44 research outputs found


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    Software prefetching and locality optimizations are two techniques for overcoming the speed gap between processor and memory known as the memory wall as suggested by Wulf and Mckee. This thesis evaluates the impact of memory trends on the effectiveness of software prefetching and locality optimizations for three types of applications: regular scientific codes, irregular scientific codes, and pointer-chasing codes. For many applications, software prefetching outperforms locality optimizations when there is sufficient bandwidth in the underlying memory system, but locality optimizations outperform software prefetching when the underlying memory system doesn't provide sufficient bandwidth. The break-even point, or equivalently the crossover bandwidth point, occurs at roughly 2.4 GBytes/sec , for 1 GHz processors on today's memory systems, and will increase on future memory systems. This thesis also studies the interactions between software prefetching and locality optimizations when applied in concert. Naively combining the two techniques provides a more robust application performance in the face of variations in memory bandwidth and/or latency, but does not yield additional performance gains. In other words, the performance won't be better than the best performance of the two techniques alone. Also, several algorithms are proposed and evaluated to better combine software prefetching and locality optimizations, including an enhanced tiling algorithm, padding for software prefetching, and index prefetching. (Also UMIACS-TR-2002-72

    Locality Transformations and Prediction Techniques for Optimizing Multicore Memory Performance

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    Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) are here to stay for the foreseeable future. In terms of programmability of these processors what is different from legacy multiprocessors is that sharing among the different cores (processors) is less expensive than it was in the past. Previous research suggested that sharing is a desirable feature to be incorporated in new codes. For some programs, more cache leads to more beneficial sharing since the sharing starts to kick in for large on chip caches. This work tries to answer the question of whether or not we can (should) write code differently when the underlying chip microarchitecture is powered by a Chip Multiprocessor. We use a set three graph benchmarks each with three different input problems varying in size and connectivity to characterize the importance of how we partition the problem space among cores and how that partitioning can happen at multiple levels of the cache leading to better performance because of good utilization of the caches at the lowest level and because of the increased sharing of data items that can be boosted at the shared cache level (L2 in our case) which can effectively be a prefetching effect among different compute cores. The thesis has two thrusts. The first is exploring the design space represented by different parallelization schemes (we devise some tweaks on top of existing techniques) and different graph partitionings (a locality optimization techniques suited for graph problems). The combination of the parallelization strategy and graph partitioning provides a large and complex space that we characterize using detailed simulation results to see how much gain we can obtain over a baseline legacy parallelization technique with a partition sized to fit in the L1 cache. We show that the legacy parallelization is not the best alternative in most of the cases and other parallelization techniques perform better. Also, we show that there is a search problem to determine the partitioning size and in most of the cases the best partitioning size is smaller than the baseline partition size. The second thrust of the thesis is exploring how we can predict the best combination of parallelization and partitioning that performs the best for any given benchmark under any given input data set. We use a PIN based reuse distance profile computation tool to build an execution time prediction model that can rank order the different combinations of parallelization strategies and partitioning sizes. We report the amount of gain that we can capture using the PIN prediction relative to what detailed simulation results deem the best under a given benchmark and input size. In some cases the prediction is 100% accurate and in some other cases the prediction projects worse performance than the baseline case. We report the difference between the simulation best performing combination and the PIN predicted ones as well as other statistics to evaluate how good the predictions are. We show that the PIN prediction method performs very well in predicting the partition size compared to predicting the parallelization strategy. In this case, the accuracy of the overall scheme can be highly improved if we only use the partitioning size predicted by the PIN prediction scheme and then we use a search strategy to find the best parallelization strategy for that partition size. In this thesis, we use a detailed performance model to scan a large solution space for the best parameters for locality optimization of a set of graph problems. Using the M5 performance simulation we show gains of up to 20% vs. a naively picked baseline case. Our prediction scheme can achieve up to 100% of the best performance gains obtained using a search method on real hardware or performance simulation without running at all on the target hardware and up to 48% on average across all of our benchmarks and input sizes. There are several interesting aspects to this work. We are the first to devise and verify a performance model against detailed simulation results. We suggest and quantify that locality optimization and problem partitioning can increase sharing synergistically to achieve better performance overall. We have shown a new utilization for coherent reuse distance profiles as a helping tool for program developers and compilers to a optimize program's performance

    Multi-criteria Hardware Trojan Detection: A Reinforcement Learning Approach

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    Hardware Trojans (HTs) are undesired design or manufacturing modifications that can severely alter the security and functionality of digital integrated circuits. HTs can be inserted according to various design criteria, e.g., nets switching activity, observability, controllability, etc. However, to our knowledge, most HT detection methods are only based on a single criterion, i.e., nets switching activity. This paper proposes a multi-criteria reinforcement learning (RL) HT detection tool that features a tunable reward function for different HT detection scenarios. The tool allows for exploring existing detection strategies and can adapt new detection scenarios with minimal effort. We also propose a generic methodology for comparing HT detection methods fairly. Our preliminary results show an average of 84.2% successful HT detection in ISCAS-85 benchmar

    The Seeker's Dilemma: Realistic Formulation and Benchmarking for Hardware Trojan Detection

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    This work focuses on advancing security research in the hardware design space by formally defining the realistic problem of Hardware Trojan (HT) detection. The goal is to model HT detection more closely to the real world, i.e., describing the problem as "The Seeker's Dilemma" (an extension of Hide&Seek on a graph), where a detecting agent is unaware of whether circuits are infected by HTs or not. Using this theoretical problem formulation, we create a benchmark that consists of a mixture of HT-free and HT-infected restructured circuits while preserving their original functionalities. The restructured circuits are randomly infected by HTs, causing a situation where the defender is uncertain if a circuit is infected or not. We believe that our innovative dataset will help the community better judge the detection quality of different methods by comparing their success rates in circuit classification. We use our developed benchmark to evaluate three state-of-the-art HT detection tools to show baseline results for this approach. We use Principal Component Analysis to assess the strength of our benchmark, where we observe that some restructured HT-infected circuits are mapped closely to HT-free circuits, leading to significant label misclassification by detectors

    LLVM Static Analysis for Program Characterization and Memory Reuse Profile Estimation

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    Profiling various application characteristics, including the number of different arithmetic operations performed, memory footprint, etc., dynamically is time- and space-consuming. On the other hand, static analysis methods, although fast, can be less accurate. This paper presents an LLVM-based probabilistic static analysis method that accurately predicts different program characteristics and estimates the reuse distance profile of a program by analyzing the LLVM IR file in constant time, regardless of program input size. We generate the basic-block-level control flow graph of the target application kernel and determine basic-block execution counts by solving the linear balance equation involving the adjacent basic blocks' transition probabilities. Finally, we represent the kernel memory accesses in a bracketed format and employ a recursive algorithm to calculate the reuse distance profile. The results show that our approach can predict application characteristics accurately compared to another LLVM-based dynamic code analysis tool, Byfl.Comment: This paper was accepted at the MEMSYS '23 conference, The International Symposium on Memory Systems, October 02, 2023 - October 05, 2023, Alexandria, V

    Predicting Expressibility of Parameterized Quantum Circuits using Graph Neural Network

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    Parameterized Quantum Circuits (PQCs) are essential to quantum machine learning and optimization algorithms. The expressibility of PQCs, which measures their ability to represent a wide range of quantum states, is a critical factor influencing their efficacy in solving quantum problems. However, the existing technique for computing expressibility relies on statistically estimating it through classical simulations, which requires many samples. In this work, we propose a novel method based on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) for predicting the expressibility of PQCs. By leveraging the graph-based representation of PQCs, our GNN-based model captures intricate relationships between circuit parameters and their resulting expressibility. We train the GNN model on a comprehensive dataset of PQCs annotated with their expressibility values. Experimental evaluation on a four thousand random PQC dataset and IBM Qiskit's hardware efficient ansatz sets demonstrates the superior performance of our approach, achieving a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.03 and 0.06, respectively