46 research outputs found

    Prinos zelene mase, sjemena i ostalih komponenata uroda stočnog graška (Pisum sativum L.) u zavisnosti od agroekoloških uvjeta i starosti sjemena

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    The goal of the research was to determine the influence of two locations (Osijek and Vinkovci) and seed age on field germination, vegetative mass and dry matter of vegetative mass yields, grain yield, 1000 grain weight and grain crude protein yield of foreign spring field pea cultivar (Timo) during two successive years (2004 and 2005). The year has significantly influenced the grain yield, and the location influenced the grain yield and 1000 grain weight. In the first year of research, the greater grain yield by 70 % was accomplished on Osijek location, and in the second year it almost doubled. 1000 grain weight was by 19 % greater in the second year of research on Osijek location in relation to Vinkovci location. The same cultivar seed stored for 9 and 21 months were sown on both locations in the second year of investigation. Field germination of 9 month old seed was for 12.1 % greater than 21 month old seed. Seed maturity and location interaction was significant (p=0.05) for vegetative mass yield, dry matter of vegetative mass yield, grain yield and grain crude protein yield.Tijekom 2004. i 2005. godine istraživan je utjecaj agroekoloških uvjeta i starosti sjemena na poljsko nicanje, prinos zelene mase i suhe tvari nadzemne vegetativne mase, prinos zrna, masu 1000 zrna i prinos sirovih bjelančevina zrna inozemnog jarog stočnog kultivara graška (Timo) na dvije lokacije istočne Hrvatske (Osijek i Vinkovci). Godina je značajno utjecala na prinos zrna, a lokacija na prinos i masu 1000 zrna. U prvoj godini istraživanja ostvaren je za 70 % viši prinos zrna na lokaciji Vinkovci, dok je u drugoj godini gotovo dvostruko viši prinos zrna ostvaren na lokaciji Osijek. Masa 1000 zrna u drugoj godini istraživanja bila je za 19 % veća na lokaciji Osijek, a interakcija godine i lokacije značajna. Sjeme istog kultivara skladišteno 9 i 21 mjesec posijano je na obje lokacije u drugoj godini istraživanja. Poljsko nicanje sjemena starog 9 mjeseci bilo je za 12,1 % više od poljskog nicanja sjemena starog 21 mjesec na obje lokacije. Interakcija starosti sjemena i lokacije bila je značajna (p=0,05) za prinos zelene mase i suhe tvari nadzemne vegetativne mase, prinos zrna, te prinos sirovih bjelančevina zrna

    Utjecaj temperature i pH otopine na upijanje sjemena i svojstva klijanaca inkarnatke (Trifolium incarnatum L.)

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    Crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L. convar. Inkara) seeds were imbibed with water solution of various pH values (4, 5, 6 and 7) at various ambiental temperatures (10, 15 and 22 °C) with the aim to reveal treatments effects on seed (imbibition, germination energy, germination and electric conductivity) and seedling traits (stem, root and total length). Seeds were imbibed in a laboratory by the standard method for seed germination. When averaged over the inquired pH values, ambient temperature affected all the investigated traits except stem length. The highest seed imbibition (58.8%) and electric conductivity (82 µS/cm per gram) were achieved at 22 °C. The highest values for germination energy (70%), germination (68%), root length (31 mm) and total seedling length (77 mm) were achieved at 10 °C. When averaged over the inquired ambiental temperatures, the highest germination energy (71%), germination (73%), root length (34 mm) and total seedling length (78 mm) were achieved at pH 4.U laboratorijskim uvjetima ispitivan je utjecaj upijanja sjemena inkarnatke (cv. „Inkara“) pri različitim temperaturama (10, 15 i 22 °C) i pH otopina (4, 5, 6 i 7) na svojstva sjemena (upijanje, energiju klijanja i klijavost, električni konduktivitiet) i klijanaca (dužinu stabljike, korjena te ukupnu dužinu klijanaca). Sjeme izloženo upijanju na navedenim temperaturama i pH vrijednostima otopina naklijavano je standardnom metodom. Temperatura upijanja u prosjeku za pH vrijednosti otopine upijanja utjecala je na sva ispitivana svojstva sjemena i klijanaca osim na dužinu stabljike klijanaca. Najveće vrijednosti na 22 °C dobivene su za upijanje sjemena (58,8%) i električni konduktivitet (82 µS/cm per gram). Dobivene vrijednosti za energiju (70%) i klijavost sjemena (68%) kao i dužinu korjena (31 mm) i ukupna dužina klijanaca (77 mm) bile su najveće na 10°C. U prosjeku za temperature, na pH 4 vrijednost otopine za upijanje dobivene su najveće vrijednosti za energiju klijanja (71%) i klijavost sjemena (73%), dužinu korjena (34 mm) i ukupnu dužinu klijanaca (78 mm)


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    Produkcija nadzemne biomase tri kultivara bijele djeteline različitoga podrijetla (Jura, Regal i Rivendel ) ispitivana je na dva tla s pH vrijednostima 5,61 i 6,27 te supstratu s pH 7,56. Kod biljaka starih 30 dana utvrđena je ukupna nadzemna biomasa, masa listova i stolona, omjer list/stolona te sadržaj suhe tvari u listovima i stolonama. Dobiven je značajan utjecaj tla na sva ispitivana svojstva osim za omjer list/stolona, sadržaj suhe tvari u listovima i stolonama. U prosjeku za kultivare, biljke su se najbolje razvijale na tlu s pH 6,27, a najlošije na supstratu. Kultivari su se značajno razlikovali u svim ispitivanim svojstvima, osim u omjeru list/stolona. Kultivar Regal ostvario je najniže vrijednosti za većinu ispitivanih svojstava kultivara. Kultivari Jura i Rivendel razlikovali su se u sadržaju suhe tvari u listovima.Above-ground biomass production of three white clover cultivars with different origin (Jura, Regal and Rivendel ) was investigated on two soils with 5.61 and 6.27 pH values and at substrate with pH 7.56. Total above-ground biomass, leaf and stolon mass, leaf/stolon ratio and dry matter content of leaf and stolon were evaluated on 30 days old plants. Significant influence of soil was found for all investigated traits with exceptions of leaf/stolon ratio and dry matter content of stolon. On the cultivars average plant development was the best on the soil with pH 6.27, and worse at substrate. Cultivars significantly differed in all investigated traits with exception of leaf/stolon ratio trait. Cultivar Regal obtained the lowest values of most of the investigated traits. Cultivars Jura and Regal differed from each other in dry matter content of leaf

    Erlotinib-induced Rosacea-like Dermatitis

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    Skin and skin adnexa toxicities are the most common side effects associated with epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors (EGFR-TKIs) and occur in most patients receiving this therapy. The majority of these cutaneous side effects are transient, reversible, and dose dependent. Although these symptoms are in general not severe, they significantly affect quality of life and can have a serious effect on treatment compliance as well as the treatment regimen. The most common early symptoms present as papulopustules on an erythematous base, usually localized in seborrheic areas. This clinical presentation is commonly described as “acneiform”, although these adverse reactions have clinical presentations, such as rosacea-like and seborrheic-like dermatitis. In this context, we report a case of a 77-year-old man with a medical history of planocellular lung cancer with ipsilateral pulmonary metastasis and mediastinum infiltration who received  erlotinib as a third-line therapy, presenting with centrofacial rosaceiform rash as a side effect associated with the use of EGFR-TKIs. The patient had a negative previous history of rosacea. Therefore, symptoms probably occurred as an adverse reaction due to the oncological therapy. Current terminology of early cutaneous adverse reactions caused by EGFR-TKIs refers to “acneiform” or “papulopustular” lesions, excluding less common side effects such as rosacea-like dermatitis  so these symptoms might be overlooked and misdiagnosed. Thus, we would like to emphasize the importance of developing a more accurate classification of terms in order to provide early detection of all possible cutaneous side effects, including less common ones, providing specific and timely treatment, and allowing continuation of drug therapy. </p


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    U laboratorijskim uvjetima ispitivan je utjecaj različitih pH vrijednosti vodene otopine na energiju klijanja, klijavost, dužinu korjenova i izdanaka klijanaca dvije jednogodišnje krmne leguminoze s ciljem procjene tolerantnosti vrsta i kultivara na stresne uvjete nižeg ili višeg pH u najranijim fazama rasta. Po dva kultivara soje (Anica i Ika) i dva kultivara krmnog graška (Zekon i Timo) različite krupnoće sjemena testirana su na četiri razine pH vodene otopine (5, 6, 7 i 8). Sjeme svih ispitivanih kultivara proizvedeno je 2003. godine. Energija klijanja i klijavost nisu se značajno mijenjali zavisno od pH vodene otopine. Dužina korjenova i izdanaka klijanaca obje vrste bila je pod značajnim utjecajem pH vrijednosti vodene otopine (p=0,01). Najveće vrijednosti za dužinu korijena (8,01 cm) dobivene su pri pH=6. Izdanci su bili najduži pri pH=6 i 7 gdje je njihova dužina iznosila 7,53 cm, odnosno 7,07 cm. Najniža prosječna vrijednost za korijen (5,72 cm) utvrđena je pri pH=7, a za izdanak pri pH=5 i 8 (6,02 cm i 6,07 cm). U prosjeku za pH vrijednosti razlike između kultivara su bile značajne (p=0,01) za sva ispitivana svojstva. Kultivar soje Ika imao je najveću energiju klijanja (70,1%), a Anica najveću klijavost (80,8%). Najveće prosječne vrijednosti za dužinu korijena (8,17 cm) i izdanka (10,18 cm) imao je kultivar krmnog graška Timo.Influence of different pH values of water solution on germination energy, germination, seedlings root length and stem height of two annual forage legumes was tested in laboratory conditions in order to evaluate tolerance of species and cultivars to stress conditions caused by lower or higher pH in the earliest phases of growth. Two soybean cultivars (Anica and Ika) and two forage pea cultivars (Zekon and Timo), which differentiated in seed size were tested at four pH levels of water solution (5, 6, 7and 8). Seed of all investigated cultivars was produced in 2003. Germination energy and germination were not significantly affected by the pH of water solution. Root length and stem height of seedlings of both species were significantly affected (p=0.01) by the pH of water solution. The highest values for root length were found at pH=6 (8.01 cm). Stem was highest in both species at pH=6 and 7 (7.53 and 7.07 cm).The lowest average root length value (5.72) was found at pH=7. The lowest average stem height (6.02 and 6.07 cm) was at pH=5 and 8. Differences among all investigated traits of cultivars for pH values in average were significant (p=0.01). Soybean cultivar Ika had the highest germination energy (70.1%), and soybean cultivar Anica had the highest germination (80.8%). Forage pea cultivar Timo had the highest average value of root length and stem height (8.17 and 10.18 cm, respectively)


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    Field rodents can cause considerable economic losses in perennial crops, especially lucerne. Predatory birds can provide biological control of field rodent populations. However, modern arable landscape usually provides few or no natural standpoints for predatory birds to wait for their prey. According to the old farmers in eastern Croatia, T-standpoints installed into lucerne were traditional implements assisting the bird predation over field rodents. Aim of this study was to check whether the T-standpoints really are appropriate installations for the predatory birds to wait for their prey on the ground or not. The research has confirmed that predatory birds (Buteo buteo and Falco tinnunculus) descended on the installed T-standpoints (in average 1.35 arrivals per day of observation), waited (average period of stay was 17 minutes in the morning and 34 minutes in the afternoon) and landed on the ground, most probably to catch the prey (in average 13 % of arrivals to T-standpoints ended with landing to the ground, likely for the prey attack). Small forest restoration in arable landscapes and less chemical rodent control would probably improve the predatory bird populations, thus enhancing the biological control of field rodents. There remains the need for further investigation of efficiency of field rodent control by predatory birds


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    Seeds of two perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cultivars (diploid ‘Bartwingo’ and tetraploid ‘Calibra’) were stored in hermetically sealed glass jars at four different temperatures (-80, -20, 10 and 20°C) for five years. After the storage period the seeds were sowed in containers filled with commercial substrate. Initial growth and development occurred under natural sunlight and manual watering to maintain optimum substrate moisture. After 60 days of vegetation plants were taken from the substrate, developed plants were counted, their roots were washed and whole plants were measured for shoot and root dry-weight and total biomass.Stems and leaves per plant were counted too. The research has revealed significant effects (p<0.01) of storage temperature, cultivar and their interaction to all of the investigated traits. When averaged over cultivars the highest values were observed upon storage temperature of -20°C for all the traits except root dry-weight which did not differ between -20 and -80°C. The lowest values of all investigated traits were observed upon storage at 20°C. When averaged over storage temperatures, diploid cultivar had greater number of stems and leaves and the tetraploid one had greater root dry-weight, shoot dry-weight and total biomass.Sjeme dva kultivara (diploidni \u27Bartwingo\u27 i tetraploidni \u27Calibra\u27) engleskog ljulja (Lolium perenne L.) je bilo uskladišteno u hermetički zatvorenim staklenkama na četiri različite temperature (-80, -20, 10 i 20°C) tijekom pet godina. Nakon razdoblja skladištenja sjeme je zasijano u kontejnere s komercijalnim supstratom. Početni rast i razvoj odvijali su se pod prirodnim svjetlom i uz ručno zalijevanje radi održavanja optimalne vlažnosti supstrata. Nakon 60 dana vegetacije razvijene biljke su uzete iz supstrata, prebrojene su, korijenje im je oprano i potom su im izmjerene suhe mase izdanka, korijena i cijelih biljčica. Izbrojan je i broj stabljika i listova po biljci. Istraživanje je pokazalo značajne učinke (p<0.01) temperature skladištenja, kultivara i njihovih interakcija na sva ispitivana svojstva. U prosjeku po kultivarima, najveće vrijednosti svojstava ustanovljene su nakon skladištenja na -20°C, osim za svojstvo suhe mase korijena koja se nije razlikovala između -20 i -80°C. Najniže vrijednosti svih ispitivanih svojstava ustanovljene su nakon skladištenja na 20°C. S obzirom na temperature skladištenja diploidni kultivar je u prosjeku imao veći broj stabljika i listova po biljci, a tetraploidni je imao veću suhu masu korijena, suhu masu izdanka i ukupnu biomasu

    Utjecaj biostimulatora na prinos, hranjivu i senzornu kvalitetu plodova jagoda

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    The study was conducted as open field trial, with irrigation, with the Clery strawberry variety. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of foliar application on berry and seaweed extract on the yield and quality of strawberry fruit (sugar, acid and anthocyanin content). The experiment was set up by random block system in 4 repetitions. The following treatments were applied to the strawberry crop: 1. control, 2. conventional NPK fertilization (10-52-10), 3. 30% reduced conventional NPK fertilization, 4. 30% reduced conventional fertilization + biostimulants. Due to arid growing conditions, NPK fertilizer was applied foliarly. Statistical analysis of the data showed significant differences between treatments in strawberry yield, and anthocyanins content. Compared to the control, the biostimulator had an effect on strawberry yield and total anthocyanin content, but not on the total soluble sugar and acid content of strawberry fruit.Istraživanje je provedeno u poljskim uvjetima, uz navodnjavanje, sa sortom jagode Clery. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj folijarne primjene biostimulatora na bazi ekstrakta bobica i morskih algi na prinos i kvalitetu ploda jagode (sadržaj šećera, kiselina i antocijana). Pokus je postavljen po slučajnom blok sustavu u 4 ponavljanja. Na usjevu jagoda primijenjeni su tretmani: 1. kontrola, 2. konvencionalna gnojidba NPK (10-52-10), 3. 30% reducirana konvencionalna gnojidba NPK, 4. 30% reducirana konvencionalna gnojidba + biostimulator. Zbog sušnih uvjeta uzgoja NPK gnojivo primijenjeno je folijarno. Statističkom analizom podataka dobivene su značajne razlike između tretmana u prinosu ploda jagode i sadržaju ukupnih antocijanina. U usporedbi s kontrolom biostimulator imao je utjecaj na prinos jagode i sadržaj ukupnih antocijanina, ali ne na sadržaj šećera i kiselina u plodu jagode


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    A research of seed storage period and storage temperature effects upon the seed quality and seedlings traits for the seeds of two perennial ryegrass cultivars (Bartwingo and Calibra) was conducted. Seeds were stored in hermetically sealed glass dishes at four different temperatures (room temperature about 21°C, 10°C, -20°C and -80°C) and for three different periods (9, 18 and 30 months). Upon completing the storage treatments the seed and seedling traits were tested by the rolled filter paper method. The research has revealed significant effects of storage temperature, storage period, cultivar and interactions upon all the investigated traits. The highest germination energy, germination and seedling plumule length were observed after the shortest (9-month) storage period, and the least after the longest (30-month) storage period. Seedling radicule was longest after 18-month storage period and shortest after 30 months. All the investigated traits had the highest values when seeds were stored at -80°C, and the least when the seeds were stored at room temperature. Cultivar Bartwingo has shown a greater germination energy and germination but Calibra has shown a greater seedling radicule and plumule length.Istraživanje utjecaja dužine i temperature skladištenja na svojstva sjemena i klijanaca engleskoga ljulja provedeno je sa sjemenom dva kultivara (Bartwingo i Calibra). Sjeme je pohranjeno u hermetički zatvorene staklene posude na sobnoj temperaturi te na 10, -20 i -80°C. Navedena svojstva mjerena su nakon 9, 18 i 30 mjeseci skladištenja metodom rolanoga filter papira. Dobiven je značajan utjecaj temperature, dužine skladištenja i kultivara te njihove interakcije za sva isptivana svojstva. Najveće vrijednosti za energiju klijanja i klijavost sjemena te dužinu stabljike dobivene su nakon 9 mjeseci skladištenja, a najmanje nakon 30 mjeseci. Korijen klijanaca bio je najduži nakon 18, a najkraćinakon 30 mjeseci skladištenja. Sva ispitivana svojstva imala su najveće vrijednostiskladištenjem na -80°C, a najmanje na sobnoj temperaturi. Kultivar Bartwingo imao je veću energiju klijanja i klijavost, a Calibra dužinu korijena i klijanaca