3 research outputs found

    Comparison of Contracts on Business Cooperation on Maritime Domain in Nautical Tourism Ports and Lease Agreements

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    The paper discusses the contract on business cooperation on maritime property in the ports of nautical tourism in the context of named and unnamed contracts, the scope of freedom of contract in the context of the concession contract as a "fundamental" contract, as well as the method by which the contract on business cooperation is qualified in the Croatian legal system. This contract is apostrophised in the context of mixed contracts and sui generis contracts as types of contracts that are not regulated by law. The acceptance of the provisions of the lease agreement as a named contract in Croatian legislation in business practice when concluding a business cooperation agreement is examined, as well as the similarities of these two agreements. The aim of the paper is to use the comparative law method to complete knowledge about the positioning of business cooperation contracts on maritime property in nautical tourism ports in the context of named and unnamed contracts, i.e. mixed and sui generis contracts, and to determine the appropriateness and compatibility of the lease contract with the business cooperation contract

    Special Features of Vessel Leasing Contracts in Legal Transactions in the Republic of Croatia

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    U ovom radu autori analiziraju posebnosti ugovaranja u poslu leasinga plovila u Republici Hrvatskoj u usporedbi s drugim pokretninama. Ovo istraživanje usredotočuje se na poslovnu praksu, odnosno opće uvjete poslovanja kao dio ugovora o leasingu plovila u kontekstu trgovačkopravnog procesa. Autori, također, analiziraju različite pristupe leasing druÅ”tava s obzirom na specifičnosti plovila, kao objekta leasinga, koji putem općih uvjeta poslovanja određuju specifična prava i obveze davatelja i primatelja leasinga. Kritički se razmatraju različita rjeÅ”enja koja su propisana putem općih uvjeta poslovanja leasing druÅ”tava u Republici Hrvatskoj. Kako bi se potpuno analizirao doseg ugovornih strana u procesu ugovaranja, prethodno je potrebno općenito analizirati pravni okvir ugovaranja leasinga.The authors analyse the peculiarities of contracting in the business of vessel leasing in the Republic of Croatia and its relation to other movable properties. General business conditions as part of the vessel leasing contract are the focus of this research. In the paper, the authors examine different approaches of leasing companies in relation to the specifics of the vessel, as an object of leasing, which, through the general conditions of business, determine the specific rights and obligations of the leasing provider and receiver. A critical review is given of the various solutions that are prescribed by leasing companies in the Republic of Croatia through the general terms of business. For a complete analysis of the scope of the parties in the contracting process, the legal framework of the leasing contract is analysed beforehand

    Permit for maritime domain as a new maritime law institute in Croatian legislation

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    Pomorsko dobro je ā€žobiteljsko srebroā€œ Republike Hrvatske, i kao stvar izvan prometa, ne može biti predmet vlasničkopravnih odnosa, iskoriÅ”tava se, odnosno upotrebljava kroz specifične pomorskopravne institute. Prije svega to je koncesija. Hrvatsko zakonodavstvo, cijeneći potrebe razvoja pomorskog dobra, normira druge pomorskopravne institute koji nadopunjavaju one pravne i životne fenomene za koje institut koncesije nije moguće adaptirati. Po noveli Zakona o pomorskom dobru i morskim lukama uveden je institut dozvole na pomorskom dobru. Zakonodavac, svjestan već i prije, kroz institut koncesijskog odobrenja i kroz pojednostavljeni postupak, znatno drugačiji od koncesije, a sada kroz institut dozvole na pomorskom dobru, mora obuhvatiti sva ona koriÅ”tenja, odnosno upotrebe na pomorskom dobru za koje je institut koncesije neprilagođen. U ovom radu autor prikazuje bitne značajke dozvole na pomorskom dobru kroz analizu normativnog okvira koji uređuje dozvole na pomorskom dobru neposredno ili posredno. Nadalje, ukazuje na razlike između dozvole na pomorskom dobru i ukinutog koncesijskog odobrenja, kao i na potrebe dodatnog pravnog uređenja predmetne materije.Maritime domain is the ā€œfamilyā€™s silverā€ of the Republic of Croatia. As it is not part of trading relations, it cannot be the subject of ownership relations. It is exploited and used in a way that is regulated through specific maritime law institutes, primarily via concession. Croatian Legislation, appreciating the needs for the development of maritime domain, regulates other maritime law institutes that complement those legal and life phenomena for which it is not possible to adapt the institute of concession. According to the amendment of the Law on Maritime Domain, seaports have introduced the maritime domain permit institute. The Legislator, aware even previously, through the institute of concession and through simplified procedure, which is significantly different from concession, and now through the institute of permit in maritime domain, which must include all those uses, i.e., uses on the maritime domain for which the concession institute is not suitable. In this paper, the essential features of permit in maritime domain are presented through analysis of the normative framework governing permits in maritime domain either directly or indirectly. Furthermore, the differences between permits in maritime domain and revoked concession approval are pointed out, as is the need for additional legal arrangements