114 research outputs found

    GC-MS analysis of the essential oils of ripe fruits, roots and flowering aerial parts of Elaeoselinum asclepium subsp. meoides growing in Sicily.

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    The compositions of the essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation of the ripe fruits, flowering aerial parts and roots of Elaeoselinum asclepium (L.) Bertol subsp. meoides (Desf.) Fiori (Apiaceae) were determined by GC-MS analysis. All the analyzed parts were very rich in α-pinene (77.1%, 92.2% and 60.8%, respectively). Other compounds detected in appreciable amounts were β-pinene (4.3%, 4.0% and 8.2%), and sabinene (11.9% in ripe fruits; 12.8% in aerial parts). The plant synthesizes different classes of monoterpenes, including pinane, camphane, thujane, menthane, and fenchane derivatives, besides some acyclic monoterpenes. Trace amounts of sesquiterpenes and diterpenes were also detected

    A Propose Model Optimal Supply Chain Distribution Network for Farmer Industrial

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    A supply chain should be operated in the most efficient way in a highly competitive environment, with the goals of cost minimization, shipment delays, inventories and expenditures, and distribution maximization, gain, return on investment, level of customer support, and efficiency. The development of supply-chain distribution networks is therefore an extremely complex task, due to the large physical production and distribution network flows, the uncertainties associated with external interface customers and suppliers as well as the non-linear dynamics linked to internal information flows. This study aims to address a problem in domestic distribution in a supply chain system that includes manufacturers, distribution centers and consumer zones to determine the optimum configuration of the network. We propose a mixed integer linear programming model to solve the problem

    Essential oil compositions of two populations of Salvia samuelssonii growing in different biogeographical regions of Jordan.

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    The composition of the essential oils of flowering aerial parts of Salvia samuelssonii Rech. fil. (Lamiaceae Section Aethiopis), collected in two different biogeographical regions, has been analyzed. Sample1, collected in a Mediterranean-like region, "As-Subayhi", contains mainly monoterpenes (54.2%), sesquiterpenes (27.6%) and phenylpropanoids (10.5%), while sample 2, collected in the Irano-Turanian region, "Al-Adasiyyah", contains mainly phenylpropanoids (30.6%), monoterpenes (24.9%) and sesquiterpenes (21.2%). In Sample1, the most representative constituents were sabinene (21.5%), cis-chrysanthenyl acetate (20.8%), germacrene D (9.3%) and myristicin (5.9%), while in sample 2, myristicin (24.1%), sclareoloxide (6.3%), and germacrene D (5.7%) were main constituents. The rate of oxygenated derivatives in the Irano-Turanian sample was higher than the Mediterranean sample. Myristicin is an unusual constituent of Salvia species

    Chemical profile and antifungal potential of essential oils from leaves and flowers of Salvia algeriensis (Desf.): A comparative study

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    Salvia is a plant genus widely used in folk medicine in the Mediterranean area since antiquity. A large number of Salvia essential oils have been reported against diverse microorganisms. In the current study, chemical composition of essential oils from leaves and flowers of Salvia algeriensis (Desf.) was determined using gas chromatography-electron impact mass spectrometry (GC-EIMS) as well as their antifungal activity against phytopathogenic fungi Alternaria solani and Fusarium oxysporum exploring disk method. The GC-EIMS analysis identified 59 compounds (84.8%) in the essential oil obtained from leaves of S. algeriensis. Its major constituents were benzaldehyde (9.7%), eugenol (8.7%) and phenylethyl alcohol (8.4%). In flowers oil, 34 compounds (92.8%) were detected. The main ones were viridiflorol (71.1%) and globulol (8.6%). The essential oil obtained from leaves exhibited the highest antifungal activity, where the effective dose inhibiting 50% of mycelial fungal (ED50) against A. solani was 0.90 μL mL-1 with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) equal to 2 μL mL-1, whereas the ED50 and MIC in F. oxysporum culture was 1.84 μL mL-1 and 3 μL mL-1 respectively. The mycelial inhibition by flowers oil varies from 1.77 μL mL-1 (ED50) with A. solani culture (MIC 6.5 μL mL-1) to the lowest effect recorded (ED50 3.00 μL mL-1 and MIC 9.33 μL mL-1) against F. oxysporum. To our best knowledge, this is the first report on S. algeriensis, their leaves oil can constitute an alternative biocontrol against phytopathogenic fungi commonly controlled by chemical fungicides

    Achillea ligustica: composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils from the leaves, flowers and some pure constituents

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    AbstractThe composition of the essential oils obtained from the leaves and the flowers of Achillea ligustica (Asteraceae) growing in Sicily has been studied. The main constituents of the leaves were 4-terpineol (19.3%), carvone (8.9%), γ-terpinene (7.2%) and β-phellandrene (6.8%). 4-terpineol (12.0%), carvone (10.0%), and β-phellandrene (5.4%), along with linalool (20.4%) and cedrol (4.3%) were detected in the flower's oil. Furthermore, the antimicrobial activity of the essential oils and of some of the main constituents were assayed on bacteria and fungi

    Modulation of Cox-1, 5-, 12- and 15-Lox by Popular Herbal Remedies Used in Southern Italy Against Psoriasis and Other Skin Diseases

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    Acanthus mollis (Acanthaceae), Achillea ligustica, Artemisia arborescens and Inula viscosa (Asteraceae) are used in Southern Italy against psoriasis and other skin diseases that occur with an imbalanced production of eicosanoids. We here assessed their in vitro effects upon 5-, 12-, 15-LOX and COX-1 enzymes as well as NFκB activation in intact cells as their possible therapeutic targets. All methanol crude extracts inhibited both 5-LOX and COX-1 activities under 200 μg/mL, without significant effects on the 12-LOX pathway or any relevant in vitro free radical scavenging activity. NFκB activation was prevented by all extracts but A. mollis. Interestingly, A. ligustica, A. arborescens and A. mollis increased the biosynthesis of 15(S)-HETE, an anti-inflammatory eicosanoid. A. ligustica (IC50 = 49.5 μg/mL) was superior to Silybum marianum (IC50 = 147.8 μg/mL), which we used as antipsoriatic herbal medicine of reference. Its n-hexane, dichloromethane and ethyl acetate fractions had also inhibitory effects on the LTB4 biosynthesis (IC50s = 9.6, 20.3 and 68 μg/mL, respectively) evidencing that the apolar extracts of A. ligustica are promising active herbal ingredients for future phytotherapeutical products targeting psoriasis.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    An update on the impact of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic public awareness on cancer patients' COVID-19 vaccine compliance: Outcomes and recommendations

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    Background:Aside from the pandemic's negative health effects, the world was confronted with public confusion since proper communication and favorable decisions became an ongoing challenge. As a result, the public's perceptions were influenced by what they knew, the many sources of COVID-19 information, and how they interpreted it. With cancer patients continuing to oppose COVID-19 vaccines, we sought to investigate the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccine sources of this information in adult cancer patients, which either helped or prevented them from taking the vaccine. We also assessed the relevance and impact of their oncologists' recommendations in encouraging them to take the vaccine.MethodsFrom June to October 2021, an online survey was conducted at King Hussein Cancer Center. A total of 441 adult cancer patients took part in the study. Patients who had granted their consent were requested to complete an online questionnaire, which was collected using the SurveyMonkey questionnaire online platform. Descriptive analysis was done for all variables. The association between categorical and continuous variables was assessed using the Pearson Chi-square and Fisher Exact.ResultsOur results showed that 75% of the patients registered for the COVID-19 vaccine, while 12% refused vaccination. The majority of participants acquired their information from news and television shows, whereas (138/441) got their information through World Health Organization websites. Because the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines were made in such a short period, 54.7 % assumed the vaccines were unsafe. Only 49% of the patients said their oncologists had informed them about the benefits of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.ConclusionsWe found that SARS-CoV-2 vaccine hesitancy in cancer patients might be related to misinformation obtained from social media despite the availability of supportive scientific information on the vaccine's benefits from the physicians. To combat misleading and unreliable social media news, we recommend that physicians use telehealth technology to reach out to their patients in addition to their face-to-face consultation, which delivers comprehensive, clear, and high-quality digital services that guide and help patients to better understand the advantages of COVID-19 vaccines

    Exploring the Anticancer Potential of Premna resinosa (Hochst.) Leaf Surface Extract: Discovering New Diterpenes as Heat Shock Protein 70 (Hsp70) Binding Agents

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    Premna, a genus consisting of approximately 200 species, predominantly thrives in tropical and subtropical areas. Many of these species have been utilized in ethnopharmacology for diverse medicinal applications. In Saudi Arabia, Premna resinosa (Hochst.) Schauer (Lamiaceae) grows wildly, and its slightly viscid leaves are attributed to the production of leaf accession. In this study, we aimed to extract the surface accession from fresh leaves using dichloromethane to evaluate the anticancer potential. The plant exudate yielded two previously unknown labdane diterpenes, Premnaresone A and B, in addition to three already described congeners and four known flavonoids. The isolation process was accomplished using a combination of silica gel column chromatography and semi preparative HPLC, the structures of which were identified by NMR and HRESIMS analyses and a comparison with the literature data of associated compounds. Furthermore, we employed a density functional theory (DFT)/NMR approach to suggest the relative configuration of different compounds. Consequently, we investigated the possibility of developing new chaperone inhibitors by subjecting diterpenes 1–5 to a Surface Plasmon Resonance-screening, based on the knowledge that oridonin, a diterpene, interacts with Heat Shock Protein 70 (Hsp70) 1A in cancer cells. Additionally, we studied the anti-proliferative activity of compounds 1–5 on human Jurkat (human T-cell lymphoma) and HeLa (epithelial carcinoma) cell lines, where diterpene 3 exhibited activity in Jurkat cell lines after 48 h, with an IC50 of 15.21 ± 1.0 µM. Molecular docking and dynamic simulations revealed a robust interaction between compound 3 and Hsp70 key residues

    Viridiflorol Induces Anti-Neoplastic Effects on Breast, Lung, and Brain Cancer Cells Through Apoptosis

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    All active natural molecules are not fully exploited as therapeutic agents, causing delays in the advancement of anticancer drug discovery. Viridiflorol is a natural volatile element that may work as anti-cancer compound. We tested the anticancer properties of viridiflorol at different concentrations ranging from 0.03 to 300 μM in vitro on three cancer cells including breast (MCF-7), lung (A549) and brain (Daoy). The cancer cells responses were documented after treatment using MTT and Annexin V assays. Viridiflorol showed cytotoxic effects against all tested cell lines, reducing cell viability in a concentration-dependent manner with variable IC50 values. Daoy and A549 cell lines were more sensitive to viridiflorol when compared with temozolomide and doxorubicin, respectively. Viridiflorol demonstrated the highest anticancer activity against the Daoy cells with an estimated IC50 of 0.1 µM followed by MCF-7 at 10 µM, and A549 at 30 µM. In addition, upon exposure to concentrations ranging from 30 µM to 300 µM of viridiflorol, early and late apoptotic cell death was induced in a concentration dependent manner in Daoy (55.8%-72.1%), MCF-7 (36.2%-72.7%) and A459 (35%-98.9%) cell lines, respectively. In conclusion, viridiflorol demonstrates cytotoxic and apoptotic ability in three different cancer cell lines (brain, breast and lung)

    A Novel Quinazoline Inhibits Hsp90 Protein, EGFR and Induces Apoptosis in Leukemia Cells

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    The objective of the first part of this study was to investigate the Hsp90 protein possible activ ity of a novel quinazoline Her2/ EGFR inhibitor (Co mpound No. 1: 4-(2-(4-Oxo-2-thio xo-1,4-d ihydroquinazolin-3(2H)yl)ethyl)benzenesulfonamide) p reviously synthesized by a collaborating group. Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) has a central ro le in regulation of several client proteins involved in cancers [1,2]. Several Hsp90 inhibitors of the natural or synthetic origin d isplayed potent anticancer activity [3,4]. Accordingly, Hsp90 emerged as an attractive target in the design of anticancer agents. To evaluate the binding mode of compound No. 1 into the ATPase site of Hsp90, a co mparative mo lecular docking study was performed using AutoDock 4.2. The results of this studywas compared with that of the co-crystallized ligand (ATI-13387X, Onalespib). The energy minimization process of the chemical structures of No. 1 was done following our previous report [5]. The results of the docking study revealed that No. 1 fit n icely into the ATPase site, and it displayed a binding free energy (Gb) of-7.21 kcal/ mo l and inhibition constant (Ki) of 5.19 µM to Hsp90, co mpared to Gb of-7.90 kcal/ mol and Ki of 1.62 µM for ATI-13387X. Furthermore, to confirm this result, the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) was devised to test the Hsp90 inhibition activity of No.1, wh ich was 51 nM co mpared to Rad icico l and 17AA G (1.8 nM, and 360 nM; respectively). Overall, co mpound No. 1 exh ibited pro mising Hsp90 inhib iting activity. The second part of the study focused on the effect of No. 1, Dinaciclib and their co mbinationsin HL-60 leukemia cells. The comb ination showed synergistic EGFR inhib ition effect in HL-60 cells. Moreover, No. 1, Dinaciclib and their combination caused a significant increase in the Sub-G1 co mpared to control and doxorubicin (24h), at the expense of S and G2/M cell cycle phases. Cyclin D3, was consequently inhibited by each of the two drugs, and synergistically by their comb ination in HL-60 cells. Furthermore, each of the two drugs downregulated Survivin, wh ich was synergistically inhib ited by the co mbination. In conclusion, co mpound No.1, Dinaciclib and their comb inations showed synergestic EGFR inhibit ion; and pro-apoptoticeffect in HL-60 cells.This project was funded by the deanship of scientific research, Umm Alqura University, KSA (DSR: 15-M ED-3-1-0060). Keywords: Novel quinazoline EGFR inhi bi tor, Hs p90 protein, Leukemi a cells