4 research outputs found
WASP-interacting Protein Is Important for Actin Filament Elongation and Prompt Pseudopod Formation in Response to a Dynamic Chemoattractant Gradient
The role of WASP-interacting protein (WIP) in the process of F-actin assembly during chemotaxis of Dictyostelium was examined. Mutations of the WH1 domain of WASP led to a reduction in binding to WIPa, a newly identified homolog of mammalian WIP, a reduction of F-actin polymerization at the leading edge, and a reduction in chemotactic efficiency. WIPa localizes to sites of new pseudopod protrusion and colocalizes with WASP at the leading edge. WIPa increases F-actin elongation in vivo and in vitro in a WASP-dependent manner. WIPa translocates to the cortical membrane upon uniform cAMP stimulation in a time course that parallels F-actin polymerization. WIPa-overexpressing cells exhibit multiple microspike formation and defects in chemotactic efficiency due to frequent changes of direction. Reduced expression of WIPa by expressing a hairpin WIPa (hp WIPa) construct resulted in more polarized cells that exhibit a delayed response to a new chemoattractant source due to delayed extension of pseudopod toward the new gradient. These results suggest that WIPa is required for new pseudopod protrusion and prompt reorientation of cells toward a new gradient by initiating localized bursts of actin polymerization and/or elongation
Human Genes That Limit AIDS
Discernable genetic variation among people and populations has an important role in infectious disease epidemics, including that of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Genetic association analysis of several large AIDS cohorts implicate 14 AIDS restriction genes, polymorphic variants in loci that regulate HIV-1 cell entry, acquired and innate immunity, and cytokine defenses to HIV-1. The influence and translational impact of these genes on individual and population sensitivity to AIDS is considerable