670 research outputs found


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    In this paper, simple rational bounds for the functions f (x)/x or x/f (x) , where f (x) is circular or hyperbolic function are obtained. The inequalities thus established are sufficiently sharp. In particular, some new improved bounds of sinx/x, x/sinhx, x/tanx and tanhx/x are proposed

    Stringent bounds for the non-zero Bernoulli numbers

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    We present new several sharper and sharper lower and upper bounds for the non-zero Bernoulli numbers using Euler's formula for the Riemann zeta function. As a particular case, we determine the best possible constants α \alpha and β \beta such that the double inequality 2(2k)!π2k(22k1)32k(32kα)<B2k<2(2k)!π2k(22k1)32k(32kβ), \frac{2\cdot (2k)!}{\pi^{2k} (2^{2k}-1)}\frac{3^{2k}}{(3^{2k}-\alpha)} < \vert B_{2k} \vert < \frac{2\cdot (2k)!}{\pi^{2k} (2^{2k}-1)}\frac{3^{2k}}{(3^{2k}-\beta)}, holds for k=1,2,3,. k = 1, 2, 3, \cdots. Our main results refine the existing bounds of B2k \vert B_{2k} \vert in the literature.Comment: 8 page

    Developing climate change dimensions in Malaysia through tourists’ perception

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    Climate change has long since ceased to be a scientific curiosity and is no longer just one of many environmental and regulatory concerns. It is a growing crisis with economic, health and safety, food production, security and other dimensions. Shifting weather patterns for example, threaten food production through increased unpredictability of precipitation. Rising sea levels contaminate coastal freshwater reserves and increase the risk of catastrophic flooding. Climate change in Malaysia is usually associated with extreme weather and seasonality. Extreme weather variables include temperature, rainfall and to a certain extent, wind. Meanwhile, seasonality is always associated with dry and wet/monsoon season. This paper outlines the research experience that sets out to determine the dimension of climate change in Malaysia based on tourists’ perception. The establishment of these dimensions will provide structured framework for other researches. The exploratory nature of this research and its comprehensiveness employ both qualitative and quantitative techniques. The research suggests that there are five dimensions of climate change, which are humidity, rainfall, sea level, vegetation and activity. The outputs are expected to establish knowledge on how climatic dimensions affected the socio-economy of a country especially in the tourism industry and help policy-makers to strategise future adaptation planning and responding to the potential threats of climate change in order to achieve sustainable development

    MREAK : Morphological Retina Keypoint Descriptor

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    A variety of computer vision applications depend on the efficiency of image matching algorithms used. Various descriptors are designed to detect and match features in images. Deployment of this algorithms in mobile applications creates a need for low computation time. Binary descriptors requires less computation time than float-point based descriptors because of the intensity comparison between pairs of sample points and comparing after creating a binary string. In order to decrease time complexity, quality of keypoints matched is often compromised. We propose a keypoint descriptor named Morphological Retina Keypoint Descriptor (MREAK) inspired by the function of human pupil which dilates and constricts responding to the amount of light. By using morphological operators of opening and closing and modifying the retinal sampling pattern accordingly, an increase in the number of accurately matched keypoints is observed. Our results show that matched keypoints are more efficient than FREAK descriptor and requires low computation time than various descriptors like SIFT, BRISK and SURF

    Semi-Supervised Image-to-Image Translation

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    Image-to-image translation is a long-established and a difficult problem in computer vision. In this paper we propose an adversarial based model for image-to-image translation. The regular deep neural-network based methods perform the task of image-to-image translation by comparing gram matrices and using image segmentation which requires human intervention. Our generative adversarial network based model works on a conditional probability approach. This approach makes the image translation independent of any local, global and content or style features. In our approach we use a bidirectional reconstruction model appended with the affine transform factor that helps in conserving the content and photorealism as compared to other models. The advantage of using such an approach is that the image-to-image translation is semi-supervised, independant of image segmentation and inherits the properties of generative adversarial networks tending to produce realistic. This method has proven to produce better results than Multimodal Unsupervised Image-to-image translation

    Correction of idiopathic congenital talipes equinus varus by Ponseti technique in newborn

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    Background: Clubfoot is one of the commonest congenital anamoly. Though various modalities of treatment are available for this common disorder ranging from surgical release, distraction by external fixator to conservative methods none has proved to be standard for treatment.Methods: A study of 40 cases (62 feets) of clubfoot treatment was done at Post Graduate Institute of Swasthiyog Prathishthan, Miraj by Ponseti technique. Cavus was corrected in first manipulation by first metatarsal lift (supination) followed by forefoot adduction and heel varus in subsequent manipulation until abduction of 60-70 degree is achieved.Results: Post treatment evaluation of results was done. 75% feet had very good results, 20% had good results and 5% had poor results, 11% had relapse of deformity ranging from mild to severe. Two feets required retenotomy before casting, only one feet required RPMR.Conclusions: The Ponseti method of correction of clubfoot is a safe and effective treatment and radically decreases the need for extensive corrective surgeries and achieves functional pain free normal looking plantigrade feet with mobility and required no modified shoes

    Retrospective study on socio-demographic factors responsible for acceptance of IUCD among postpartum women

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    Background: Despite the availability of modern and scientific measures, unacceptably high numbers of maternal deaths still occur in developing countries. Spacing methods of family planning may avoid maternal and infant deaths. The Government of India launched postpartum IUCD (PPIUCD) services in the year 2000; although acceptance of Postpartum IUCD is a real concern.Methods: The retrospective study was conducted in rural government hospital in Maharashtra during 2016 - 2017. We analyzed sociodemographic variables and acceptance of Postpartum IUCD among postpartum women. The sample size was 595 (N=595). The sociodemographic factors studied included age, type of delivery, sex of newborn, socioeconomic status, educational status, etc.Results: The total postpartum women included in the study was 595, out of which, 202 (34%) accepted for postpartum IUCD whereas 393 (66%) rejected for the same. The most common age group was 20-25 years (65%), followed by age group 25-30 years (30%). Primipara was the comment group (45%) and normal vaginal delivery was common (95%). The educational status of both, the postpartum women and their husband, showed statistically significant association with acceptance of postpartum IUCD (p<0.05).Conclusions: The acceptance Postpartum IUCD was low (34%). The women’s and their husband’s educational status is an important factor in acceptance of Postpartum IUCD (p<0.05). Due attention should be given to enhancing educational level of women, also effective counselling both for pregnant woman and her husband during ANC is required