15 research outputs found

    Final results for the neutron β-asymmetry parameter A₀ from the UCNA experiment

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    The UCNA experiment was designed to measure the neutron β-asymmetry parameter A0 using polarized ultracold neutrons (UCN). UCN produced via downscattering in solid deuterium were polarized via transport through a 7 T magnetic field, and then directed to a 1 T solenoidal electron spectrometer, where the decay electrons were detected in electron detector packages located on the two ends of the spectrometer. A value for A0 was then extracted from the asymmetry in the numbers of counts in the two detector packages. We summarize all of the results from the UCNA experiment, obtained during run periods in 2007, 2008–2009, 2010, and 2011–2013, which ultimately culminated in a 0.67% precision result for A₀

    Биопсия сторожевого лимфатического узла при раке молочной железы с применением метода флуоресцентной визуализации красителя индоцианин зеленый

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    We presented the preliminary results of sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLN) using the method of fluorescent visualization with the indocyanine green. The study included 40 breast cancer patients with the prevalence of the cTis-2N0M0 process. 1 ml of Indocyanine Green (ICG) aqueous solution was administered periareolarly and subcutaneously from the tumor side with total drug dose of 5 mg. In the following few minutes the ICG trail along the lymphatic vessels was observed by its fluorescence in the infrared spectral range using a special camera with image transmitted to a computer screen. After the trail reached the axillary region and broke off, skin and subcutaneous tissue incision in axillary area was made, and the superficial fascia was dissected. The first contrasted lymph nodes were extracted. The incidence of SLN was 92.5%. Metastases were detected in 20% of cases. On average, it took 17.6 minutes to identify and remove the SLN. In 7 patients the use of the fluorescent SLN detection method was combined with radioisotope (Technefite 99m Tc colloid) – in all cases the same SLN was identified. The use of the ICG lymphotropic dye with the subsequent detection of SLN by the fluorescence method makes it possible to diagnose the status of SLN with a high degree of accuracy and can be comparable in effectiveness with the isotopic method. The specificities of lymphatic drainage were found out with the use of fluorescence lymphography: inverse dependence of the lymphatic drainage rate on the body mass index and breast size, and absence of dependence on degree of ptosis of breast.В работе представлены результаты исследования биопсии сторожевого лимфатического узла (СЛУ) с помощью метода флуоресцентной визуализации красителя индоцианин зеленый. В исследование были включены 40 больных раком молочной железы с распространенностью процесса сTis-2N0M0. 1 мл водного раствора красителя индоцианина зеленый вводили периареолярно внутрикожно и подкожно со стороны опухоли в дозе активного вещества 5 мг. В ближайшие минуты наблюдали движение красителя по лимфатическим путям в виде «дорожки» способом флуоресценции в инфракрасном спектре с помощью специальной камеры с передачей изображения на экран компьютера. После того, как дорожка достигала подмышечной области и обрывалась, производили разрез кожи и подкожной клетчатки в подмышечной области, рассекали поверхностную фасцию. Выделяли первые контрастиро ванные лимфатические узлы. Частота выявления СЛУ составила 92,5%, из них метастазы выявлены в 20% случаях. В среднем на этап идентификации и удаления СЛУ уходило 17,6 мин. У 7 больных комбинировали применение метода флуоресцентного (краситель ICG) определения СЛУ с радиоизотопным (коллоид Технефит 99m Tc) – во всех случаях идентифицировали одни и те же СЛУ. Применение лимфотропного красителя индоцианина зеленого с последующим выявлением СЛУ методом флуоресценции позволяет с высокой степенью точности диагностировать состояние СЛУ, а также сопоставимо по эффективности с изотопным методом. Выявлены осо бенности лимфооттока в молочной железе с помощью флуоресцентной лимфографии: обратная зависимость скорости лимфоотто ка от индекса массы тела и размера молочной железы, отсутствие зависимости от степени птоза железы

    Optimization of root canal system disinfection using laser

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    Relevance. When using drug irrigants during endodontic treatment it is not always possible to achieve complete disinfection in the root canals, as well as in periapical tissues. This literature review aims to identify the effectiveness of the disinfecting effect of lasers in the root canals compared to other protocols. Aim. To identify the effectiveness of using lasers as a disinfectant in the root canals. Materials and methods. The literature was selected through the following databases PubMed, Google Scholar, eLibrary and Embase (Elsevier). Keywords that were used: lasers, endodontics, disinfection, photodynamic therapy. The search was limited to English and Russian language publications published from 2001 to 2018.Results. A total of 49 articles were identified. After their selection by the criteria of inclusion and removal of duplicate articles, the total number became 12.Conclusions. Lasers are effective as disinfectants in root canals, especially erbium lasers. The best activity is observed when they are used together with NaOCl. It should also be remembered that if we used lasers incorrectly, they can harm healthy tissues

    Sentinel lymph node biopsy for breast cancer using indocyanine green fluorescence visualization

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    We presented the preliminary results of sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLN) using the method of fluorescent visualization with the indocyanine green. The study included 40 breast cancer patients with the prevalence of the cTis-2N0M0 process. 1 ml of Indocyanine Green (ICG) aqueous solution was administered periareolarly and subcutaneously from the tumor side with total drug dose of 5 mg. In the following few minutes the ICG trail along the lymphatic vessels was observed by its fluorescence in the infrared spectral range using a special camera with image transmitted to a computer screen. After the trail reached the axillary region and broke off, skin and subcutaneous tissue incision in axillary area was made, and the superficial fascia was dissected. The first contrasted lymph nodes were extracted. The incidence of SLN was 92.5%. Metastases were detected in 20% of cases. On average, it took 17.6 minutes to identify and remove the SLN. In 7 patients the use of the fluorescent SLN detection method was combined with radioisotope (Technefite 99m Tc colloid) – in all cases the same SLN was identified. The use of the ICG lymphotropic dye with the subsequent detection of SLN by the fluorescence method makes it possible to diagnose the status of SLN with a high degree of accuracy and can be comparable in effectiveness with the isotopic method. The specificities of lymphatic drainage were found out with the use of fluorescence lymphography: inverse dependence of the lymphatic drainage rate on the body mass index and breast size, and absence of dependence on degree of ptosis of breast