8 research outputs found

    Dynamics of fixed-volume pinned film -- dealing with a non-self-adjoint thin film problem

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    The use of thin liquid films has expanded beyond lubrication and coatings, and into applications in actuators and adaptive optical elements. In contrast to their predecessors, whose dynamics can be typically captured by modelling infinite or periodic films, these applications are characterized by a finite amount of liquid in an impermeable domain. The global mass conservation constraint, together with common boundary conditions (e.g., pinning) create quantitatively and qualitatively different dynamics than those of infinite films. Mathematically, this manifests itself as a non-self-adjoint problem. This work presents a combined theoretical and experimental study for this problem. We provide a time-dependent closed-form analytical solution for the linearized non-self-adjoint system that arises from these boundary conditions. We highlight that, in contrast to self-adjoint problems, here special care should be given to deriving the adjoint problem to reconstruct the solution based on the eigenfunctions properly. We compare these solutions with those obtained for permeable and periodic boundary conditions, representing common models for self-adjoint thin-film problems. We show that while the initial dynamics are nearly identical, the boundary conditions eventually affect the film deformation as well as its response time. To experimentally illustrate the dynamics and to validate the theoretical model, we fabricated an experimental setup that subjects a thin liquid film to a prescribed normal force distribution through dielectrophoresis, and used high-frame-rate digital holography to measure the film deformation in real-time. The experiments agree well with the model and confirm that confined films exhibit different behaviour which could not be predicted by existing models.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Dynamic control of high-voltage actuator arrays by light-pattern projection on photoconductive switches

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    The ability to control high-voltage actuator arrays relies, to date, on expensive microelectronic processes or on individual wiring of each actuator to a single off-chip high-voltage switch. Here we present an alternative approach that uses on-chip photoconductive switches together with a light projection system to individually address high-voltage actuators. Each actuator is connected to one or more switches that are nominally OFF unless turned ON using direct light illumination. We selected hydrogenated amorphous silicon as our photoconductive material, and we provide complete characterization of its light to dark conductance, breakdown field, and spectral response. The resulting switches are very robust, and we provide full details of their fabrication processes. We demonstrate that the switches can be integrated in different architectures to support both AC and DC-driven actuators and provide engineering guidelines for their functional design. To demonstrate the versatility of our approach, we demonstrate the use of the photoconductive switches in two distinctly different applications control of micrometer-sized gate electrodes for patterning flow fields in a microfluidic chamber, and control of centimeter-sized electrostatic actuators for creating mechanical deformations for haptic displays

    Piezoelectric Nano-Balance for RNA Detection

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    Mass sensors, such as contour mode resonators are promising approach for biosensing in liquid environment. Their miniaturization offers many advantages, including small sample volume, rapid analysis, low power consumption, and integration of multiple devices. This study reports on the microfabrication and characterization of AlN contour mode resonator for biosensing. The resonators are coated with gold layer for further biofunctionalization and are assembled with a tailored microfluidic for delivering liquid in close proximity of the sensing layer. The quality factor of the resonators measured in DI water and PBS is around 70, while in air is up to 847. Based on this study, future improvements are proposed for the fabrication of better-performing devices

    Selective extraction of biomolecules using a bidirectional flow filter

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    We present a microfluidic device for selective separation and extraction of molecules based on their diffusivity. The separation relies on electroosmotically-driven bidirectional flows in which high diffusivity species experience a net-zero velocity, and lower diffusivity species are advected to a collection reservoir. The device can operate continuously and is suitable for processing low sample volumes. Using several model systems, we showed that the extraction efficiency of the system is maintained at more than 90% over tens of minutes, with a purity of more than 99%. We demonstrate the applicability of the device to the extraction of genomic DNA from short DNA fragments

    Dynamics of fixed-volume pinned films – dealing with a non-self-adjoint thin-film problem

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    The use of thin liquid films has expanded beyond lubrication and coatings, and into applications in actuators and adaptive optical elements. In contrast to their predecessors, whose dynamics can be typically captured by modelling infinite or periodic films, these applications are characterized by a finite amount of liquid in an impermeable domain. The global mass conservation constraint, together with common boundary conditions (e.g. pinning), create quantitatively and qualitatively different dynamics than those of infinite films. Mathematically, this manifests itself as a non-self-adjoint problem. This work presents a combined theoretical and experimental study for this problem. We provide a time-dependent closed-form analytical solution for the linearized non-self-adjoint system that arises from these boundary conditions. We highlight that, in contrast to self-adjoint problems, here, special care should be given to deriving the adjoint problem to reconstruct the solution based on the eigenfunctions properly. We compare these solutions with those obtained for permeable and periodic boundary conditions, representing common models for self-adjoint thin-film problems. We show that, while the initial dynamics is nearly identical, the boundary conditions eventually affect the film deformation as well as its response time. To experimentally illustrate the dynamics and to validate the theoretical model, we fabricated an experimental set-up that subjects a thin liquid film to a prescribed normal force distribution through dielectrophoresis, and used high-frame-rate digital holography to measure the film deformation in real time. The experiments agree well with the model and confirm that confined films exhibit a different behaviour which could not be predicted by existing models.ISSN:0022-1120ISSN:1469-764

    Fabrication of a hybrid device for the integration of light-triggered proton pumps

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    Biological ion pumps, such as bacteriorhodopsin (bR), utilize photons to move ions against concentration gradients, offering energy harvesting and spatiotemporal control of chemical gradients. This capability goes far beyond the capabilities of today's synthetic devices, suggesting a hybrid approach to embed bRs in synthetic devices in order to direct the proton flow towards useful system applications. In this study, a hybrid silicon-based nanochannel network with integrated purple membranes (PM) containing bR was fabricated. The fabrication method combines thermal scanning probe lithography, etching techniques, atomic layer deposition, plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition, and photolithography to create devices with buried nanochannels on silicon substrates. PM patches were deposited onto specified sites by a tunable nanofluidic confinement apparatus. The resulting device holds the potential for locally controlling directed ion transport in micrometer scale devices, a first step towards applications, such as locally affected proton catalyzed chemical reaction networks. Furthermore, this fabrication strategy, employing a maskless overlay, is a tool for constructing intricate nanofluidic network designs which are mechanically robust and straightforward to fabricate