75 research outputs found

    Observation of Large Atomic-Recoil Induced Asymmetries in Cold Atom Spectroscopy

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    The atomic recoil effect leads to large (25 %) asymmetries in simple spectroscopic investigations of Ca atoms that have been laser-cooled to 10 microkelvin. Starting with spectra from the more familiar Doppler-broadened domain, we show how the fundamental asymmetry between absorption and stimulated emission of light manifests itself when shorter spectroscopic pulses lead to the Fourier transform regime. These effects occur on frequency scales much larger than the size of the recoil shift itself, and have not been observed before in saturation spectroscopy. These results are relevant to state-of-the-art optical atomic clocks based on freely expanding neutral atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Strong light-matter coupling: parametric interactions in a cavity and free-space

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    We consider parametric interactions of laser pulses in a coherent macroscopic ensemble of resonant atoms, which are possible in the strong coupling regime of light-matter interaction. The spectrum condensation (lasing at collective vacuum Rabi sidebands) was studied in an active cavity configuration. Parametric interactions under the strong light-matter coupling were proved even in free space. In contrast to bichromatic beats in a cavity, they were shown to appear due to interference between polaritonic wave packets of different group velocities.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Atomic clocks with suppressed blackbody radiation shift

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    We develop a nonstandard concept of atomic clocks where the blackbody radiation shift (BBRS) and its temperature fluctuations can be dramatically suppressed (by one to three orders of magnitude) independent of the environmental temperature. The suppression is based on the fact that in a system with two accessible clock transitions (with frequencies v1 and v2) which are exposed to the same thermal environment, there exists a "synthetic" frequency v_{syn} (v1-e12 v2) largely immune to the BBRS. As an example, it is shown that in the case of ion 171Yb+ it is possible to create a clock in which the BBRS can be suppressed to the fractional level of 10^{-18} in a broad interval near room temperature (300\pm 15 K). We also propose a realization of our method with the use of an optical frequency comb generator stabilized to both frequencies v1 and v2. Here the frequency v_{syn} is generated as one of the components of the comb spectrum and can be used as an atomic standard.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Zeeman slowers made simple with permanent magnets in a Halbach configuration

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    We describe a simple Zeeman slower design using permanent magnets. Contrary to common wire-wound setups no electric power and water cooling are required. In addition, the whole system can be assembled and disassembled at will. The magnetic field is however transverse to the atomic motion and an extra repumper laser is necessary. A Halbach configuration of the magnets produces a high quality magnetic field and no further adjustment is needed. After optimization of the laser parameters, the apparatus produces an intense beam of slow and cold 87Rb atoms. With a typical flux of 1 - 5 \times 10^10 atoms/s at 30 ms^-1, our apparatus efficiently loads a large magneto-optical trap with more than 10^10 atoms in one second, which is an ideal starting point for degenerate quantum gases experiments.Comment: 8+6 pages (article + appendices: calculation details, probe and oven description, pictures), 18 figures, supplementary material (movie, Mathematica programs and technical drawings

    All-Optical Switching Demonstration using Two-Photon Absorption and the Classical Zeno Effect

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    Low-contrast all-optical Zeno switching has been demonstrated in a silicon nitride microdisk resonator coupled to a hot atomic vapor. The device is based on the suppression of the field build-up within a microcavity due to non-degenerate two-photon absorption. This experiment used one beam in a resonator and one in free-space due to limitations related to device physics. These results suggest that a similar scheme with both beams resonant in the cavity would correspond to input power levels near 20 nW.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Paraffin coated rubidium cell with an internal atomic vapor source

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    We present the results of a study on relaxation and diffusion processes of rubidium atoms in a rubidium cell with an internal vapor source. The cell is an evacuated glass bulb, which is characterized in that the source of atomic vapors in the form of a metal film Rb is evenly distributed throughout the inner surface of the bulb, and the paraffin film is uniformly distributed over the entire area and over the metal surface. By using laser optical pumping, we performed measurements of the relaxation time and the average number of bounces of optical pumped rubidium atoms in the bulb. We have measured the adsorption time of rubidium atoms by paraffin coating and rubidium atoms diffusion coefficient in paraffin used. A simple model of the pumping and atomic diffusion processes in the cell is discussed as well.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Coherent interaction of laser pulses in a resonant optically dense extended medium under the regime of strong field-matter coupling

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    Nonstationary pump-probe interaction between short laser pulses propagating in a resonant optically dense coherent medium is considered. A special attention is paid to the case, where the density of two-level particles is high enough that a considerable part of the energy of relatively weak external laser-fields can be coherently absorbed and reemitted by the medium. Thus, the field of medium reaction plays a key role in the interaction processes, which leads to the collective behavior of an atomic ensemble in the strongly coupled light-matter system. Such behavior results in the fast excitation interchanges between the field and a medium in the form of the optical ringing, which is analogous to polariton beating in the solid-state optics. This collective oscillating response, which can be treated as successive beats between light wave-packets of different group velocities, is shown to significantly affect propagation and amplification of the probe field under its nonlinear interaction with a nearly copropagating pump pulse. Depending on the probe-pump time delay, the probe transmission spectra show the appearance of either specific doublet or coherent dip. The widths of these features are determined by the density-dependent field-matter coupling coefficient and increase during the propagation. Besides that, the widths of the coherent features, which appear close to the resonance in the broadband probe-spectrum, exceed the absorption-line width, since, under the strong-coupling regime, the frequency of the optical ringing exceeds the rate of incoherent relaxation. Contrary to the stationary strong-field effects, the density- and coordinate-dependent transmission spectra of the probe manifest the importance of the collective oscillations and cannot be obtained in the framework of the single-atom model.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.
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