5 research outputs found
Welcome, Trauma, and Introjection: A Tribute to Sandor Ferenczi
- Publication venue
- 'Guilford Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Psychoanalysis Listening to Love: Passion and Bonds, by Simonetta Diena, Routledge, Abingdon and New York, 2018, 206 pp.
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Pierre Janet and Auguste Forel: Two Historical Contributions
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Aichhorn T.
- Anz Th.
- Bakman N.
- Blumenberg H.
- Boesky D.
- Bosse H.
- Brumlik M.
- Brunner J.
- Burke J.
- Böker H.
- Christer Sjödin interviews Jan Stensson
- Dannecker M.
- Dybel P.
- Eickhoff F.W.
- Eickhoff F.W.
- Eickhoff F.W.
- Eifermann R.R.
- Fichtner G.
- Fichtner G.
- Fichtner G.
- Früh F.
- Füchtner H.
- Graf-Nold A.
- Grubrich-Simitis I.
- Grubrich-Simitis I.
- Göllner R.
- Hegener W.
- Hensel B.F.
- Hirschmüller A.
- Honneth A.
- Hummel G.
- Israel M.
- Kaufhold R.
- King V.
- Kroß M.
- Kutter P.
- Köhler-Weisker A.
- Laplanche J.
- Lensing L.A.
- List E.
- Maciejewski F.
- Marco Conci interviews Marco Bacciagaluppi
- Marco Conci interviews Stefano Bolognini
- May U.
- May U.
- May U.
- Mayer A.
- Meißel T.
- Menninghaus W.
- Meyer zum Wischen M.
- Meyer-Palmedo I.
- Michael Giefer
- Michael Schröter
- Molnar M.
- Molnar M.
- Molnar M.
- Molnar M.
- Nitzschke B.
- Nitzschke B.
- Pauen M.
- Planta V. v.
- Pohlmann W.
- Press J.
- Renz V.
- Roos P.
- Roudinesco E.
- Roudinesco E.
- Roudinesco E.
- Ruhs A.
- Schmid M.
- Schott H.
- Schröter M.
- Schönau W.
- Seiler D.
- Sonnleitner U.
- Turnheim M.
- Tögel Ch.
- Ulrike May
- Villiez A. v.
- Will H.
- Will H.
- Wirth H.-J.
- Wirth H.-J.
- Wirth H.-J.
- Zaretsky E.
- Publication venue
- 'Edinburgh University Press'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Angels, Illusions, Hydras, and Chimeras: Violence and Humanity
- Author
- Allen Mark
- Ausenda Giorgio
- Bacciagaluppi Marco
- Berndt Ronald
- Billman Brian
- Bourdieu Pierre
- Bowles Samuel
- Brian Ferguson R.
- Brothwell Don
- Burch Ernest
- Campbell Roderick
- Carbonell Eudald
- Carman John
- Carneiro Robert
- Chacon Richard
- Chagnon Napoleon
- Collett Pamela
- Dawson Doyne
- de Waal Frans
- Deacon Hilary
- Ember Melvin
- Farmer Paul E.
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Flannery Kent
- Fry Douglas
- Galtung Johan
- Gat Azar
- Geertz Clifford
- Ginges Jeremy
- Golitko Mark
- Golitko Mark
- Goodall Jane
- Gregor Thomas
- Gregor Thomas
- Guilaine Jean
- Haas Jonathan
- Haas Jonathan
- Hawks John
- Junker Laura
- Keeley Lawrence
- Keeley Lawrence
- Kelly Raymond
- Kim Nam
- Kim Nam
- Kim Nam
- Knauft Bruce
- Kolb Michael
- Korac Maja
- Lacina Bethany
- Lambert Patricia
- LeBlanc Steven
- Levy Jack
- Lewis Herbert
- Lewis Herbert
- Lubkemann Stephen
- Marcus Joyce
- Martin Debra
- Martin Debra
- Milner George
- Morgan Karen
- Moser Caroline
- Nielsen Axel
- Ohnuki-Tierney Emiko
- Otterbein Keith
- Parkinson William
- Pauketat Timothy
- Price
- Raaflaub Kurt
- Redmond Elsa
- Scheper-Hughes Nancy
- Scheper-Hughes Nancy
- Schmidt Bettina
- Scott Douglas
- Spencer Charles
- Sponsel Leslie
- Thorpe I. J. N.
- Tung Tiffiny
- Vayda Andrew
- Vencl Slavomil
- Walker Phillip
- Webster David
- Wendorf Fred
- Whitehead Neil
- Wrangham Richard
- Wrangham Richard
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study