15 research outputs found

    Construction Unions Negotiators Conference

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    This publication aims to familiarise negotiators with inflation statistics, which are not as straight forward as they might seem at first glance. It provides negotiators with the latest inflation figures (at the time of publication), and puts forward a few guidelines for dealing with inflation in the context of collective bargaining. After ail, if you know what the rules of the game are you can break them propertyhere put any information that you think is important but there is no field for it, if there isnt remove the fiel

    An analysis of collective bargaining arrangements in the construction industry

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    The BWI is the global union federation grouping of free and democratic unions, with members in the building, building materials, wood, forestry and allied sectors. The BWI groups together around 318 trade unions representing around 12 million members in 130 countries. The headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland. Regional and Project offices are located in Panama and Malaysia, South Africa, India, Australia, Burkina Faso, Bulgaria, Lebanon, Kenya, South Korea, Russia, Argentina, Peru and Brazil. Our mission is to promote the development of trade unions in our sectors throughout the world, and to promote and enforce workers' rights in the context of sustainable development. The President of the International is Klaus Wiesehiigel from the Building and Forest Workers Union in Germany. The Deputy President is Stefaan Vantourenhout from the Building and Wood Workers union in Belgium and the General Secretary is Anita Normark from Sweden

    Campaign for decent work

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    This booklet is a resource for construction trade unions, shop stewards, workers and allied organisations involved in the struggle to improve working conditions for those involved in FIFA World Cup 2010 construction projects, it also serves as a resource for the construction sector as a whole. This booklet provides profile 'snapshots' of the major companies, national and international, involved in World Cup 2010 construction projects. These 'snapshots' include a description of history and operations, profits for the 2006 financial year, executive and non-executive remuneration and state the specific 2010 contract awarded to each company. To give a broader picture of profitability in the construction sector, we have included other companies (in Annexure 1), that may not be involved in 2010 projects directly. We also provide information on the minimum wages for the civil engineering sector, which is contrasted to the remuneration packages of executives in the industry. Through this booklet, we aim to arm those involved in the struggle for decent work with information to be used for discussion, debate and action amongst workers; and contribute to the building of the independent knowledge of the working class. After all, 'knowledge is too important to be left in the hands of the bosses'

    2010 World Cup - Campaign for decent work

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    The BWI is the global union federation grouping of free and democratic unions, with members in the » building, building materials, wood, forestry and allied sectors. The BWI groups together around 318 trade unions representing around 12 million members in 130 countries. The headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland. Regional and Project offices are located in Panama and Malaysia, South Africa, India, Australia, Burkina Faso, Bulgaria, Lebanon, Kenya, South Korea, Russia, Argentina, Peru and Brazil. Our mission is to promote the development of trade unions in our sectors throughout the world, and to promote and enforce workers' rights in the context of sustainable development. The President of the International is Klaus Wiesehugel from the Building and Forest Workers Union in Germany. The Deputy President is Stefaan Vantourenhout from the Building and Wood Workers union in Belgium and the General Secretary is Anita Normark from Sweden

    Privatisierung und regionale Strukturpolitik Strategien und Konzepte zur Vitalisierung industrieller Standorte in den neuen Bundeslaendern

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    IAB-90-0DD0-311000 BA 570 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Analyse der regionalen Wirtschafts- und Arbeitsmarktentwicklung im Land Brandenburg unter dem Aspekt des Zusammenwirkens oeffentlicher und privater Institutionen

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    SIGLEIAB-90-0BB0-101202 AX 834 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman