4 research outputs found

    Environmental Risk Factors for Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: An Umbrella Review

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    Leukemia is the most common type of cancer among children and adolescents worldwide. The aim of this umbrella review was (1) to provide a synthesis of the environmental risk factors for the onset of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) by exposure window, (2) evaluate their strength of evidence and magnitude of risk, and as an example (3) estimate the prevalence in the German population, which determines the relevance at the population level. Relevant systematic reviews and pooled analyses were identified and retrieved through PubMed, Web of Science databases and lists of references. Only two risk factors (low doses of ionizing radiation in early childhood and general pesticide exposure during maternal preconception/pregnancy) were convincingly associated with childhood ALL. Other risk factors including extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-MF), living in proximity to nuclear facilities, petroleum, benzene, solvent, and domestic paint exposure during early childhood, all showed some level of evidence of association. Maternal consumption of coffee (high consumption/>2 cups/day) and cola (high consumption) during pregnancy, paternal smoking during the pregnancy of the index child, maternal intake of fertility treatment, high birth weight (≥4000 g) and caesarean delivery were also found to have some level of evidence of association. Maternal folic acid and vitamins intake, breastfeeding (≥6 months) and day-care attendance, were inversely associated with childhood ALL with some evidence. The results of this umbrella review should be interpreted with caution; as the evidence stems almost exclusively from case-control studies, where selection and recall bias are potential concerns, and whether the empirically observed association reflect causal relationships remains an open question. Hence, improved exposure assessment methods including accurate and reliable measurement, probing questions and better interview techniques are required to establish causative risk factors of childhood leukemia, which is needed for the ultimate goal of primary prevention

    Cardiac late effects after modern 3D-conformal radiotherapy in breast cancer patients: a retrospective cohort study in Germany (ESCaRa)

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    Purpose!#!Radiotherapy (RT) was identified as a risk factor for long-term cardiac effects in breast cancer patients treated until the 1990s. However, modern techniques reduce radiation exposure of the heart, but some exposure remains unavoidable. In a retrospective cohort study, we investigated cardiac mortality and morbidity of breast cancer survivors treated with recent RT in Germany.!##!Methods!#!A total of 11,982 breast cancer patients treated between 1998 and 2008 were included. A mortality follow-up was conducted until 06/2018. In order to assess cardiac morbidity occurring after breast cancer treatment, a questionnaire was sent out in 2014 and 2019. The effect of breast cancer laterality on cardiac mortality and morbidity was investigated as a proxy for radiation exposure. We used Cox Proportional Hazards regression analysis, taking potential confounders into account.!##!Results!#!After a median follow-up time of 11.1 years, there was no significant association of tumor laterality with cardiac mortality in irradiated patients (hazard ratio (HR) for left-sided versus right-sided tumor 1.09; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.85-1.41). Furthermore, tumor laterality was not identified as a significant risk factor for cardiac morbidity (HR = 1.05; 95%CI 0.88-1.25).!##!Conclusions!#!Even though RT for left-sided breast cancer on average incurs higher radiation dose to the heart than RT for right-sided tumors, we found no evidence that laterality is a strong risk factor for cardiac disease after contemporary RT. However, larger sample sizes, longer follow-up, detailed information on individual risk factors and heart dose are needed to assess clinically manifest late effects of current cancer therapy