146 research outputs found

    Biexciton generation rates in CdSe nanorods are length independent

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    We study how shape affects multiexciton generation (MEG) rates in a semiconducting nanocrystal by considering CdSe nanorods with varying diameters and aspect ratios. The calculations employ an atomistic semiempirical pseudopotential model combined with an efficacious stochastic approach applied to systems containing up to 20,000 atoms. The effect of nanorod diameter and aspect ratio on multiexciton generation rates is analyzed in terms of the scaling of the density of trion states and the scaling of the Coulomb couplings. Both show distinct scaling from spherical nanocrystals leading to a surprising result where the multiexciton generation rates are roughly independent of the nanorod aspect ratioComment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Stochastic method for calculating the ground state reduced density matrix of trapped Bose particles in one dimension

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    The reduced density matrix (RDM) is a fundamental contraction of the Bose-Einstein condensate wave function, encapsulating its one-body properties. It serves as a major analysis tool with which the condensed component of the density can be identified. Despite its cardinal importance, calculating the ground-state RDM of trapped interacting bosons is challenging and has been fully achieved only for specific models or when the pairwise interaction is weak. In this paper we discuss a new approach to compute the RDM based on a double-walker diffusion Monte Carlo random walk coupled with a stochastic permanent calculation. We here describe the new method and study some of its statistical convergence and properties applying it to some model systems

    Quantum memory effects on the dynamics of electrons in gold clusters

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    Electron dynamics in metallic clusters are examined using a time-dependent density functional theory that in-cludes a "memory term", i.e. attempts to describe temporal non-local correlations. Using the Iwamoto, Gross and Kohn exchange-correlation (XC) kernel we construct a translationally invariant memory action from which an XC potential is derived that is translationally covariant and exerts zero net force on the electrons. An efficient and stable numerical method to solve the resulting Kohn-Sham equations is presented. Using this framework, we study memory effects on electron dynamics in spherical Jellium "gold clusters". We find memory significantly broadens the surface plasmon absorption line, yet considerably less than measured in real gold clusters, attributed to the inadequacy of the Jellium model. Two-dimensional pump-probe spectroscopy is used to study the temporal decay profile of the plasmon, finding a fast decay followed by slower tail. Finally, we examine memory effects on high harmonic generation, finding memory narrows emission lines

    Smoothing and extrapolating shifted-contour auxiliary-field Monte Carlo signals using discrete Laguerre functions

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    We develop a new smoothing or extrapolating method, based on discrete Laguerre functions, for systematically analyzing the stochastic signal of shifted-contour auxiliary-field Monte Carlo. We study the statistical errors and extrapolation errors using full configuration-interaction energies for the doubly stretched water molecule. The only free parameter is the order N of the fit. We show that low N emphasizes stability while higher N enable improved extrapolation, at the cost of increased statistical errors. Typically, one should use low order for signals based on a small number of iterations while higher order is efficacious for signals based on large number of iterations. We provide a heuristic algorithm for determining the order to be used and show its utility

    Prevalence of the adiabatic exchange-correlation potential approximation in time-dependent density functional theory

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    Time-dependent (TD) density functional theory (TDDFT) promises a numerically tractable account of many-body electron dynamics provided good simple approximations are developed for the exchange-correlation (XC) potential functional (XCPF). The theory is usually applied within the adiabatic XCPF approximation, appropriate for slowly varying TD driving fields. As the frequency and strength of these fields grows, it is widely held that memory effects kick in and the eligibility of the adiabatic XCPF approximation deteriorates irreversibly. We point out however that when a finite system of electrons in its ground-state is gradually exposed to a very a high-frequency and eventually ultra-strong homogeneous electric field, the adiabatic XCPF approximation is in fact rigorously applicable. This result not only helps to explain recent numerical results for a 1D-helium atom subject to a strong linearly-polarized laser pulse (Thiel et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 153004, (2008)) but also shows that it is applicable to any number of electrons and in full 3D

    Self-averaging stochastic Kohn-Sham density functional theory

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    We formulate the Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS-DFT) as a statistical theory in which the electron density is deter-mined from an average of correlated stochastic densities in a trace formula. The key idea is that it is sufficient to converge the total energy per electron to within a predefined statistical error in order to obtain reliable estimates of the electronic band structure, the forces on nuclei, the density and its moments, etc. The fluctuations in the total energy per electron are guaranteed to decay to zero as the system size increases. This facilitates "self-averaging" which leads to the first ever report of sublinear scaling KS-DFT electronic structure. The approach sidesteps calculation of the density matrix and thus is insensitive to its evasive sparseness, as demonstrated here for silicon nanocrystals. The formalism is not only appealing in terms of its promise to far push the limits of application of KS-DFT, but also represents a cognitive change in the way we think of electronic structure calculations as this stochastic theory seamlessly converges to the thermodynamic limit.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Stochastic Time-Dependent DFT with Optimally Tuned Range-Separated Hybrids: Application to Excitonic Effects in Large Phosphorene Sheets

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    We develop a stochastic approach to time-dependent DFT with optimally-tuned range-separated hybrids containing non-local exchange, for calculating optical spectra. The attractive electron-hole interaction, which leads to the formation of excitons, is included through a time-dependent linear-response technique with a non-local exchange interaction which is computed very efficiently through a stochastic scheme. The method is inexpensive and scales quadratically with the number of electrons, at almost the same (low) cost of time dependent Kohn-Sham (TDKS) with local functionals. Our results are in excellent agreement with experimental data and the efficiency of the approach is demonstrated on large finite phosphorene sheets containing up to 1958 valence electrons

    Conical intersections induced by the Renner effect in polyatomic molecules

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    Characterizing and localizing electronic energy degeneracies is important for describ-ing and controlling electronic energy flow in molecules. We show, using topological phase considerations that the Renner effect in polyatomic molecules with more than 3 nuclei is necessarily accompanied by 'satellite' conical intersections. In these intersections the non-adiabatic coupling term is on the average half an integer. We present ab-inito results on the tetra-atomic radical cation C2H2+ to demonstrate the theor

    Expeditious Stochastic Calculation of Random-Phase Approximation Energies for Thousands of Electrons in 3 Dimensions

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    A fast method is developed for calculating the Random-Phase-Approximation (RPA) correlation energy for density functional theory. The correlation energy is given by a trace over a projected RPA response matrix and the trace is taken by a stochastic approach using random perturbation vectors. The method scales, at most, quadratically with the system size but in practice, due to self-averaging, requires less statistical sampling as the system grows and the performance is close to linear scaling. We demonstrate the method by calculating the RPA correlation energy for cadmium selenide and silicon nanocrystals with over 1500 electrons. In contrast to 2nd order M{\o}ller-Plesset correlation energies, we find that the RPA correlation energies per electron are largely independent on the nanocrystal size.Comment: 4 page, 3 figure

    Expeditious stochastic approach for MP2 energies in large electronic systems

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    A fast stochastic method for calculating the 2nd order M{\o}ller-Plesset (MP2) correction to the correlation energy of large systems of electrons is presented. The approach is based on reducing the exact summation over occupied and unoccupied states to a time-dependent trace formula amenable to stochastic sampling. We demonstrate the abilities of the method to treat systems of thousands electrons using hydrogen passivated silicon spherical nanocrystals represented on a real space grids, much beyond capabilities of present day MP2 implementations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
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