8 research outputs found

    Personnel work in the travel company - recruitment and selection

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    katedra: KPE; rozsah: 84 s., VII s. přílohThis Diploma Work is dealing with the current form of the personnel policy in the travel agency Melissa Travel, s.r.o., above all with the recruitment and selection processes. It evaluates positives and negatives of this activity. In conclusion, this work is suggesting measures leading to higher efficiency in this field. The work itself has been divided into three parts: The first one is theoretical and attends to the basic activities of the personnel policy and has been elaborated with using of information from secondary resources (specialized literature, internet). The second part attends to the description of the history and present of the travel agency Melissa Travel, s.r.o. and to individual personnel activities being carried out in the company. The third part is dealing with the concrete procedure leading to the upgrading of both recruitment and selection processes in the travel agency Melissa Travel. Information concerning the practical part has been mostly gained during discussions with the executive head of the company.Diplomová práce se zabývá stávající podobou personální práce v cestovní kanceláři Melissa Travel, s.r.o., především náborovým a výběrovým procesem a hodnotí klady a zápory této činnosti. V závěru navrhuje opatření, jež by u CK Melissa Travel, s.r.o. vedla k zefektivnění této činnosti. Práce je rozdělena do tří částí. První z nich je teoretická a věnuje se základním činnostem personalistiky a byla vypracována s použitím informací ze sekundárních zdrojů (odborná literatura, internet). Druhá část je věnována popisu historie a současnosti CK Melissa Travel, s.r.o. a jednotlivým personálním činnostem, které jsou v ní prováděny. Třetí část se zabývá konkrétním postupem, který by vedl ke zkvalitnění náborového a výběrového procesu v CK Melissa Travel. Informace pro praktickou část byly získány především při rozhovorech s jednatelkou společnosti

    The Change of firms´ performance in condition of crisis and the firms´adaptation to the changed market conditions

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    Economic crisis represents an important challange for the business sphere of the Czech Republic. For firms it is an objective cause of restructuring and streamlining business processes and of boosting adaptability to changes. The aim of the primary research realized within the research purpose New theory of economy and organizations´ management and their adaptation processes is to partly follow the impact of economic crisis on enterprises´ efficiency. The aim of this paper is to analyze current situation in the Czech industrial enterprises from the managers´ point of view. The paper deals with the competitiveness by comparison with their competitors in the particular field. The key focus is placed on the summary of industrial sector response to current economic conditions and on the expectations of firms.Ekonomická krize, Economic crisis, primární výzkum, konkurenceschopnost, competitiveness, Primary research

    Innovative Activities and Competitiveness in Manufacturing Industry Firms - the Results of the Primary Research

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    In this paper the results of the primary research into business sphere in manufacturing industry are discussed. For our analysis we used questionnaire survey - the results of the primary research reflect firms´competitiveness and innovative activities from the managers´point of view. The article deals with the competitiveness by comparison with their competitors in the particular field. To evaluate firms´attitude to innovative activities, we choose these factors: conditions for innovative activities, types of innovative activities, financial sources and barriers to implementation of innovations as seen by firms. Our conclusions from the primary research are following: the competitive advantage of the Czech economy is based on low cost and relatively qualified labor force and energetically and input demanding production, but this advantage is just temporarily adequate; the expenditures of firms on innovative activities are low and firms still do not regard innovative activites as important for competitiveness.Typy inovací, výzkum a vývoj, bariéry zavádění inovací, primární výzkum

    Theory and Praxis of New Economy in the Czech Republic

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    This article in the first part deals with the basic characteristics of new (knowledge) economy. In the second part this article is focused on definition of competitiveness and two basic types of competitive advantage and on the evaluation of competitivness of the Czech Republic in the international comparison.

    The Competitiveness of the Processing Industrial Firms - the Comparison of the Results of the Primary Research and the Goals of the National Reform Programme

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    This article deals with the results of primary research of Czech business sphere. The authors compare and evaluate the opinions of the managers of business sphere on their competitive position and analyze the influence of chosen factors on their competitiveness.primary research, competitiveness, processing industry