15 research outputs found

    Modelling of the gas combustion process

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    This paper reports on a procedure which leads to the assessment of the K(G) values without the need of determining the maximal rate of pressure rise by experiments. A simulation is proposed of the combustion process in its simplest form, i.e. one-dimensional propagation of the flame. Such simulation enables the burning velocity S(u) to be assessed. Knowing the S(u) values for different compositions of the flammable mixture makes it possible to determine the S(u,max) value. Once the correlation between S(u,max) and K(G) has been established, this will enable us to assign an appropriate value of K(G) to that of the maximal burning velocity. An example of such a correlation is given. It refers to flammable mixtures of a comparatively low burning velocity

    Flammable properties of trichloroethylene

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    W artykule dokonano oceny własności palnych i wybuchowych trichloroetylenu według różnych źródeł literaturowych i unormowań prawnych. Wykonano pomiary temperatury zapłonu w tyglu zamkniętym według obowiązującej normy PN-EN 22719 (2000). Stwierdzono doświadczalnie, że TRI nie zapala się w warunkach opisanych w normie. Przeprowadzane badania i analiza wskazują na nieprawidłowość klasyfikowania urządzeń i osprzętu elektrycznego stosowanego w obecności TRI do grupy IIA.Estimation of flammable properties of trichlorethylene according to different literature sources has been given. Measurements of the ignition temperature in a closed cup under the obligatory standard PN-EN 22719 (2000) have been carried out. It has been experimentally proved that TRI does not ignite in conditions described in the obligatory standard. Experimental results and analysis have shown it is not correct to include in group IIA electrical devices and equipment used in the presence of trichlorethylene