15 research outputs found

    The management of tubo-ovarian abscesses associated with appendicitis

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    A relatively uncommon medical complication, the tubo-ovarian abscess (TOA) can result from ascending pelvic infection in the female genital tract. The paper aims at exploring the characteristics of patients with TOA and at comparing the outcomes of the surgical management with postoperative recovery. A retrospective analysis of 25 cases diagnosed with bilateral, right or left TOA at “St. Apostol Andrei” Emergency Clinical County Hospital Constanta, Romania between January 2019 and December 2020 was performed. The patients’ clinical characteristics, age, environment of origin, socio-economic background, educational level, the means of contraception used, surgical procedures, and postoperative recovery were analyzed. Out of the 25 cases, 40% presented bilateral TOA, 32% right TOA and 28% left TOA and left adnexectomy. In 3 patients (37.5%) with right TOA, appendicectomy was also performed. In 72% of the cases, a median pubic-umbilical incision was performed. The remaining 7 patients (28%) with left TOA underwent Pfannenstiel incision. All cases had a favorable postoperative evolution, the patients being discharged 5-9 days after surgery, benefiting from antibiotic therapy 10 days after their discharge. The co-existence of appendicitis and adnexal pathology should raise awareness for adopting a surgical strategy in order to prevent postoperative complications

    Prioritization of urban green infrastructures for sustainable urban planning in Ploiesti, Romania

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    Urban green infrastructures are increasingly being used as instruments for achieving a sustainable urban planning due to their multifunctionality represented by the numerous economic, social and environmental benefits. Selecting the most appropriate type of urban green infrastructure to be developed in a certain city is most of the times an important challenge for planners. In our analysis, we developed a model for a multi-criteria evaluation of the components of urban green infrastructures using structural, functional, administrative and economic criteria. We used as a case study the city of Ploiesti, an industrial city of Romania, focused on oil processing. Ploiesti is one of the main engines of the Romanian economy with a tradition of over 100 years of oil industrial activity being characterized by a significant expansion of the build-up areas (especially industrial and technological site) in the outskirts of the city and a decrease of urban green area per capita. Policies and strategies to increase the density of the existing urban green infrastructure and to sustainably manage the existing ones represent a challenge for local authorities and other local actors and stakeholders as the balance between economic development and the city’s livability has to generate a proper quality of life for its inhabitants. Our results can drive to a more efficient urban planning and the use of the correct and appropriate urban green infrastructures elements in improving the quality of life and the environment. The analysis can be used for sustainable planning of urban green infrastructures in other cities lacking a proper amount of green areas

    Pain management in the right iliac fossa during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    Abdominal pain in the right iliac fossa in women may be caused by a complicated ovarian cyst, adnexitis, and appendicitis. The paper analyses the characteristics of patients with right iliac fossa pain admitted during the Covid-19 pandemic. A retrospective analysis on 25 cases with abdominal pain in the right iliac fossa admitted to “St. Apostol Andrei” Emergency County Clinical Hospital Constanta, Romania between March 2020 and March 2021 was performed. In 52% of the cases, the symptomatology remitted with antispasmodics, 4 (16%) patients had cystic torsion and right adnexectomy (group A, without adnexa), 6 (24%) patients had ruptured cysts and right cystectomy, and 2 (8%) had immediate cystectomy together with appendectomy due to signs of peritoneal irritation (group B, adnexa retained). The age, the signs and the symptoms, as well as the inpatient diagnosis in group A were lower compared to patients in group B. The ovarian cyst can become a major surgical emergency if twisted or ruptured and it reaches an important vascular source, especially if it is associated with acute appendicitis, which often poses problems of differential diagnosis. The collaboration between gynecologists and surgeons is essential in the optimal therapeutic solution of these cases

    The effect of Argyrolobium roseum (Camb.) Jaub&Spach on some liver function biochemical parameters

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    Abstract Research on hepatoprotective effect from vegetables is increasingly focused on their potential on human health. In the present study, the effect of Argyrolobium roseum (Camb.

    From “red” to green? A look into the evolution of green spaces in a post-socialist city

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    Promoting green infrastructure and other nature-based solutions in urban environments is considered an effective approach to achieve resilience and meet sustainability goals. Countries with a post-Socialist history are still struggling to increase the amount of green spaces in cities. Bucharest is an example of a city that has undergone considerable transformation during the Socialist period (1948–1990) and after. Back then the drivers of urban transformation were mainly related to public land management, whereas after the fall of the Socialist regime private development prevailed. Our study aims to analyze the shift in the amount and distribution of green spaces in Bucharest as a consequence of the transition from a centralized planning system to a market-based system. We used historical maps and aerial images to determine spatial-temporal changes in the structure of Bucharest's urban parks and their surrounding areas. To determine the influence of planning approaches on green spaces, we analyzed the legislative framework from the Socialist period (labeled as “red”) and post-Socialist period. Our results showed that the fall of the Socialist regime represented an important institutional change affecting urban green spaces. There was a major increase in the surface and number of green spaces during the Socialist period and a decrease afterwards as a consequence of a weak legislative framework, restitution of lands and ownership conflicts. Our findings provide valuable knowledge on the evolutionary urban processes and sustainability approaches of the post-Socialist period in Romania and important insights for improving planning efforts and maximizing ecosystem services in cities

    Boutonneuse Fever in Southeastern Romania

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    Boutonneuse fever (BF) is an eruptive disease and is classified as a spotted fever, which is endemic in the Mediterranean basin (i.e., Marseille fever or Mediterranean spotted fever) and the Black Sea, caused by Rickettsia conorii, with dog ticks being a vector (i.e., Rhipicephalus sanguineus). In Romania, although the first reported outbreak of BF occurred during the summer of 1931 in Constanta, the disease was discovered in 1910. Although the disease has occurred most frequently in the two counties of the Dobruja region (Constanta and Tulcea), a region of the Balkan Peninsula, during the last few years, other counties in southeastern Romania have started to report BF cases. In a period of 9 years, 533 cases were registered in Constanta county, while in a period of 11 years, 339 cases were registered in Bucharest county. In this review, we describe the bacterial tick-borne disease caused by R. conorii in southeastern Romania, focusing on its history and epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical aspects, diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures in the context of climate changes. Although R. conorii is the principal etiologic agent of BF in southeastern Romania, we should take into consideration that other Rickettsia spp. could be present and involved in disease transmission

    Using local knowledge and sustainable transport to promote a greener city: The case of Bucharest, Romania

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    Cities undergoing climate change and rapid urbanization are faced with significant transformational processes that affect the environment and society, challenging them to become more sustainable and resilient. The promotion of nature-based solutions represents an efficient approach to meet sustainability targets in cities and improve the quality of life of citizens. The association of large components of green infrastructure, such as urban parks, with physical activity can counteract the sedentary lifestyle endemic to cities and improve the overall health and well-being of individuals (Carrus et al., 2013; Scopelliti et al., 2016). By promoting a sustainable means of transport and connecting green spaces within a highly urbanized city, bicycle lanes represent an effective tool for associating physical activity with nature in cities allowing bicycle users to benefit from the positive health effects of nature-based solutions. Our study focuses on the potential of bicycle lanes to improve functional connectivity among green spaces. We administered 820 questionnaires in 34 green spaces (i.e., urban parks) in Bucharest, Romania, to identify the factors influencing the use of bicycle lanes connecting urban parks and to understand which planning criteria for bicycle lanes are considered as the most important by park visitors. We applied binary and ordinal logistic regressions and found that the factors affecting bicycle lane use are illegally parked cars and lack of accessibility to urban parks. The criteria preferred by park visitors for bicycle lane planning are determined by experience level and frequency of bicycle use. To develop a functional and integrated bicycle lane network that can make cities healthier and more sustainable, policy makers are advised to engage in a public participatory process and focus on the needs of bicycle users


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    Abstract Research on antimicrobial and anti-oxidant activity from plant sources is increasing due to positive effects on human health. However relatively little work has been done to investigate the antimicrobial and antioxidant effects of methanolic extracts from Ipomoea hederacea. In the present study methanolic extracts of leaves, flowers, stem, seed and roots from Ipomoea hederacea were evaluated using an antimicrobial assay, the determination of total phenolic content, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical and the total antioxidant capacity. Our results suggested that methanolic extracts exhibited high antimicrobial effects when tested against various bacterial and fungal strains (i.e. B. subtilis, P. multocida, S. aureus, E. coli, A. niger, A. flavus, A. alternate and R. solani). The total phenolic content showed the highest value for stem extract (131.11±1.22 mg/g), and the lowest for root extract (74.44±1.52 mg/g). The tested extracts were able to reduce the stable DPPH radical, reaching IC50 values from 83.14±1.02 µg/mL for stem extract to 123.32±1.83 µg/mL for root extract. A positive linear correlation was observed when total phenolic content was correlated with the total antioxidant capacity. Our study sustains the fact that methanolic extracts from Ipomoea hederacea can be used as components in a range of phytochemical formulation due to their antimicrobial and antioxidant potential. FARMACIA, 2014, Vol. 62, 6 1182 Rezumat Cercetările asupra potenţialului antimicrobian şi antioxidant a unor specii vegetale se îndreaptă către efectele acestora asupra sănătăţii umane. În literatura de specialitate se regăsesc puţine studii ştiinţifice privind efectele antimicobiene şi antioxidante ale extractelor metanolice de Ipomoea hederacea. În studiul de faţă, extractele metanolice din frunze, flori, tulpini şi rădacini de Ipomoea hederacea au fost evaluate în ceea ce privește testarea antimicrobiană, determinarea conținutului fenolic total, a activității radicalilor liberi de 2,2-difenil-1-picrilhidrazil (DPPH), cât și a capacităţii totale antioxidante. Rezultatele noastre au arătat faptul că extractele metanolice prezintă efecte antimicrobiene crescute la testarea pe diferite tulpini bacteriene şi fungice (de exemplu B. subtilis, P. multocida, Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, A. niger, A. flavus, A. alternate și R. solani). Conţinutul fenolic total a prezentat cea mai mare valoare în extractul de tulpină (131,11±1,22 mg/g), iar cea mai mică valoare în extractul de rădăcină (74,44±1,52 mg/g). Extractele testate au fost capabile să reducă radicalul DPPH, atingând o valoare a IC 50 de la 83,14±1,02 µg/mL pentru extractul de tulpină până la 123,32±1,83 µg/mL pentru extractul de rădăcină. A fost observată o corelaţie pozitivă când conţinutul fenolic a fost comparat cu capacitatea totală antioxidantă. Studiul nostru susţine faptul că extractele metanolice de Ipomoea hederacea pot fi folosite într-o serie de compoziţii fitochimice datorită potenţialului antimicrobian şi antioxidant

    Clinical and Biological Risk Factors Associated with Increased Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Two South-East HIV-AIDS Regional Centers in Romania

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    Background and Objectives: The occurrence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in children in Romania has been reported since 1989. This retrospective study was aimed at assessing clinical and biological risk factors for mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV in two HIV-acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) Regional Centers (RCs), Constanta and Craiova in Romania. Materials and Methods: During the study period (2008–2019), 408 HIV-positive pregnant women, 244 from Constanta RC and 164 from Craiova RC who attended antenatal visits, were included. All HIV-positive pregnant women were under combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) during pregnancy and childbirth, being followedup with their infants up to 18 months after delivery. We investigated the clinical as well as biological risk factorsassociated with increased MTCT of HIV. Results: Comparing different variables of HIV-positive pregnant women from the two HIV-AIDS CRs, we find that there are significant differences between the mean value of hemoglobin, CD4 level, environmental area, marital and amniotic membranes status, and HIV patient stage in the last trimester of pregnancy (p Conclusions: In 408 HIV-positive pregnant women followed up at two HIV-AIDS RCs in Romania, the most important clinical and biological risk factors associated with increased MTCT of HIV are represented by anemia, CD4 level, and HIV patient stage