18 research outputs found
Improving the storage technology of persimmon fruit (Diospyros kaki L.) In the refrigeration chamber
Persimmon fruits (Diospyros kaki L.) attract the attention of researchers due to their high nutritional and medicinal value. The composition of persimmon is rich in nutrients. The object of research is the storage technology of persimmon. Fully ripe persimmon varieties Khachia and Khiakume were used as research material. If the activity of enzymes is inhibited or reduced during refrigerated storage using a controlled gas environment, then the consumption of nutrients for respiration will decrease, and the fruits will retain their original appearance. The persimmon varieties used were stored in refrigerators for 5 months in five variants. In persimmon fruits of both varieties, quantitative changes in the main indicators during refrigerated storage were studied. The regularities of changes in the activity of enzymes of the oxidoructase class depending on the composition of the controlled gas medium and the content of phenolic compounds were considered.
As a result of the analyzes, a rational regime for storing persimmon varieties in a refrigerator under CGE conditions with a gas composition of 3–4 % CO2 and 2–3 % O2, a temperature of ‒2...–3 °C and an air humidity of 90–95 % was determined. During the storage period, the activity of all enzymes, except for ascorbate oxidase, completely ceased (except for the catalase enzyme in the Khachia variety). During long-term storage of the Khachia variety in a refrigerator, the activity of the enzyme ascorbate oxidase decreased by 94 %, o-diphenol oxidase and peroxidase decreased by 100 %, catalase by 95.5 %. Ascorbate oxidase activity decreased by 94.5 % in persimmon fruits of the Khiakume variety, and the activity of other enzymes was completely inhibited. To achieve this result, it is important that the activity of oxidoreductases decreases or passes into an inhibitory state. The results make it possible to regulate the quality indicators of persimmon varieties depending on their storage modes and use them to provide people with fresh fruits not seasonally but for a long tim
Adaptive reaction of cotton accessions of G. hirsutum L. and G. barbadense L. species to drought stress
Adaptation, process of the adjustment of a plant to specific environmental
conditions, is provided by physiological mechanisms (physiological
adaptation), and at population level (species) by mechanisms of genetic
variability, heredity and selection (genetic adaptation). Intraspecific and
the interspecific physiological assessment of adaptation potential to drought
stress was carried out on 267 collection accessions and varieties of a cotton
(197 accessions of G. hirsutum L. and 70 of G. barbadense L.). Comparative
study of the stress reaction of tested accessions to unfavorable
environmental factors was carried out based on stress depression indices of
viability of seeds in sucrose solution-imitating drought. As a result of the
studies different sensitivity of plants to abiotic stress was determined. The
amplitude of the changes of physiological parameter during stress allowed
roughly divide cotton accessions within each species into groups by defining
different degrees of comparative drought resistance of samples. Analysis of
the percentage ratio of high drought resistant accessions within species,
revealed differences between G. hirsutum L. and G. barbadense L. For the
specie G. hirsutum L. percentage of accessions with high drought resistance
was 9.1%, for specie G. barbadense L.-28.6%. G. barbadense L., in our view,
is characterized by a greater potential for volatility and acclimatization to
the new, unusual conditions, capable of better resisting the adverse effects
of drought and has great promise for using in breeding. It was found that
because of the stress in drought resistant varieties activation of RNA
synthesis, increase of labile and decrease of stable DNA was observed which
indicates an increase of the physiological liability and functional activity
of the genetic apparatus. In susceptible varieties a reduction in the
synthesis of RNA and DNA and displacement of DNA fraction ratio towards the
stable were noted
Удосконалення технології зберігання плодів хурми (Diospyros kaki L.) у холодильній камері
Persimmon fruits (Diospyros kaki L.) attract the attention of researchers due to their high nutritional and medicinal value. The composition of persimmon is rich in nutrients. The object of research is the storage technology of persimmon. Fully ripe persimmon varieties Khachia and Khiakume were used as research material. If the activity of enzymes is inhibited or reduced during refrigerated storage using a controlled gas environment, then the consumption of nutrients for respiration will decrease, and the fruits will retain their original appearance. The persimmon varieties used were stored in refrigerators for 5 months in five variants. In persimmon fruits of both varieties, quantitative changes in the main indicators during refrigerated storage were studied. The regularities of changes in the activity of enzymes of the oxidoructase class depending on the composition of the controlled gas medium and the content of phenolic compounds were considered.
As a result of the analyzes, a rational regime for storing persimmon varieties in a refrigerator under CGE conditions with a gas composition of 3–4 % CO2 and 2–3 % O2, a temperature of ‒2...–3 °C and an air humidity of 90–95 % was determined. During the storage period, the activity of all enzymes, except for ascorbate oxidase, completely ceased (except for the catalase enzyme in the Khachia variety). During long-term storage of the Khachia variety in a refrigerator, the activity of the enzyme ascorbate oxidase decreased by 94 %, o-diphenol oxidase and peroxidase decreased by 100 %, catalase by 95.5 %. Ascorbate oxidase activity decreased by 94.5 % in persimmon fruits of the Khiakume variety, and the activity of other enzymes was completely inhibited. To achieve this result, it is important that the activity of oxidoreductases decreases or passes into an inhibitory state. The results make it possible to regulate the quality indicators of persimmon varieties depending on their storage modes and use them to provide people with fresh fruits not seasonally but for a long timeПлоди хурми (Diospyros kaki L.) через свою високу харчову та лікувальну цінність привертають увагу дослідників. Склад хурми багатий на поживні речовини. Об'єктом дослідження є технологія зберігання хурми. Як матеріал дослідження були використані сорти хурми Хачіа та Хіакуме, що повністю дозріли. Якщо при холодильному зберіганні із застосуванням регульованого газового середовища (РГС) інгібувати або зменшити активність ферментів, то витрата поживних речовин на дихання зменшиться і плоди збережуть свій первісний вигляд. Використовувані сорти хурми зберігалися в холодильниках протягом 5 місяців у п'яти варіантах. У плодах обох сортів хурми були вивчені кількісні зміни основних показників при холодильному зберіганні. Розглянуто закономірності зміни активності ферментів класу оксидоруктаз залежно від складу регульованого газового середовища та вмісту фенольних сполук.
В результаті аналізів визначено раціональний режим зберігання сортів хурми в холодильній камері в умовах РГС із складом газу 3–4 % СО2 та 2–3 % О2, температурою –2…–3 °С та вологістю повітря 90–95 %. У період зберігання активність всіх ферментів, крім аскорбатоксидази, повністю припинялася (крім ферменту каталази у сорту Хачіа). При тривалому зберіганні сорту Хачіа в холодильній камері активність ферменту аскорбатоксидази знизилася на 94 %, дифенолоксидази та пероксидази знизилася на 100 %, каталази на 95,5 %. У плодах хурми сорту Xіакуме активність аскорбатоксидази знизилася на 94,5 %, а активність інших ферментів була повністю інгібована. Для досягнення цього результату важливо, щоб активність оксидоредуктазу зменшилася або перейшла в інгібіторний стан. Отримані результати дають можливість регулювати якісні показники сортів хурми залежно від режимів їх зберігання та використовувати для забезпечення населення свіжими плодами не сезонно, а тривалий ча
Застосування хурмового сиропу для підвищення біологічної цінності та органолептичних показників хліба
One of the factors hindering the widespread use of persimmon syrup in baking is the lack of knowledge of its functional properties for the production of a wide range of bread products due to its chemical composition. Based on this, a study of the method of obtaining persimmon syrup, quantitative changes in the nutritional content of the first-grade “Azamatli-95” wheat flour, persimmon syrup of the “Hyakume” variety, mixtures of wheat flour and persimmon syrup, bread with the addition of persimmon syrup was conducted. It was found that during the hot pre-treatment of persimmon, the pulp yield decreases to 25 %, and the juice yield increases to 67.7 %. The regularity of changes in water consumption for diluting the syrup and for kneading the dough, depending on the amount of syrup added to wheat flour, was revealed. With a 1 % increase in persimmon syrup, the consumption of water for diluting the syrup increases on average by 1.193, and the consumption of water per dough decreases by 1.3 on average. The regularity of the quantitative change of food substances during baking is revealed, which allows correcting their content in mixtures of wheat flour and persimmon syrup, and in bread with additives. It was found that the content of phenolic compounds in bread with the additive increases: in the control sample of bread it was 0.13 g/100 g, and in the samples of bread prepared according to options I, II and III it was 0.4, 0.51 and 0.64 g/100 g, respectively, which is 2.7 times more than in the A95WF-PS5, A95WF-PS10 and A95WF-PS15 mixtures from wheat flour and persimmon syrup. When adding up to 10 % persimmon syrup to the first-grade wheat flour, the organoleptic characteristics of the bread, except for the crumb color, improved. Increasing the amount of added persimmon syrup up to 15 % to wheat flour leads to the deterioration of all organoleptic indicators of bread with the additive. The obtained results give an opportunity to regulate the desired quality of bread and use persimmon syrup as a functional ingredientОдним із факторів, що перешкоджають широкому використанню хурмового сиропу у випічці, є недостатня вивченість його функціональних властивостей для виробництва широкого асортименту хлібобулочних виробів через його хімічний склад. Виходячи з цього, проведено дослідження способу отримання сиропу з хурми, кількісних змін поживної цінності борошна першого сорту з пшениці "Азаматлі-95", сиропу з хурми сорту "Хіакуме", сумішей пшеничного борошна і хурмового сиропу, хліба з додаванням хурмового сиропу. Встановлено, що при гарячій попередній обробці хурми вихід м'якоті знижується до 25 %, а вихід соку збільшується до 67,7 %. Виявлено закономірність зміни витрати води на розведення сиропу та на заміс тіста в залежності від кількості сиропу, що додається в пшеничне борошно. При збільшенні кількості хурмового сиропу на 1 % витрата води для розведення сиропу збільшується в середньому на 1,193, а витрата води на тісто зменшується в середньому на 1,3. Виявлено закономірність кількісної зміни харчових речовин при випіканні, що дозволяє коригувати їхній вміст у сумішах пшеничного борошна та хурмового сиропу, а також у хлібі з добавками. Встановлено, що вміст фенольних сполук у хлібі з добавкою збільшується: у контрольному зразку хліба він склав 0,13 г/100 г, а у зразках хліба, приготованого за варіантами I, II і III – 0,4, 0,51 і 0,64 г/100 г відповідно, що в 2,7 рази більше, ніж у сумішах A95WF-PS5, A95WF-PS10 та A95WF-PS15 з пшеничного борошна і хурмового сиропу. При додаванні до 10 % хурмового сиропу у пшеничне борошно першого сорту поліпшуються органолептичні характеристики хліба, за винятком кольору м'якушки. Збільшення кількості доданого хурмового сиропу до 15 % до пшеничного борошна призводить до погіршення всіх органолептичних показників хліба з добавкою. Отримані результати дають можливість регулювати бажану якість хліба та використовувати сироп з хурми в якості функціонального інгредієнта
Assessment of genetic diversity and search for Plum pox virus resistance alleles of apricot<i> (Prunus</i><i> armeniaca</i> L.) genotypes spread in Azerbaijan using SSR markers
Apricot is one of the most important stone-fruit plants widely cultivated in Azerbaijan. SSR markers were used to evaluate the genetic diversity of 61 apricot genotypes representing the entire gene pool in Azerbaijan. A total of 138 alleles were produced based on 17 SSR markers with an average of 8.1 alleles per primer. The polymorphism information content (PIC) and expected (He) heterozygosity for individual loci were in the range of 0.42-0.8 (mean 0.68) and 0.52-0.82 (mean 0.72), respectively, indicating the abundant genetic variation in Azerbaijani apricot cultivars. The polymorphisms generated by SSRs were enough to differentiate 95% of genotypes, while 4 apricot cultivars exhibited complete similarity between them. NJ tree grouped the 61 genotypes into 7 clusters with 1000 bootstrap values, where the grouping of genotypes was not closely related to the geographic origin or collection site. STRUCTURE analysis identified 4 subpopulations in the collection and, in general, was in agreement with cluster analysis. (SEO)/Harlayne-type resistance alleles of three SSR (PGS1.21-240 bp, PGS1.23-161 bp, PGS1.24-119 bp) and one SSLP loci (ZP002-127 bp) were detected in 3, 15, 15, and 9 accessions, respectively. STRUCTURE analysis could separate genotypes with resistance alleles grouping them in the first two subpopulations. Of the 61 apricot genotypes, 28 had at least one resistance allele. The results demonstrate that Azerbaijani apricots are an important source for breeding PPV-resistant apricots
Genetic diversity of chickpea genotypes as revealed by ISSR and RAPD markers
Genetic diversity of 62 chickpea accessions was studied using 8 ISSR and 11
RAPD primers. In the study RAPD primers detected more polymorphism (98%)
than the ISSR primers (80%). Genetic diversity index was high (0.73 for ISSR
and 0.85 for RAPD) for each of these marker systems. Cluster analysis
performed from both separate and combined data of RAPD and ISSR markers
using SPSS software package. Jaccard’s similarity coefficient for 62
chickpea genotypes was 0.65. Cluster analyses based on combined data
generated a dendrogram that separated genotypes into 11 clusters. Four
clusters contained only one genotype showing the genetic uniqueness of these
accessions. The studied chickpea collection has been proved to constitute a
rich source of biodiversity as revealed by RAPD and ISSR markers. Crossing
between distantly related genotypes is expected to yield more vigorous
plants constituting much of the different traits contained in the two
parental lines
Genetic relationship among introduced lentil germplasm using agronomic traits and ISSR markers
Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) is an annual, cool-season grain legume playing
an important role in human and animal nutrition, as soil fertility
maintenance. National lentil improvement program in Azerbaijan is currently
focused on extending the genetic base of the lentil collection through the
introduction of new breeding lines from ICARDA and involving them into
breeding. The present study was aimed to evaluate the performance of lentil
collection, mainly comprised of ICARDA-derived breeding lines for yield
traits under Azerbaijan condition and assess genetic diversity among them
using inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers. Many breeding lines of
ICARDA exhibited agro-morphological performance superior to those of the
local improved varieties. Our studies confirmed that the genetic base of the
studied lentil collection is quite above board. A total of 71 bands were
generated using 7 ISSR primers in 47 lentil genotypes, of which 62 were
polymorphic. Genetic diversity values varied from 0.61 (UBC 848) to 0.95
(UBC 835), with a mean of 0.81. ISSR dendrogram was able to clearly
distinguish all lentil accessions. Clear tendention was observed on
clustering of genotypes according to their pedigree or origin with few
exeptions. The results obtained from the Principal Coordinate Analysis were
consistent with the results of cluster analysis, with minor differences.
Breeding lines with high agronomic performance and sufficient genetic
distance from this study can be used as appropriate parents to get more
heterotic recombinants. This will accelerate the creation of new varieties
well adapted to eco-geographic condition of Azerbaijan with stable and high