27 research outputs found

    Weight stigma and fat phobia in Poland – attitudes towards people living with obesity and the level of knowledge about obesity among the social media internet respondents and medical professionals

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    IntroductionObesity often subjects individuals to stigmatization, impacting self-esteem, contributing to depression, social isolation, and even exacerbating weight gain. Our research aimed to evaluate weight stigma, fat phobia, their expressions, and obesity-related knowledge among social media internet respondents and medical practitioners in Poland.MethodsConducted through Computer-Assisted Web Interview (CAWI), our study employed the Fat Phobia Scale (FPS) and tailored questions, analyzing 1705 questionnaires.ResultsThe respondents averaged a score of 3.60  ±  0.62 on the FPS. Interestingly, men exhibited higher stigma levels than women. Variables like BMI, residency, and interactions with people having obesity did not significantly impact stigma levels. Approximately 74.0% of respondents found individuals with obesity less attractive than those with normal weight, while 32.2% identified obesity as a cause of shame. Only 69.1% were aware of the BMI-based obesity diagnosis criterion.ConclusionGiven limited knowledge of Poland’s weight stigma landscape, our research yields crucial insights for shaping social campaigns and enhancing educational initiatives in obesity management for healthcare professionals. Further studies will be instrumental in addressing patient and practitioner needs effectively

    Will Bivalent Vaccination against COVID-19 Increase the Desire for COVID-19 Vaccination among Poles?

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    Tduration of persistent protection after vaccination against COVID-19 is the sum of many factors, including the used formulation, the vaccination schedule, individual predisposition, clinical status and the SARS-CoV-2 variant. (There is a tendency that?) vaccination regimens demonstrate lower levels of immunity against the currently predominant Omicron variant, which results in the need for subsequent booster doses. Thus, bivalent formulations have been recently developed to additionally target the Omicron variant. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to assess whether bivalent vaccines would increase interest in vaccination among Poles. For this purpose, an original questionnaire distributed via the Internet and targeting Poles over the age of 18 was used. Results: The survey included 594 respondents, the vast majority of whom were women (79.3%), residents of large cities (44.7%) and those with a university education (86.3%). The average age was 36.6 ± 9.67 years. Only 48.7% of respondents had heard of bivalent vaccination against COVID-19. 408 (72.3%) respondents confirmed that if they had the choice, they would opt for the bivalent preparation. People who have already taken at least 1 booster dose are by far the most common group. Among the unvaccinated, the percentage is only 8.9%. For 190 (33.7%) of respondents, the availability of bivalent preparations will help accelerate their decision to vaccinate against COVID-19. Conclusions: Bivalent vaccination is an important part of the fight against the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. However, it is forecasted that its implementation will not contribute significantly to the increase in vaccination-related interest rate among those previously unvaccinated or only after the basic regimen. Therefore further observations in this direction are necessary

    The situation of national and ethnic minorities in the Central Europe states in the years 1989-2004 from the international community point of view

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    Celem tego artykułu jest porównanie polityk państw Europy Środkowej wobec mniejszości narodowych i etnicznych na przestrzeni piętnastu lat (1989–2004). Ponadto Polska, Czechosłowacja (od 1993 r. Czechy i Słowacja) i Węgry są krajami o zróżnicowanej strukturze narodowej i etnicznej. Polska jest wyjątkowym krajem z racji swej niemalże homogenicznej struktury etnicznej ludności w porównaniu do Czech, Słowacji oraz Węgier, krajów z liczną mniejszością romską, a przypadku Słowacji również z mniejszością węgierską. Okres komunizmu w latach 1945–1989 stał pod znakiem dyktatu Związku Radzieckiego we wszystkich dziedzinach życia politycznego, społecznego i gospodarczego. Dotyczyło to również spraw mniejszości. Przemiany, które nastąpiły w roku 1989, były wolnym wyborem elit politycznych oraz społeczeństw Czech, Polski, Słowacji oraz Węgier. Jednakże kryteria członkowskie UE (tzw. kryteria kopenhaskie) zawierały m.in. wymóg przestrzegania praw mniejszości narodowych, etnicznych i językowych. Były to swego rodzaju „podwójne standardy” ze strony UE. Poddano analizie wpływ UE oraz innych aktorów międzynarodowych na politykę Bratysławy, Budapesztu, Pragi i Warszawy w dziedzinie praw mniejszości narodowych w okresie przygotowań do członkostwa. Uległ on znacznemu zmniejszeniu wraz z pełnym członkostwem Czech, Polski, Słowacji oraz Węgier dnia 1 maja 2004 r.The aim of this text was to compare policy of Central European towards national and ethnic minorities over the period of fifteen years (1989–2004). Besides Poland, Czechoslovakia (since 1993 Czech Republic and Slovakia) and Hungary are countries of quite different ethnic and national structure. Poland is a unique country due to its’ almost mono-ethnic population when comparing to Czech, Slovakia and Hungary, countries with a large Romani and in case of Slovakia also Hungarian minority. The period of communism 1945–1989 in all fields of political, social and economic life was under the dictate of Soviet Union. This applied to minorities issues as well. The changes which started in 1989 was a freely chosen way of political elites and societies of Czech, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Although the membership criteria of the EU (so-called Copenhagen Criteria) consisted inter alia of a criterion in favour of respecting the rights of national, ethnic and language minorities. It was a kind of “double standards” by the EU. The text analyses the impact of EU and other international actors on policies of Prague, Bratislava, Budapest and Warsaw in the field of national minorities rights during the accession preparations. It was significantly reduced after the full membership of Czech, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia after the 1st of May 2004

    Impact of Vaccination on the Sense of Security, the Anxiety of COVID-19 and Quality of Life among Polish. A Nationwide Online Survey in Poland

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    The pandemic state has a destructive effect on the human psyche and induces fear for one’s own health. By reducing the risk of severe COVID-19, vaccination may indirectly improve the mental state. This study aims to assess the effects of vaccination on respondents’ mental well-being, their attitudes towards adherence to government recommendations limiting viral transmission, and to identify factors that may influence the decision to get vaccinated. The survey took the form of the authors’ own, fully voluntary, anonymous, online questionnaire. Standardised psychometric tools were used in the survey: Generalised Anxiety Disorder Assessment (GAD-7) and Manchester Short Assessment of Quality of Life (MANSA). The survey involved 1696 respondents, the vast majority of whom were women, and were aged 18–29. The vaccination status was declared by 1677 respondents (98.9%), 430 (25.4%) of whom were vaccinated with at least one dose of vaccine, while 303 (17.9%) respondents were not only unvaccinated at all, and declared no intention to get vaccinated in the future. Fully vaccinated individuals were found to have lower levels of anxiety, higher MANSA scores and lower subjective anxiety about being infected with COVID-19 than those awaiting vaccination or those with an incomplete vaccination regimen (one dose). Those who are not willing to get vaccinated have the lowest sense of anxiety and fear of being infected and they have the lowest adherence to government recommendations limiting SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Conclusions: COVID-19 vaccination reduces the level of anxiety about being infected and anxiety due to COVID-19 disease in people from the immediate environment. Those who are not willing to get vaccinated have extreme attitudes that negate the pandemic as a whole, including the need for COVID-19 vaccination. Fully vaccinated individuals still adhere to the SARS-CoV-2 prevention policies in place

    Use of Alcohol, Cannabinoids, Psychostimulants, and Sedatives before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic among Students in 40 European Countries

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    In March 2020, the WHO announced the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been ongoing for over 2 years. To stop the spread of the virus, the governments of many countries decided to introduce reasonable social restrictions that were suitable for pandemic waves. This led to radical changes in people’s lives, especially among students, who are very active in society. Before COVID-19, being of student age was associated with the highest frequency of stimulants use. It is important to note that drugs are taken disparately in various areas. Therefore, using the Computer-Assisted Web Interview type of study, the impact of the pandemic on the use of alcohol, cannabinoids, psychostimulants (e.g., amphetamine, methamphetamine, ecstasy) and sedatives (e.g., zolpidem, zopiclone, alprazolam, lorazepam, etc.) was assessed among students from European countries. The questionnaire included single- and multiple-answer questions. The first part concerned sociodemographic questions, while the second included questions about the use of stimulants in the last 3 months prior to participation in the study. Distribution of the survey covered the period from 31 January 2016 to 30 April 2021. A total of 17,594 European students participated in the study. The vast majority of participants were women (80.4%) and students of non-medical universities (77.2%) living in Eastern European countries (86.1%). Of all students, 15,613 (89.6%) reported alcohol drinking, 2538 (14.1%) the use of cannabinoids, 650 (3.6%) psychostimulants, and 2252 (12.5%) sedatives in the past three months. It has been shown that women are far less likely to use alcohol (OR 0.81), psychostimulants (OR 0.44) and cannabinoids (OR 0.49), while they are more likely to use sedatives (OR 1.41). During the COVID-19 pandemic, the consumption of alcohol (OR 0.55) and psychostimulants (OR 0.72) decreased and that of sleep medications increased (OR 1.17). To conclude, the COVID-19 pandemic influenced the pattern of stimulants used by students in European countries. The restriction of social interactions contributed to the decrease in the consumption of alcohol and psychostimulants but increased the use of sedatives and the frequency of their use. Women were found to use sedatives more often, while men preferred to drink alcohol and use cannabinoids or psychostimulants. It has also been shown that students of Central and Eastern Europe more often use alcohol and sedatives, while in Southern European countries psychostimulants and cannabinoids are preferred

    Attitudes of Poles towards the COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Dose: An Online Survey in Poland

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    Introduction: COVID-19 vaccination has now become the most effective way to combat the pandemic, but there is a gradual decline in the protection that it offers over time. Therefore, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and EMA now recommend the use of the so-called booster dose, especially in at-risk groups. The purpose of the study was to assess the attitudes of Poles towards the recommendation to receive a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and to evaluate the main reasons for refusing or delaying the decision. Material and methods: The study was based on a proprietary questionnaire distributed via the Internet. There were 1598 respondents, 54 of which did not consent to participate in the survey and/or did not complete the vaccination against SARS-CoV-2. As a result, 1528 surveys were included in the final analysis. The vast majority of the respondents, namely 1275 (83.4%), were female, and 772 (50.5%) were residents of cities with a population of over 250,000. Results: Out of all respondents, 38 (2.5%) had already received the COVID-19 vaccine booster dose and 1031 (67.4%) would like to receive it as soon as possible. Forty-five (2.9%) respondents reported that they were completely unwilling to take the booster dose. The occurrence of adverse events after primary vaccination were reported by 79.9% of the survey participants. The most common reasons why the respondents refused to be vaccinated are lack of confidence in the effectiveness of the booster dose and the occurrence of adverse events in them or their loved ones. Age, gender, residence, or relationship status were not shown to affect attitudes towards the expansion of the basic vaccination schedule. Conclusions: One in three respondents plans to delay or refrain from taking the COVID-19 vaccine booster dose. The main reason for refusal to be vaccinated is the belief that the previous vaccination provides sufficient protection

    Attitudes of Poles towards the COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Dose: An Online Survey in Poland

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    Introduction: COVID-19 vaccination has now become the most effective way to combat the pandemic, but there is a gradual decline in the protection that it offers over time. Therefore, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and EMA now recommend the use of the so-called booster dose, especially in at-risk groups. The purpose of the study was to assess the attitudes of Poles towards the recommendation to receive a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and to evaluate the main reasons for refusing or delaying the decision. Material and methods: The study was based on a proprietary questionnaire distributed via the Internet. There were 1598 respondents, 54 of which did not consent to participate in the survey and/or did not complete the vaccination against SARS-CoV-2. As a result, 1528 surveys were included in the final analysis. The vast majority of the respondents, namely 1275 (83.4%), were female, and 772 (50.5%) were residents of cities with a population of over 250,000. Results: Out of all respondents, 38 (2.5%) had already received the COVID-19 vaccine booster dose and 1031 (67.4%) would like to receive it as soon as possible. Forty-five (2.9%) respondents reported that they were completely unwilling to take the booster dose. The occurrence of adverse events after primary vaccination were reported by 79.9% of the survey participants. The most common reasons why the respondents refused to be vaccinated are lack of confidence in the effectiveness of the booster dose and the occurrence of adverse events in them or their loved ones. Age, gender, residence, or relationship status were not shown to affect attitudes towards the expansion of the basic vaccination schedule. Conclusions: One in three respondents plans to delay or refrain from taking the COVID-19 vaccine booster dose. The main reason for refusal to be vaccinated is the belief that the previous vaccination provides sufficient protection

    Vaccination against <i>Streptococcus pneumoniae</i> in Children Born between 2015 and 2018 in Poland—How Has the Introduction of Free Compulsory Pneumococcal Vaccination Affected Its Uptake?

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    Starting from 2017, pneumococcal vaccination was added to the Polish vaccination calendar as mandatory for all children born after 2016. The 10-valent conjugate vaccine was selected as mandatory and therefore free of charge. This paper aims to examine the impact of introducing mandatory vaccination on vaccine uptake. For this purpose, an analysis was conducted for 1595 vaccination record sheets from outpatient clinics in Wrocław and surrounding villages for children born 2015–2018. After the introduction of compulsory vaccination, the percentage of children fully vaccinated against pneumococcus increased (60.4% vs. 84.8%, p p p pneumococcus compared to urban outpatient clinics (84.8% vs. 70.8%, p < 0.001). The introduction of free pneumococcal vaccination increased the proportion of children vaccinated, although it did not affect the rate of discontinuation of the initiated schedule. In Poland, the increased popularity of the 10-valent vaccine at the expense of the 13-valent one translated into a change in the proportion of pneumococcal serotypes causing invasive pneumococcal disease

    Assessment of Attitudes, Main Concerns and Sources of Knowledge Regarding COVID-19 Vaccination in Poland in the Unvaccinated Individuals&mdash;A Nationwide Survey

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    Vaccination is the most effective tool to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it is ineffective without appropriate public acceptance. In Poland, 53% of the country&rsquo;s population is vaccinated, which puts us in the last position among the EU countries. Therefore, this study aims to assess the main concerns regarding vaccination in the unvaccinated population of Poland. The study was based on an original questionnaire that was distributed online. There were three phases of the study: Phase 1&mdash;before the preventive vaccination plan, Phase 2&mdash;2 months after implementation of the programme, Phase 3&mdash;after 4 months when the immunisation rate in Poland was 42%. A total of 4459 individuals participated in the study. As many as 1943 participants were excluded from the analysis due to lack of consent (30 subjects) or COVID-19 vaccination (1913 subjects). Out of the remaining 2516 unvaccinated individuals, 463 were participants in the first phase of the study, 1137 in the second phase of the study, and 916 in the third phase. As the preventive vaccination plan in Poland continued, concerns about vaccine adverse events, safety and efficacy were raised. The only lower concern was that about the vaccine transportation rules. Moreover, as the vaccination programme continued, there was an increase in the percentage of individuals declaring their full reluctance towards vaccination against COVID-19. Conclusions: The Internet is the main source of knowledge about the COVID-19 vaccination, so it should be focused on during vaccination campaigns. The public is primarily concerned about adverse events of vaccines and the lack of appropriate tests of the products used. Therefore, it is advisable to popularise the current state of knowledge and promote reliable information concerning the COVID-19 vaccination

    Mental Health in the Era of the Second Wave of SARS-CoV-2: A Cross-Sectional Study Based on an Online Survey among Online Respondents in Poland

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    The main objective of this study was to assess mental health during the COVID-19 second wave. The study was conducted using a proprietary questionnaire that had been provided via the Internet to online respondents in Poland. The questionnaire questions included a socio-geographic assessment, proprietary questions assessing the respondents’ current approach to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as a standardised psychometric tool—GHQ-28. The study involved 2155 respondents, 99.8% of whom gave their consent for the participation in the study. A mean GHQ score was 29.25 ± 14.94 points. The criterion for minor mental disorders (≥24 points) was met by 1272 (59.2%) respondents. In overall interpretation as well as in each of GHQ-28 subscales, women obtained significantly higher scores than men (p &lt; 0.001). The restriction on earning opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic is significantly associated with the feeling of anxiety/insomnia severity among the respondents (9.96 vs. 8.82 points; p &lt; 0.001). The COVID-19 pandemic, although it has already been experienced for nearly a year, has had a significant association with the general mental health of the respondents in Poland. There is a strong need to implement special programs that offer psychological support in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for those who had direct experience with COVID-19 infection