41 research outputs found

    Utjecaji i izazovi CSI efekta - hrvatski primjer

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    In the Republic of Croatia, the impact of ā€˜CSIā€™ series on the judicial system (the so-called CSI effect) has not been investigated so far up to now. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of the CSI effect on the operation of the judical system in the Republic of Croatia. An online survey among 104 lawyers was conducted. The results were the following: respondents believe that crime TV series did not influence the way investigations are conducted, their behaviour, court decisions and the way they communicate with the public. They feel that public expectations have changed in part due to crime TV series, but they also think that they have not influenced their behaviour or the decision-making of the courts. They also believe that crime TV series have partly influenced criminal behaviour and state that such series also partially simplify the ways in which the police conduct investigations. Regarding the way of understanding the operation of the judicial system, the respondents believe that crime TV series make it difficult to understand the Croatian legal system and do not accurately portray court proceedings. Respondents stated that crime TV series do not accurately show the availability and value of clues collected at the crime scene. We can conclude that the general attitude of the respondents is that crime TV series have no influence on themselves or the courts, but they believe that such series still leave a mark on the public which, under their influence, creates a misperception about the way the legal system works and functions.U Republici Hrvatskoj utjecaj CSI serija na pravosudni sustav (tzv. CSI efekt) do sada nije istraživan. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj CSI efekta na rad odvjetničkog sustava u Republici Hrvatskoj. U istraživanju je primijenjena online anketa na koju su odgovorila 104 odvjetnika. Pokazalo se sljedeće: ispitanici smatraju kako kriminalističke televizijske serije nisu utjecale na način provođenja istraga, njihovo ponaÅ”anje, odlučivanje sudova te način na koji oni komuniciraju s javnoŔću. Smatraju kako su se očekivanja javnosti dijelom promijenila uslijed kriminalističkih TV serija, ali također misle da ona nisu utjecala na njihovo ponaÅ”anje kao i na odlučivanje sudova. Također, smatraju kako su kriminalističke TV serije djelomično utjecale na kriminalna ponaÅ”anja te navode kako takve serije, isto tako, djelomično pojednostavnjuju načine na koje policija provodi istrage. Å to se tiče načina shvaćanja rada pravosudnog sustava, ispitanici smatraju kako kriminalističke TV serije otežavaju shvaćanje hrvatskog pravnog sustava te ne prikazuju precizno sudske procese. Ispitanici su naveli kako kriminalističke televizijske serije ne prikazuju točno dostupnost i vrijednost tragova prikupljenih na mjestu događaja. Možemo zaključiti kako je općeniti stav ispitanika da kriminalističke TV serije nemaju utjecaj na njih same kao ni na sudove - ali su miÅ”ljenja kako takve serije ipak ostavljaju trag na javnosti koja pod njihovim utjecajem stvara pogreÅ”nu percepciju o načinu rada i funkcioniranju pravnog sustava

    Utjecaji i izazovi CSI efekta - hrvatski primjer

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    In the Republic of Croatia, the impact of ā€˜CSIā€™ series on the judicial system (the so-called CSI effect) has not been investigated so far up to now. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of the CSI effect on the operation of the judical system in the Republic of Croatia. An online survey among 104 lawyers was conducted. The results were the following: respondents believe that crime TV series did not influence the way investigations are conducted, their behaviour, court decisions and the way they communicate with the public. They feel that public expectations have changed in part due to crime TV series, but they also think that they have not influenced their behaviour or the decision-making of the courts. They also believe that crime TV series have partly influenced criminal behaviour and state that such series also partially simplify the ways in which the police conduct investigations. Regarding the way of understanding the operation of the judicial system, the respondents believe that crime TV series make it difficult to understand the Croatian legal system and do not accurately portray court proceedings. Respondents stated that crime TV series do not accurately show the availability and value of clues collected at the crime scene. We can conclude that the general attitude of the respondents is that crime TV series have no influence on themselves or the courts, but they believe that such series still leave a mark on the public which, under their influence, creates a misperception about the way the legal system works and functions.U Republici Hrvatskoj utjecaj CSI serija na pravosudni sustav (tzv. CSI efekt) do sada nije istraživan. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj CSI efekta na rad odvjetničkog sustava u Republici Hrvatskoj. U istraživanju je primijenjena online anketa na koju su odgovorila 104 odvjetnika. Pokazalo se sljedeće: ispitanici smatraju kako kriminalističke televizijske serije nisu utjecale na način provođenja istraga, njihovo ponaÅ”anje, odlučivanje sudova te način na koji oni komuniciraju s javnoŔću. Smatraju kako su se očekivanja javnosti dijelom promijenila uslijed kriminalističkih TV serija, ali također misle da ona nisu utjecala na njihovo ponaÅ”anje kao i na odlučivanje sudova. Također, smatraju kako su kriminalističke TV serije djelomično utjecale na kriminalna ponaÅ”anja te navode kako takve serije, isto tako, djelomično pojednostavnjuju načine na koje policija provodi istrage. Å to se tiče načina shvaćanja rada pravosudnog sustava, ispitanici smatraju kako kriminalističke TV serije otežavaju shvaćanje hrvatskog pravnog sustava te ne prikazuju precizno sudske procese. Ispitanici su naveli kako kriminalističke televizijske serije ne prikazuju točno dostupnost i vrijednost tragova prikupljenih na mjestu događaja. Možemo zaključiti kako je općeniti stav ispitanika da kriminalističke TV serije nemaju utjecaj na njih same kao ni na sudove - ali su miÅ”ljenja kako takve serije ipak ostavljaju trag na javnosti koja pod njihovim utjecajem stvara pogreÅ”nu percepciju o načinu rada i funkcioniranju pravnog sustava

    Forensic investigation of a mass grave at Ovčara, near Vukovar, of victims killed by the Serbian army in 1991

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    Objective: To evaluate the contribution of forensic research to the discovery and analysis of mass graves of victims of the Yugoslav Peopleā€™s Army and Serbian paramilitaries at Ovčara, near Vukovar, and to the identification of exhumed victims as missing persons who were forcibly removed from Vukovar Hospital on 20 November 1991. Methods: We analysed official international documentation and transcripts from the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Data on causes of death and injury classifications were derived from autopsy reports and their interpretation by a forensic specialist. Identification of individuals was based on a report by a representative of the Commission on Detainees and Missing Persons. Results: Scientific and expert evidence from forensic research of the Ovčara mass grave shows that 198 male and 2 female bodies (one of a pregnant woman) in civilian clothes were exhumated from the site, with an average age of 32.5 years, including 3 minors. The determined manner of death for all 200 exhumed bodies was homicide, and the cause of death for 95% of the victims was a gunshot wound to a vital part of the body, in 67% of cases to the head. Traces of medical treatment and hospital workwear were found on 53% of the victims. 96% of the bodies were positively identified, 46.5% using classical forensic methods, and 49.5% by DNA analysis. Most of the victims were Croatian nationals of the Catholic faith. Conclusion: Forensic analysis and identification confirmed that the war crime victims exhumed from the Ovčara mass grave were listed as missing persons who disappeared from Vukovar Hospital. Their murder was used as relevant evidence of planned ethnic cleansing in court

    Anthropological analysis of the skeleton in the sarcophagus from site Rižinice

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    Tijekom 2011. godine, na lokalitetu Rižinice u Solinu, otkrivena su dva sarkofaga i između njih jedan grob (grob 26). U bolje sačuvanom ukraÅ”enom sarkofagu, koji je joÅ” imao i natpis, ostali su tek tragovi kostura u raspadanju. U drugom, čiji su se sanduk i poklopac raspukli na viÅ”e mjesta, bili su dobro sačuvani kosturni ostatci osoba. Prema arheoloÅ”kim podatcima i s obzirom na način ukopa pretpostavlja se kako su pokojnici u njima pripadali viÅ”em druÅ”tvenom sloju. AntropoloÅ”kom analizom utvrđeno je da kosturi iz drugog sarkofaga pripadaju muÅ”karcu, ženi i jednom djetetu, dok je analizom DNK utvrđeno kako kostur iz groba 26 pripada odraslom muÅ”karcu. Na koÅ”tanim ostatcima nisu pronađene traumatske promjene kao ni znakovi subadultnog stresa. Osteoartritične promjene utvrđene na koÅ”tanom materijalu ne mogu se dovesti u vezu s teÅ”kim fizičkim radom, pa rezultati antropoloÅ”ke analize potvrđuju arheoloÅ”ku pretpostavku prema kojoj su pokojnici iz tih grobova pripadali imućnijim članovima tadaÅ”nje zajednice.During the research of Rižinice in Solin in 2011, archaeologists of the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments uncovered two unopened stone sarcophagi with a gabled lid. They were discovered just south of the room whose north side ends in a semi-circular apse, leading researchers to believe that these are the remains of an older church. These sarcophagi were buried deeper than the foundation of the assumed church. They were located underneath the walls which were built in the modern era and below the level of late mediaeval graves. They originate in the Roman Era and they were also used for a burial in the Middle Ages. This was determined by the fact that one of them was placed onto two marble pilasters which belonged to the altar screen of the early mediaeval church. The remains of a decaying skeleton were found in the better preserved and decorated sarcophagus with the inscription (sarcophagus A). In the residual humus found in its interior, approximately from the shoulder to the knee of the deceased, we discovered gold threads, or spiral coating which remained after the disintegration of textile. The second sarcophagus (sarcophagus B), whose case and lid were cracked in several places, contained well preserved remains of skeletons of two adults and the bones of a child. During the laying of the last deceased (the woman), the bones of the previously buried man were shifted to the side by an insignificant amount. Other than traces of a significantly corroded and disintegrated iron object, there were no other discoveries among the bones. The skeletal remains of the grave that was dug between these two sarcophagi (grave 26) was also chosen for anthropological analysis. This grave contained the remains of an adult and a child, with no other grave goods. The results of the anthropological study showed that the adults were not subject to neither greater subadult stress, nor intense manual work. The child, who died between the ages of 2 and 2.5, is consistent with the research results obtained from other similar locations because child death of that particular age in the preindustrial era was the greatest. According to the data from the anthropological analysis, the described persons were most likely members of a higher social class because their bones did not show any signs that would describe difficult living conditions. This is also evident from the results of the archaeological excavation, primarily because of the more luxurious manner of burial. However, it is interesting to note, despite the small sample and the lack of all relevant indications of a lower living standard, only one person managed to reach old age. The child, as we saw, died between the ages of 2 and 2.5, the woman and man from sarcophagus B between 25-35 and 45-60, while the other man from grave 26 died between 25-30 years of age. This data reconfirms the assumptions previously made on numerous occasions about the difficult mediaeval life which did not spare even the wealthiest members of society

    Anthropological analysis of the skeleton in the sarcophagus from site Rižinice

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    Tijekom 2011. godine, na lokalitetu Rižinice u Solinu, otkrivena su dva sarkofaga i između njih jedan grob (grob 26). U bolje sačuvanom ukraÅ”enom sarkofagu, koji je joÅ” imao i natpis, ostali su tek tragovi kostura u raspadanju. U drugom, čiji su se sanduk i poklopac raspukli na viÅ”e mjesta, bili su dobro sačuvani kosturni ostatci osoba. Prema arheoloÅ”kim podatcima i s obzirom na način ukopa pretpostavlja se kako su pokojnici u njima pripadali viÅ”em druÅ”tvenom sloju. AntropoloÅ”kom analizom utvrđeno je da kosturi iz drugog sarkofaga pripadaju muÅ”karcu, ženi i jednom djetetu, dok je analizom DNK utvrđeno kako kostur iz groba 26 pripada odraslom muÅ”karcu. Na koÅ”tanim ostatcima nisu pronađene traumatske promjene kao ni znakovi subadultnog stresa. Osteoartritične promjene utvrđene na koÅ”tanom materijalu ne mogu se dovesti u vezu s teÅ”kim fizičkim radom, pa rezultati antropoloÅ”ke analize potvrđuju arheoloÅ”ku pretpostavku prema kojoj su pokojnici iz tih grobova pripadali imućnijim članovima tadaÅ”nje zajednice.During the research of Rižinice in Solin in 2011, archaeologists of the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments uncovered two unopened stone sarcophagi with a gabled lid. They were discovered just south of the room whose north side ends in a semi-circular apse, leading researchers to believe that these are the remains of an older church. These sarcophagi were buried deeper than the foundation of the assumed church. They were located underneath the walls which were built in the modern era and below the level of late mediaeval graves. They originate in the Roman Era and they were also used for a burial in the Middle Ages. This was determined by the fact that one of them was placed onto two marble pilasters which belonged to the altar screen of the early mediaeval church. The remains of a decaying skeleton were found in the better preserved and decorated sarcophagus with the inscription (sarcophagus A). In the residual humus found in its interior, approximately from the shoulder to the knee of the deceased, we discovered gold threads, or spiral coating which remained after the disintegration of textile. The second sarcophagus (sarcophagus B), whose case and lid were cracked in several places, contained well preserved remains of skeletons of two adults and the bones of a child. During the laying of the last deceased (the woman), the bones of the previously buried man were shifted to the side by an insignificant amount. Other than traces of a significantly corroded and disintegrated iron object, there were no other discoveries among the bones. The skeletal remains of the grave that was dug between these two sarcophagi (grave 26) was also chosen for anthropological analysis. This grave contained the remains of an adult and a child, with no other grave goods. The results of the anthropological study showed that the adults were not subject to neither greater subadult stress, nor intense manual work. The child, who died between the ages of 2 and 2.5, is consistent with the research results obtained from other similar locations because child death of that particular age in the preindustrial era was the greatest. According to the data from the anthropological analysis, the described persons were most likely members of a higher social class because their bones did not show any signs that would describe difficult living conditions. This is also evident from the results of the archaeological excavation, primarily because of the more luxurious manner of burial. However, it is interesting to note, despite the small sample and the lack of all relevant indications of a lower living standard, only one person managed to reach old age. The child, as we saw, died between the ages of 2 and 2.5, the woman and man from sarcophagus B between 25-35 and 45-60, while the other man from grave 26 died between 25-30 years of age. This data reconfirms the assumptions previously made on numerous occasions about the difficult mediaeval life which did not spare even the wealthiest members of society

    Nadin ā€“ nekropola na ravnom

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    At University Center for Forensic Sciences, on kind request of prof. Sineva Kukoč, human osteological material from Liburnian-Roman Nadin flat necropolis, were delivered. In order of getting more information on finding site as well as populations that lived there during this time period, collaboration of University in Zadar and University Center for Forensic Sciences was successfully carried out. During archaeological researches, one grave cella with 18 graves was excavated. They were dated in 6th and 5th century BC. Only graves: 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18 and 18a were preserved in situ, while others were destroyed afterwords. Aim oft his research was getting results of anthropological analysis of Nadin flat necropolis. Regarding to the fact that Nadin flat necropolis and burial mound 13 that was anthropological processed by P. Rajić Å ikanjić belong to the same Gradina in Nadin, results of these two anthropological analysis will be compared and we will try to give conclusions about similarities and differences in life condicitions and its quality in these two necropolisess. Anthropological analysis gives an insight in life quality of individuals, as well as whole community, through researche of diseases that were causes of death , food availability and quality, quality of medical care, average of estimated age at time of death, as well as social relations within populations. All those informations give an oportunity of better understanding of past including our ancesstersā€™ way of life.Autori u ovom radu pokuÅ”avaju rasvijetliti kvalitetu i uvjete života, kao i opću demografsku strukturu stanovniÅ”tva željeznog doba u Nadinu. Prilikom istraživanja 2005. godine u Nadinu istražena je cela 1 s 18 grobova, od kojih su samo neki sačuvani in situ. Nakon antropoloÅ”ke analize utvrđeno je da je minimalan broj sahranjenih osoba 45, od kojih 5 žena, 9 muÅ”karaca, 22 djece te 9 odraslih osoba, kojima se zbog iznimne fragmentiranosti nije mogao odrediti spol. U ovoj celi prevladava obred pokapanja, a zastupljeno je i spaljivanje: naime, u Å”est grobova pronađene su kosti spaljenih pokojnika. Prosječna doživljena dob za muÅ”karce iznosi 36,7 godina, a za žene 46 godina. Za 11 djece bilo je moguće odrediti prosječnu doživljenu dob u trenutku smrti koja je iznosila 8,5 godina. Usprkos većim postmortalnim oÅ”tećenjima korteksa, uočene su sljedeće patoloÅ”ke promjene: zubni karijes kod dvije osobe (42,9 %), odnosno u 16 % zubi, alveolarna resorpcija kod dvije osobe (28,6 %), odnosno 35,9 % zubi, hipoplazija zubne cakline kod dvije osobe (25 % ) , odnosno 33,87 % zubi. Od osoba koje su imale sačuvane kraljeÅ”ke, tri osobe (27,3 %) imale su vidljive Schmorlove defekte. Jedanaest osoba imalo je znakove osteoartritisa (50% od svih odraslih osoba) na očuvanim zglobnim plohama. Kod jedne odrasle osobe i jednog djeteta vidljiva je cribra orbitalia u sanaciji. Ujedno su ovo jedine dvije osobe sa sačuvanim orbitama. Znakovi periostitisa vidljivi su kod tri odrasle osobe, odnosno 13,6 % od ukupnog broja odraslih osoba. Kod devetero djece (40,9 % od ukupnog broja djece) vidljivi su znakovi aktivnog generaliziranog periostitisa. Osim ljudskog osteoloÅ”kog materijala u 9 grobova pronađene su i životinjske kosti, od kojih je za ukupno 47 kostiju bilo moguće odrediti kojoj vrsti pripadaju i o kojoj se kosti radi. Popis zastupljenih životinja je sljedeći: ovca, koza, svinja, govedo, jelen i mačka. Također su pronađene i puževe kućice i Å”koljke. Za daljnje rasvjetljavanje demografske strukture stanovniÅ”tva potrebne su dodatne analize

    Paleodemographic and paleopathological analyses of the mediaeval graveyard Svećurje - Žestinj

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    Autorice će u ovom radu dati pregled paleodemografske strukture te iznijeti rezultate paleopatoloÅ”ke analize srednjovjekovnog lokaliteta Svećurje ā€“ Žestinj. Ukupno su analizirane 43 osobe, od kojih 26 djece, 6 žena te 11 muÅ”karaca. Iz podataka o demografskoj strukturi, pokazateljima subadultnog stresa i mehaničkog opterećenja, patoloÅ”kih i traumatskih promjena, doneseni su zaključci o kvaliteti života zajednice te su uspoređeni s drugim ranosrednjovjekovnim populacijama.The paper gives an overview of the paleodemographic structure and presents the results of the paleopathological analysis of the mediaeval site Svećurje ā€“ Žestinj. The analysis included 43 persons, out of which 26 were children, 6 women and 11 men. The data on demographic structure, indicators of subadult and mechanical stress, pathological and traumatic changes lead to conclusions on the quality of life in this community, which were also compared to other early mediaeval populations. In terms of pathological changes, indicators of subadult stress, precisely cribra orbitalia and enamel hypoplasia, were present in a high percentage. These results show that the people at site Svećurje-Žestinj were most of their lives malnourished and even the children were not spared from starvation. The frequency of caries is slightly higher (according to the number of teeth) than on other comparable sites, as well as the overall frequency of all alveolar diseases. However, this difference does not present a statistically significant difference, but rather fits into the average of early mediaeval populations and indicates to a low standard of oral hygiene. The overall high frequency of periostitis indicates to a greater exposure to infectious diseases whose outcome was uncertain until the discovery of antibiotics. The comparison with other sites from the Early Middle Ages shows a lower frequency of osteoarthritis than on comparable sites. A higher frequency of Schmorlā€™s nodes was registered in females than in males which may suggest that even women were exposed to a high amount of physical work. The analysisā€™ results for traumata indicate that the exposure to violence was not high and without significant fluctuations throughout the Middle Age

    Vredovanje morfoloÅ”kih metoda za određivanje spola na lubanji

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    Vredovanje morfoloÅ”kih metoda za određivanje spola na lubanj