162 research outputs found

    Platelet-Rich Plasma Guided Injections: Clinical Application in Peripheral Neuropathies

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    Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is defined as an autologous concentrated preparation of platelets and their associated growth factors in a small volume of plasma. The presence of these growth factors has stimulated the scientific community to search about possible benefits of the use of PRP in tissue regeneration. Provided that previously in vitro and animal research demonstrated that PRP could probably play an important role in the treatment of neural tissue disorders, we aimed to review the current literature, regarding the clinical studies that have been conducted to confirm this hypothesis. More specifically, we have reviewed the literature concerning the clinical application of PRP in peripheral neuropathies and investigated if there is strong evidence to establish the use of PRP in clinical practice as a therapeutic option. In contrast with animal studies, we have been able to identify only few clinical data concerning the use of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) in peripheral neuropathies. We found 5 trials matched to our research that have yield positive and promising results for the future for the application of PRP for the therapy of disorders of the peripheral nervous system. It is obvious that this interesting field of research gives to the scientists the ability to expand it extensively, in terms of both quality and quantity

    Finite element type of stress analysis for parts based on S235 JR steel welding

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    The determination of static and/or variable stress, in case of complex shaped welded structures is hard to achieve. One solution, though, is the use of finite element method, implemented by means of various specialized software. Nowadays, this method has become very popular due to its high precision of data obtained through both research and finite element analysis. Hence, the present paper deals with the modelling of the pull-out behaviour of concave and convex welded joints through finite element method

    The influence of the specific rehabilitation techniques „toegrindig” and „WIG remelting” in case of welded structure

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    The fillet welded structures, fatigue stressed, must have a concave shape in cross section and a smooth transition between weldseamand base material, without stress concentrators . In this issue for the welded structures with convex fillet welds, to improve the behavior in case of fatigue loads it will be necessary to apply rehabilitation techniques like toe grinding or WIG remelting. The paper wants to present the influence of that two rehabilitation technique and the behavior of the rehabilitated welded structures in case of static and dynamic loads

    Contribution to the measurement of stress level post stress management training

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    The case study presented in this article consists in a questionnaire meant to detect stress in employees after a stress management training session. The study is a novelty because was elaborated on a group of employees after they learn one months about occupational stress management. Over the time, many of the studies conducted in the field of stress focus on a combination of the factors like this: reducting stress exposure and developing programes for physical exercises - relaxation and meditation. It is very important to have information about stress because it can change the perspective of life and the way in which we can see that a situasion can be negative or positive one

    Unique method for structural synthesis of the machines planed with bars and dogs

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    The planar mechanisms with articulated bars and gears (which we will simply note MeBaRd) are part of the general planar mechanics category. Although structural structural studies have been carried out [7], the structural synthesis of bars and wheels can be approached as a distinct problem. Some papers refer directly to a certain class of mechanisms, such as planetary mechanisms [1], [2], others stop on subsystems with zero mobility, called structural groups with toothed elements [6], [8]. In this paper, developing some ideas presented in [3], [5], a general algorithm for unitary structural synthesis of MeBaRd was developed and developed, having the input parameters: M - the degree of mobility and N - the number of contours

    Efficiency of a production line by application of the Kanban method

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    This paper aims to present the study on the implementation of the Kanban system for the "bicycle wheel" benchmark in demand-side conditions. Due to variations in customer orders, production on the "Wheels" line is inconsistent, with work volume being also variable. In this way, dead times appear, production stagnating at some times, and in others being overstretched. There is a problem of finding a method of leveling the production, which also leads to a better performance of the Logistics department within the "Expedition" service. The work was carried out following a study with data provided by SC MECHROM INDUSTRY SRL, a member of the CAMPAGNOLO group, a bicycle manufacturing company, exclusively for performance sport

    Integral curses of the disc drama model with fundamental dynamic characteristics tt-ds

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    The paper deals with the dynamic response of mechanisms with standardized inertial and mechanical characteristics. Moment or inertial mass is periodically variable with displacement, and torque or mechanical force are periodically variable with displacement and represented by linear, square or cubic functions in relation to speed. In this paper both the inertial moment and the torque variation were used for the T-shift. For the variations of torque torque versus speed, the straight-inclined DS was used. Comparable results charts are based on computer programs

    Impact on quality of production using 5S method

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    Efficient and quality work requires a clean environment, security and rigor. The principle of 5S, namely Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke, allows the construction of a functional working environment, driven by simple, precise and efficient rules. The 5S is the foundation on which progress is being made, the deployment of Lean-manufacturing means and methods, being a lever of change management. At the same time, the 5S can be considered as the basic rules of order, discipline, unmistakable preliminaries for a whole improvement project

    Case study on measuring the level of stress in the academic environment in France

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    The study is a novelty because was elaborated on a group of students in the academic environment in France. Following the documented steps, I have noticed that several questionnaires have been used in order to identify stress levels in the academic environment. The case study presented in this article consists in a questionnaire meant to identify stress factors. There are several factors that are likely to cause stress: changes to routine, time pressure, difficult tasks, too much homework’s, financial state, sleep schedule and physical work conditions. I believe that stress management results could be visible if we can motivate people to adjust their behavior and life styl