4 research outputs found

    Whither State Immunity?: An Assessment of the Current State of the Law

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    Recent developments in the area of state immunity evidence a substantial influence on the future of the doctrine in international law. The author discusses in detail the European Convention on State Immunity and Additional Protocol of 1972, the United States Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976, the British State Immunity Act of 1978, and the Singapore State Immunity Act of 1979. He compares the four and makes suggestions about how they have individually and collectively affected the development of the doctrine

    The Exculpatory Effect of Self-Defense in State Responsibility

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    La tendance objective en matière de représentation dans la Common Law et le droit islamique

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    Badr Gamal Moursi. La tendance objective en matière de représentation dans la Common Law et le droit islamique. In: Revue internationale de droit comparé. Vol. 17 N°2, Avril-juin 1965. pp. 379-394

    La relance du droit islamique dans la jurisprudence algérienne depuis 1962

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    Badr Gamal Moursi. La relance du droit islamique dans la jurisprudence algérienne depuis 1962. In: Revue internationale de droit comparé. Vol. 22 N°1, Janvier-mars 1970. pp. 43-54