammatoire démyélinisante chronique est une affection rare qui se caractérise par une neuropathie sensitivo-motrice démyélinisante, segmentaire et multifocale de mécanisme probablement dys-immunitaire et répondant à un traitement immunomodulateur. Une étiologie sous jacente est retrouvée dans près de 40 % des cas et peut être infectieuse, auto-immune ou tumorale que ce soit les néoplasies solides ou les hémopathies notamment les gammapathies monoclonales. Nous rapportons une association exceptionnelle de polyradiculonévrite inflammatoire démyélinisante chronique qui révèle une thrombocytémie essentielle.Key words: Polyradiculonévrite, thrombocytémie, affectio
Les pyélonephrites aigues de la femme enceinte: place du traitement médical et indications d’un drainage de la voie excrétrice supérieure (y’a-t-il des facteurs prédictifs cliniques, biologiques et radiologiques pour rendre le drainage licite?)
Les pyélonéphrites aigues gravidiques (PNAg) sont fréquentes et peuvent avoir des conséquences maternelles et foetales graves. Le but de notre étude était de déterminer les facteurs prédictifs cliniques, biologiques et radiologiques qui permettent de se limiter au traitement médical ou d'associer un drainage de la voie excrétrice supérieure dans la prise en charge des PNAg. Nous rapportons, de façon rétrospective une série de 26 cas dans les services d'Urologie et de Gynécologie de l'Hôpital Militaire d'Instruction Mohamed V de Rabat (Maroc) sur une période allant du 1er Janvier 2010 au 30 Aout 2012. Toutes les patientes avaient une PNAg symptomatique objectivée par l'ECBU et/ou l'échographie rénale. La fréquence de la pyélonéphrite aigue gravidique par rapport aux pyélonéphrites aigues en général a été de 27,95% avec une prédominance chez les primipares de 53,84%. Son pic de fréquence se situe à 73,08% pour les gestantes âgées de 19 à 37 ans ainsi qu'au troisième trimestre (77%) de la grossesse. La triade clinique fièvre, lombalgie, troubles mictionnels et l'échographie rénale sont les éléments importants du diagnostic. L'antibiothérapie probabiliste a été débuté d'emblée et adaptée en fonctions des résultats de l'examen cytobactériologique des urines. Sa durée est de trois à six semaines en fonction de l'évolution clinique. La protéine C réactive est un marqueur de progression de la maladie ou de l'efficacité thérapeutique. Les principaux facteurs prédictifs du drainage de la voie excrétrice supérieure sont: persistance de la symptomatologie clinique, du syndrome infectieux et des anomalies visibles à l'échographie rénale ainsi que l'altération de la fonction rénale. La montée de la sonde JJ est le principal traitement urologique. Le traitement médical repose sur l'antibiothérapie probabiliste qui sera adaptée Ultérieurement en fonction des résultats de l'antibiogramme. Les facteurs prédictifs d'un drainage de la VES sont: la persistance de la symptomatologie clinique, du syndrome infectieux et des anomalies visibles à l'échographie rénale ainsi que l'altération de la fonction rénale.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2
Effet du déficit hydrique sur la croissance, le rendement et l'efficience d'utilisation de l'eau chez la luzerne (Medicago sativa L.) au Tadla
The study of crop response to water deficit is important in areas where water resources are limited. This study was conducted over the period 2009-2011 with the aim to study the effect of water deficit on alfalfa productivity in the irrigated perimeter of Tadla. Under flood irrigation, four water regimes (100%, 80%, 60% and 40% ETc) were compared. Under drip irrigation, the same regimes were associated with spacing between ramps (50 cm and 75 cm). Observations were made on the soil, root system and dry biomass at each cut. The results showed that the average maximum biomass yield was 23.2 T.ha-1. The contribution of the spring cycles to annual yield varies from 55% under 100% ETc to 65% under 40% ETc. In addition to amount of water, alfalfa productivity depend also on the moment when water is applied within a cycle. The water use efficiency varies from one cycle to another and between seasons. It is highest in spring and lowest in winter. Drip irrigation, in comparison with flood irrigation, allows similar biomass yield but with less water and more agronomic efficiency.
Keywords: Alfalfa, Water deficit, Flood irrigation, Micro irrigation, Water use efficiency, Morocco.
L’étude de la réponse des cultures au déficit hydrique est importante dans les zones où les ressources en eau sont limitées. Cette étude a été réalisée sur la période 2009-2011 dans l’objectif d’étudier l’effet du déficit hydrique sur la productivité de la luzerne dans le périmètre de Tadla. Sous irrigation gravitaire, quatre régimes hydriques (100 %, 80 %, 60 % et 40 % ETc) ont été comparés. Sous irrigation localisée, ces mêmes régimes ont été associés à deux écartements entre rampes (50 cm et 75 cm). Les observations ont porté sur le sol, le système racinaire et la biomasse à chaque coupe. Les résultats ont montré que le rendement annuel maximal moyen obtenu est de 23,2 T.ha-1. La contribution des cycles de printemps au rendement annuel varie de 55% sous le régime 100% ETc à 65% sous 40% ETc. Les rendements de la luzerne dépendent, en plus des quantités d’eau apportées, de l’emplacement des apports à l’intérieur d’un cycle. L’efficience d’utilisation de l’eau varie d’un cycle à l’autre et d’une saison à l’autre. Elle est maximale au printemps et faible en hiver. L’irrigation localisée permet de réaliser des rendements similaires à l’irrigation gravitaire avec moins d’eau et plus d’efficience agronomique.
Mots clés: Luzerne, Déficit hydrique, Irrigation gravitaire, Micro irrigation, Efficience d’utilisation de l’eau, Maroc.
Économies d'énergie dans la production de blé tendre (Triticum aestivum) dans les systèmes de terres arides
The objectives of this study were to determine the energy consumption in soft wheat production, and evaluate the possibility of energy savings. For this purpose, data were collected from 81 farms applying questionnaires via face-to-face interviews. Energy expenditures per hectare (MJ/ha) and specific energy consumption (MJ/kg grain produced) for four types of farms were studied. Results indicate that the total energy consumption varies from 9.7 to 11.1 GJ/ha. The share of fertilizers, seeds and diesel represents respectively 43.8%, 27.7% and 18.6%. Specific energy consumption is found to be 3.05 MJ/kg for small scale farms and 3.37 MJ/kg for large scale farms. According to these results and to farmer’s attitudes, a prediction equation for each type of farm was established to analyze the possibility of energy saving. 8.6% for small scale farms, 20.6 % for large scale farm of total energy consumption could be saved by reducing the seed rate and fuel consumption. The potential energy that can be saved represents 29.6% of the total fuel consumed in soft wheat production. Specific energy consumption could also be reduced by 19.6 to 22.9%. Adoption of the options outlined above would reduce GHG emissions from Morocco’s soft wheat farming by an estimated 119.1 kte CO2 a year.
Keywords: Soft wheat, Energy balance, Energy saving, GHG emissionLes objectifs de cette étude consistent à évaluer la consommation d’énergie directe et indirecte lors la production du blé tendre. Pour cela, une enquête a été menée auprès de 81 exploitations agricoles réparties en 4 catégories. Les résultats indiquent que la consommation d’énergie par hectare varie de 9,7 à 11,1 GJ. Les fertilisants, les semences et carburant représentent respectivement 43,8%, 27,7% et 18,6% de la consommation totale. Quant à la consommation spécifique, elle varie de 3,05 à 3,37 MJ/kg. En tenant compte de ces résultats et aux attitudes des agriculteurs, des équations de prédiction de la consommation d’énergie ont été établies. Les résultats montrent que la réduction de la dose de semis et de la consommation en carburant mènent à une économie d’énergie variant de 8,6 à 20,6 % .Ce potentiel représente l’équivalent de 29,6 % de la consommation du carburant dans la production du blé tendre au Maroc. La consommation spécifique pourrait également être réduite de 19,6 à 22,9% .L’adoption de ces pratiques réduira l’émission des gaz à effet de serre de 119,1 Kte CO2 par an.
Mots-clés: Blé tendre, Énergie, Gaz à effet de serr
Numerical Comparison of Cruciform weld and Butt weld simulation and a Study of Fracture Mechanics on Two Types of Welds
The modeling of the welding is desirable to guess the deformation of the components during manufacture, the position and the magnitude of maximum residual stresses and to envisage metallurgical effects in specific zones. The welding are problems of complex modeling requiring the thermal and structural solutions. This has to lead to the development of several software packages and codes for simulation by finite elements. The welding condition, the properties of the structure and their interactions have significant influences on the thermal and structural responses (temperature history, distortion, and residual stress) in welded structures. This paper presents a finite element procedure for the prediction of welding-induced residual stresses and distortions. Comparison is made with tow numerical example. The first example is a butt welded joint of two plates, while the second is a Cruciform welded joint of two plates with four passes. Moreover, a comparison between the Cruciform weld and the butt-weld which we can obtain the parameters of the linear fracture mechanics; stress intensity factor K and energy release rate G
The use of multimodal approaches in the English literature classroom has gained popularity in recent years as a result of the surge in educational technology and an increase in social media use. Numerous studies have examined the impact of this phenomenon, but the focus is primarily on the effects on student learning. Much more needs to be known about the implementation of multimodal approaches and their impact on both English literature educators and students, as well as other aspects of English literature instruction. This article proposes a conceptual framework for a future study that seeks to examine the use of multimodal approaches in Malaysian tertiary-level English literature classrooms. The article begins with a review of the existing literature in the field, followed by an identification of the research gaps. The article then presents the research problem, the overall aim and objectives, followed by the methods used by the prospective study. The article concludes with the proposed conceptual framework and its pedagogical implications
Numerical Simulation of a Steel Weld Joint and Fracture Mechanics Study of a Compact Tension Specimen for Zones of Weld Joint
To evaluate the integrity of a structure consists to prove his ability to perform his mechanical functions for all modes of loading, normal or accidental, and throughout its lifespan. In the context of nuclear safety, for the most important welded structures such as the tank or the primary circuit, we consider that the presence of a degradation grouping several aspects, such as cracks which created during welding. We seek then, from the sizing, to show the mechanical strength for this degraded mode. We also seek; to show the mechanical strength of a structure in the presence of a crack when defects have been detected during an inspection, in this context, the fracture mechanics provides the necessary tools to analyze cracked components. Its purpose is to establish a fracture criterion to foreordain the loading margins in normal or accidental operating conditions. Each type of rupture must be the subject of a specific characterization
Input Type Effects On Students’ Written Narrative Responses
This pilot study examines the differences of second language learners’ written responses
when they are given two different input types with similar content. One input was through
written narrative or visual only input, where the learners need to read, and the other was a
performed narrative or audio-visual input, where learners need to watch. Learners were
then required to respond to the input by completing the narratives. Results showed that
there were no major discrepancies in terms of complete/incomplete storylines, length, and
number of dialogues, but revealed that the audio-visual input influenced learners more as
their responses have a stronger correspondence to the traits in the performance rather than
the written narrative
Prevalence and awareness of anabolic androgenic steroid use among male body builders in Jazan, Saudi Arabia
Purpose: To examine the prevalence and awareness of anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) use among male bodybuilders visiting gyms in Jazan region, Saudi Arabia.Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 500 male bodybuilders visiting gyms in the Jazan region of Saudi Arabia. Information on demographics, as well as the use of AAS, was included in a self-administered questionnaire.Results: The prevalence of AAS in Jazan was 31.0 % (95 % CI, 26.9 - 49.6), and it was higher among those in the 30 - 34 years 45.3 % (95 % CI, 36.9 - 54.0). Its prevalence was also significantly higher among athletes who received higher education 37.4% (95 % CI, 31.8 - 43.4). The most common types of AAS used are Deca-Durabolin (57.6 %) and testosterone (52 %). Thirty percent of the participants who used AAS suffered from depression and aggressive behavior while 18 % of them were hypertensive. The participants were not well aware of the adverse effects of anabolic steroids use.Conclusion: The prevalence of the anabolic steroids is high among bodybuilding males visiting gyms in Jazan region, Saudi Arabia. Health educational programs are required to increase the awareness about the side effects of anabolic steroids among bodybuilders.Keywords: Anabolic steroids, Bodybuilders, Deca-durabolin, Testosteron
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