3 research outputs found

    Modeling the impact of school reopening and contact tracing strategies on COVID-19 dynamics in different epidemiologic settings in Brazil

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    This study was funded by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) - Process # 402834/2020-8 (request for proposals MCTIC/CNPq/FNDCT/MS/SCTIE/Decit Number 07/2020). The funding sources played no role in the study design; collection, analysis, or interpretation of the data; writing the report, or decision to submit the paper for publication. MEB received a technological and industrial scholarship from CNPq (grant number 315854/2020-0). LSF received a masters scholarship from Coordination of Superior Level Staff Improvement (CAPES) (finance code 001). SP was supported by Sao Paulo State Research Support Foundation (FAPESP) (grant number: 2018/24037-4). CF was supported by FAPESP (grant number: 2019/26310-2 and 2017/26770-8). RAK has been supported by CNPq (grant number: 311832/2017-2) and FAPESP (contract number: 2016/01343-7). PIP has been supported by CNPq (grant number: 313055/2020-3). RSK has been supported by CNPq (proc. 312378/2019-0). MQMR received a postdoctoral scholarship from CAPES (grant number 305269/2020-8). CMT has been supported by CNPq productivity fellowship and the National Institute of Science and Technology for Health Technology Assessment (IATS) (proc: 465518/2014-1). AMB received a technological and industrial scholarship from CNPq (grant number 402834/2020-8). LMS received a technological and industrial scholarship from CNPq (grant number 315866/2020-9). JAFD-F has been supported by CNPq productivity fellowship and the National Institutes for Science and Technology in Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity Conservation (INCT-EEC), supported by MCTIC/CNPq (proc. 465610/2014-5) and FAPEG (proc. 201810267000023).Preprin