18 research outputs found

    Pengkajian Data Rumah Sakit (Hospital Record Review) Kasus Acute Flaccid Paralysis (Afp) Tahun 1999-2000 di Jawa Timur

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    This survey was the evaluation of the program on Polio Eradication through Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) Surveillance especially Hospital Based Surveillance. The evaluation was done by reviewing the Hospitals\u27 Record (Hospital Based Survey). The objective of the survey was to estimate the under reported of routine reporting system, which the data of the survey used as a gold standard. The results showed that due to incomplete of the records in several hospitals, some of AFP cases might be could not be covered. However the under reported of the routine surveillance system was more than 50%. It seems that the strengthening of supervision was still needed to increase coverage of the routine surveillance system

    Upaya Pekerja Seksual Komersial (Psk) dalam Pencegahan dan Pengobatan Penyakit Menular Seksual (Pms) di Dolly dan Jarak, Surabaya

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    Women especially the commercial sexual workers (CSW's) relatively more frequent saferred from sexual transmitted diseases (STD's). Recently, transmission of STD's become wide not only among the high risk groups such as commercial sexual workers, but also the commumty that were grouped as the low risk group (National Household Health Survey). The AIDS cases, one of the STD's, increase sharply during the last two years. In Surabaya municipality, the cases were increase from 9 cases in 2000 to become 103 cases in 2002 (Kompas, Wednesday. 14 May 2003, page 1). The Prevention and controlled of HIV/AIDS was the one of priority in the prevention and controlled of diseases program in Indonesia, because of not only the cases that became numerous, but also it was the global commitment. The aim of the study was to explore the knowledge on STD's among CSW's and the prevention and seeking care behavior against the STD's among CSW's m Dolly and Jarak, Surabaya. The systematic random sampling was applied in selecting the sample. The population was the CSW's in Dolly and Jarak, Surabaya. The total number of respondent was 230, selected from about 1.900 CSW's in the localization of Dolly and Jarak. The result showed that about half of the respondents was relatively young (less than 25 year), widow and working as professional CSW's during one year or less. Most of the respondents knew about STD's such as: Syphilis, HIV/AIDS, Gonorrhea and Flour albus, but only a few knew other symptoms and or STD's such as Clamedia. Nearly all of respondents did some kind of prevention from STDs' transmission, such as drinking the traditional medicine or remedy without prescription, although only half of them felt that the prevention was working. More than a half of the sample ever suffered from STD's, and a few of them still gave services to their client during suffering the diseases. Most of CSW's who suffered from STD's sought care from health personnel's. A half of them received health education from the health provider especially about obeying in taking medicine, use condom, not giving services to client during illness and dangerous of STD's. In general the respondents felt satisfied with services from health personnel's, in terms of politeness, waiting lime, facility of services and the result of remedy

    Pemanfaatan Waktu Kerja Efektif sebagai Indikator Kinerja Petugas Kesehatan di Puskesmas: (Studi Kasus di Empat Kabupaten Propinsi Jawa Timur)

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    The study was conducted to evaluate the effective USAge of working time among health center workers in 4 districts in the East Java Province, i.e. Tuban, Tulungagung, Jombang and Probolinggo. Data was collected by observation (time and motion study) and self reporting (self assessment). The result showed that the effective USAge of working time was vary from health center to health center. The variation of effective USAge of working time according to the observation and the self reporting was from 53.7 to 85.1% and 55.5 to 72.0% respectively. The effective USAge of working time from observation was always less than its from self reporting except in Probolinggo. The Health Center workers in Tuban, Tulungagung and Jombang tended to over-claimed the effective USAge of working time, while the workers in Probolinggo tended to under-claimed it. Percentage of 'over' and 'under-claimed' could be used as 'a correction factor of the self reporting in the future if influence factors of the performance of the health center worker was stable. The performance of health center workers in Probolinggo was better than it was in the other three districts (Tuban, Tulungagung and Jombang)

    The Contribution of Research to Human Resources on Health

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    Perilaku Seks Pekerja Seksual Komersial (Psk) dalam Hubungannya dengan Resiko Penularan Penyakit Menular Seksual (Pms) di Surabaya

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    Surabaya as the Indonesian second big city was faced by '§exual Industrial problems". One of the problems was transmission of the sexual transmitted diseases (STDs). The problem was needed special attention due to the complexity and many aspects of sexual industry that should be coped. Limitation of information regarding the exact number of the commercial sexual workers (CSWs) and highly mobility were some of the obstacles in managing the problem.Some intervention program had been launched such as "safe sex" by using condom and mass campaign on STDs treatment. Eventhough still around 50% of CSWs had been suffered from STDs. The high prevalence of STDs among CSWs and unsafe sex while CSWs provide services to the customers will be a high risk in transmission of STDs to the clients.The objective of the study was to explore sexual behavior of CSWs during their professional activities and the risk of transmission of STDs. The study was an explorative study, which a systematic random sample was applied inselecting sample. From nearly 1.900 CSWs in Dolly and Jarak, Surabaya were selected a sample of 230 subjects. The interviewed using questionnaire was applied in data collection. The interviewers were the members of non-governmental organization which was interested in solving "the sexual industrial problems".The result showed that CSWs in Dolly and Jarak, Surabaya were migrant. Most of them were relatively young (under 30 years of age) and relatively low educational level. The first experienced of CSWs in sexual intercourse mostly with their husbands when they were under 20 years old. The risk of transmission of STDs from CSWs to their clients was high due to high prevalence of STDs among CSWs and only limited number of clients used condom during their sexual activities

    Overall Policy Formulation Processes and Implementation Method with a Special Focus on Human Resources for Health: a Learning Experience of Indonesia Case

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    Penelitian ini merupakan studi explorasi yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi mekanisme proses pengembangan dan implementasi kebijaksanaan bidang kesehatan khususnya dititik beratkan pada bidang pengembangan tenaga kesehatan. Data dan informasi dikumpulkan dengan melakukan diskusi intensif dengan para pengambil kebijaksn di lingkungan Departemen Kesehatan yang ada kaitannya dengan mekanisme pengembangan ketenagaan bidang kesehatan tersebut. Subjek penelitian adalah para Eselon I, II dan Ill di lingkungan Sekretariat Jenderal Depkes, khususnya Biro Perencanaan, Biro Kepegawaian, Pusat Pendidikan Tenaga Kesehatan (Pusdiknakes), dan Pusat Pendidikan dan Latihan Pegawai (Pusdiklat), serta di lingkungan Inspektorat Jenderal, khususnya Inspektorat Kepegawaian

    Upaya Komunikasi Pemasaran Interaktif pada Klinik Spesialis Terpadu Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut (Rsgm) Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Unair Surabaya

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    Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) constitute of internal marketing, interactive and external communications. This research only addresses Interactive marketing communications. The specialized Dental Clinic (Integrated VIP Specialist) has been under utilized. The problem exists presumably due to lack of interactive communications. The objective of this research is to formulate an IMC improvement effort for the Specialized Dental Clinic.This was an observational study conducted at the Specialized Dental Clinic from February up to Desember 2003. Observed variables were patient and organization of the clinic. Customers who visited the Specialized Dental Clinic were observed from the initial services the exit interview using questionnaire was collected by researche. The respondens were providers and customers (patients)The result showed that the variable of customer service center and servicescapes were not well organized while personal selling relatively good.It is suggested that market survey should be done by the Specialized Dental Clinic, to actuate interactive marketing communication and to establish the utilization targets

    Implementasi Modul Menuju Kewirausahaan dalam Pembangunan Kesehatan, Panduan Strategi Pemasaran Pelayanan Kesehatan di Puskesmas dan Rumah Sakit

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    An assessment was done by Budijanto, etc (2002) about the leadership, entrepreneurship and managerial ability of district health human resources. Result of this assessment was used to developed a draft module to increase the health human resources ability in entrepreneurship mainly. The module 'Health Development Through Entrepreneurship, a Guide for Marketing Strategy in Health Services in Hospital and Health Center". Implementation of the module was done in the District of Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan Province, District of East Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat Province and District of Magetan, East Java Province. Respondent in this study were health human resources from General Hospital, Health Center and District Health Office who participated in the implementation process. Implementation was done in three days through learning the contents of the module, filling workpapers as a reflection of understanding the contents of the module and discussion. Evaluation of the implementation process was done using level I of Kirkpatrick's evaluation to get the reaction of the respondents about the conformity of the module's contents and the learning process. The indicators of advantages of implementation process is > 60% respondents will react that the module's contents is relevan with their everydays work and teaming process was also accomodate. Using scores, indicates that < 2 means less, 2-3 means sufficient and > 3 means good in reacting that the module's contents is relevan with their everyday & work and learning process. The result showed that more than 60% respondents in the District of Kutai Karlanegara (n = 22). District of East Lombok (n = 25) and District of Magetan (n = 22) valueing that the contents of module is relevan with the institutional programs. More than 60% responden in those three district valued that the learning process was sufficient and good. Implementation the module through learning process can be done with using level I Kirkpatrick's evaluation to valued the process. Learning process should be continued with coaching in implementation the contents of module in everydays work in Health Center or in the Hospital wich are also a method to value the advantage of the implementation process