8 research outputs found

    Mechanical properties of zinc and calcium phosphates

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    Recent studies on a variety of metal phosphates (MP) have revealed that MPs tend to be soft at ambient pressure if the coordination on the metal cation is low and the degree of hydration or hydrogenation is high, while they are stiff otherwise. In addition, the softer MPs were found to stiffen dramatically more quickly with increasing pressure than the stiffer MPs. Here we review these findings and support their relevance with new results on the mechanical properties of tribofilms aged in air of relative humidity, which were produced from commercial, zinc phosphate-containing lubricant packages via heating and rubbing. We find that the films can soften quite substantially after having been exposed to humidity, as to be expected from the studies of bulk MPs. Moreover, when the hydrated films are exposed to high loads, the force-distance withdrawal curve becomes identical to that of unaged, non-hydrated films. A straightforward explanation of this observation is that large pressure reverses the hydration of the tribofilms. Copyright EDP Sciences, SIF, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010

    All Small Nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) of the [U4/U6.U5] Tri-snRNP Localize to Nucleoli; Identification of the Nucleolar Localization Element of U6 snRNA

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    Previously, we showed that spliceosomal U6 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) transiently passes through the nucleolus. Herein, we report that all individual snRNAs of the [U4/U6.U5] tri-snRNP localize to nucleoli, demonstrated by fluorescence microscopy of nucleolar preparations after injection of fluorescein-labeled snRNA into Xenopus oocyte nuclei. Nucleolar localization of U6 is independent from [U4/U6] snRNP formation since sites of direct interaction of U6 snRNA with U4 snRNA are not nucleolar localization elements. Among all regions in U6, the only one required for nucleolar localization is its 3′ end, which associates with the La protein and subsequently during maturation of U6 is bound by Lsm proteins. This 3′-nucleolar localization element of U6 is both essential and sufficient for nucleolar localization and also required for localization to Cajal bodies. Conversion of the 3′ hydroxyl of U6 snRNA to a 3′ phosphate prevents association with the La protein but does not affect U6 localization to nucleoli or Cajal bodies

    Application of27Al NMR techniques to structure determination in solids

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