3,627 research outputs found

    Nonperturbative renormalization in a scalar model within Light-Front Dynamics

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    Within the covariant formulation of Light-Front Dynamics, in a scalar model with the interaction Hamiltonian H=−gψ2(x)ϕ(x)H=-g\psi^{2}(x)\phi(x), we calculate nonperturbatively the renormalized state vector of a scalar "nucleon" in a truncated Fock space containing the NN, NπN\pi and NππN\pi\pi sectors. The model gives a simple example of non-perturbative renormalization which is carried out numerically. Though the mass renormalization δm2\delta m^2 diverges logarithmically with the cutoff LL, the Fock components of the "physical" nucleon are stable when L→∞L\to\infty.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Introduction to light cone field theory and high energy scattering

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    In this set of four lectures, we provide an elementary introduction to light cone field theory and some of its applications in high energy scattering.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX, invited lectures at Cape Town summer school in theoretical physic

    Light-Cone Quantization and Hadron Structure

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    In this talk, I review the use of the light-cone Fock expansion as a tractable and consistent description of relativistic many-body systems and bound states in quantum field theory and as a frame-independent representation of the physics of the QCD parton model. Nonperturbative methods for computing the spectrum and LC wavefunctions are briefly discussed. The light-cone Fock state representation of hadrons also describes quantum fluctuations containing intrinsic gluons, strangeness, and charm, and, in the case of nuclei, "hidden color". Fock state components of hadrons with small transverse size, such as those which dominate hard exclusive reactions, have small color dipole moments and thus diminished hadronic interactions; i.e., "color transparency". The use of light-cone Fock methods to compute loop amplitudes is illustrated by the example of the electron anomalous moment in QED. In other applications, such as the computation of the axial, magnetic, and quadrupole moments of light nuclei, the QCD relativistic Fock state description provides new insights which go well beyond the usual assumptions of traditional hadronic and nuclear physics.Comment: LaTex 36 pages, 3 figures. To obtain a copy, send e-mail to [email protected]

    Flavor-singlet light-cone amplitudes and radiative Upsilon decays in SCET

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    We study the evolution of flavor-singlet, light-cone amplitudes in the soft-collinear effective theory (SCET), and reproduce results previously obtained by a different approach. We apply our calculation to the color-singlet contribution to the photon endpoint in radiative Upsilon decay. In a previous paper, we studied the color-singlet contributions to the endpoint, but neglected operator mixing, arguing that it should be a numerically small effect. Nevertheless the mixing needs to be included in a consistent calculation, and we do just that in this work. We find that the effects of mixing are indeed numerically small. This result combined with previous work on the color-octet contribution and the photon fragmentation contribution provides a consistent theoretical treatment of the photon spectrum in radiative Upsilon decay.Comment: 19 pages with 8 figure

    Hamiltonian Light-Front Field Theory: Recent Progress and Tantalizing Prospects

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    Fundamental theories, such as Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) and Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) promise great predictive power addressing phenomena over vast scales from the microscopic to cosmic scales. However, new non-perturbative tools are required for physics to span from one scale to the next. I outline recent theoretical and computational progress to build these bridges and provide illustrative results for Hamiltonian Light Front Field Theory. One key area is our development of basis function approaches that cast the theory as a Hamiltonian matrix problem while preserving a maximal set of symmetries. Regulating the theory with an external field that can be removed to obtain the continuum limit offers additional possibilities as seen in an application to the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron. Recent progress capitalizes on algorithm and computer developments for setting up and solving very large sparse matrix eigenvalue problems. Matrices with dimensions of 20 billion basis states are now solved on leadership-class computers for their low-lying eigenstates and eigenfunctions.Comment: 8 pages with 2 figure

    Meson twist-4 parton distributions in terms of twist-2 distribution amplitudes at large Nc

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    We show that in the large N_c limit four-quark twist-4 distributions in the pion can be expressed in terms of twist-2 pion distribution amplitude. This allows us to compute the isospin-2 structure function of the pion F_2^{I=2}(x_B) in the large N_c limit. The method can be easily applied to other mesons as well.Comment: 6 pages, one figur

    Nucleon-Quarkonium Elastic Scattering and the Gluon Contribution to Nucleon Spin

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    It is shown that the amplitude for the scattering of a heavy quarkonium system from a nucleon near threshold is completely determined by the fraction of angular momentum, as well as linear momentum, carried by gluons in the nucleon. A form for the quarkonium-nucleon non-relativistic potential is derived.Comment: 4 pages, no figures. Author's e-mail: [email protected]

    Light-Front-Quantized QCD in Covariant Gauge

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    The light-front (LF) canonical quantization of quantum chromodynamics in covariant gauge is discussed. The Dirac procedure is used to eliminate the constraints in the gauge-fixed front form theory quantum action and to construct the LF Hamiltonian formulation. The physical degrees of freedom emerge naturally. The propagator of the dynamical ψ+\psi_+ part of the free fermionic propagator in the LF quantized field theory is shown to be causal and not to contain instantaneous terms. Since the relevant propagators in the covariant gauge formulation are causal, rotational invariance---including the Coulomb potential in the static limit---can be recovered, avoiding the difficulties encountered in light-cone gauge. The Wick rotation may also be performed allowing the conversion of momentum space integrals into Euclidean space forms. Some explicit computations are done in quantum electrodynamics to illustrate the equivalence of front form theory with the conventional covariant formulation. LF quantization thus provides a consistent formulation of gauge theory, despite the fact that the hyperplanes x±=0x^{\pm}=0 used to impose boundary conditions constitute characteristic surfaces of a hyperbolic partial differential equation.Comment: LaTex, 16 page
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