339 research outputs found

    Superconductivity from spin fluctuations and long-range interactions in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene

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    Magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG) has been extensively explored both theoretically and experimentally as a suitable platform for a rich and tunable phase diagram that includes ferromagnetism, charge order, broken symmetries, and unconventional superconductivity. In this work, we investigate the intricate interplay between long-range electron-electron interactions, spin fluctuations, and superconductivity in MATBG. By employing a low-energy model for MATBG that captures the correct shape of the flat bands, we explore the effects of short- and long-range interactions on spin fluctuations and their impact on the superconducting (SC) pairing vertex in the Random Phase Approximation (RPA). We find that the SC state is notably influenced by the strength of long-range Coulomb interactions. Interestingly, our RPA calculations indicate that there is a regime where the system can traverse from a magnetic phase to the SC phase by \emph{increasing} the relative strength of long-range interactions compared to the on-site ones. These findings underscore the relevance of electron-electron interactions in shaping the intriguing properties of MATBG and offer a pathway for designing and controlling its SC phase.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Implications of mitotic and meiotic irregularities in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).

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    The common bean has great social and economic importance in Brazil and is the subject of a high number of publications, especially in the fields of genetics and breeding. Breeding programs aim to increase grain yield; however, mitosis and meiosis represent under explored research areas that have a direct impact on grain yield. Therefore, the study of cell division could be another tool available to bean geneticists and breeders. The aim of this study was to investigate irregularities occurring during the cell cycle and meiosis in common bean. The common bean cultivar used was BRSMG Talismã, which owing to its high yield and grain quality is recommended for cultivation in Brazil. We classified the interphase nuclei, estimated the mitotic and meiotic index, grain pollen viability, and percentage of abnormalities in both processes. The mitotic index was 4.1%, the interphase nucleus was non-reticulated, and 19% of dividing somatic cells showed abnormal behavior. Meiosis also presented irregularities resulting in a meiotic index of 44.6%. Viability of pollen grains was 94.3%. These results indicate that the common bean cultivar BRSMG Talismã possesses repair mechanisms that compensate for changes by producing a large number of pollen grains. Another important strategy adopted by bean plants to ensure stability is the elimination of abnormal cells by apoptosis. As the common bean cultivar BRSMG Talismã is recommended for cultivation because of its good agronomic performance, it can be concluded that mitotic and meiotic irregularities have no negative influence on its grain quality and yield

    Níveis e frequências de irrigação na limeira 'Tahiti' no Estado do Piauí.

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    Trabalhos de manejo de irrigação no Brasil com a limeira ácida ?Tahiti? são escassos, especialmente no Estado do Piauí. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a produção e os componentes de produção da limeira ácida ?Tahiti? em resposta à aplicação de cinco lâminas (68, 80, 100, 124 e 136% da evapotranspiração da cultura ? ETc) e duas frequências de irrigação (um e dois dias). O experimento foi realizado em um pomar comercial, com espaçamento de 6 x 5 m e irrigado por microaspersão, localizado em José de Freitas, PI. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, e esquema de parcelas subdivididas (frequências ? parcelas e lâminas ? subparcelas). O manejo diário da irrigação foi realizado pelo balanço de água no solo, com o auxílio do programa computacional Irriplus. O manejo de irrigação com turno de rega diário e reposição de 100% da ETc foi o mais indicado, por proporcionar maiores níveis de produtividade (2.709 kg ha-1), peso médio dos frutos (105,2 g) e máxima EUA (299 g m-3)

    Charge-transfer processes in radical ion molecular conductors κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br x Cl1 − x : The superconductor (x = 0.9) and the conductor with the metal-insulator transition (x = 0)

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    Optical spectral investigations of low-dimensional organic molecular conductors κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br x Cl1 − x with x = 0.9 (the superconductor with T c = 11.3 K) and x = 0 (the metal with the metal-insulator transition at T < 50 K) are performed in the range 50–6000 cm−1 (6 meV–0.74 eV) at temperatures from 300 to 20 K. The optical conductivity spectra are quantitatively analyzed in terms of the proposed model, according to which the charge transfer involves two types of charge carriers, i.e., electrons (holes) localized on clusters (dimers and tetramers formed by BEDT-TTF molecules) and quasi-free charge carriers, with the use of the tetramer “cluster“ model based on the Hubbard Hamiltonian for correlated electrons and the Drude model for quasi-free charge carriers. Physical parameters of the model, such as the energy of Coulomb repulsion between two electrons (holes) in one molecule, the transfer integrals between molecules inside the dimer and between dimers, and the electron-molecular vibration coupling constants, are determined. The anisotropy of the spectra in the conducting plane is explained. The inference is made that only electrons localized on clusters couple with intramolecular vibrations

    Sustainable forest management for smallholder farmers in the Brazilian Amazon.

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    The paper describes a forest management system to be applied on smallholder farms, particularly on settlement projects in the Brazilian Amazon. The proposed forest management system was designed to generate a new source of family income and to maintain forest structure and biodiversity. The system is new in three main characteristics: the use of short cycles in the management of tropical forests, the low harvesting intensity and environmental impact, and the direct involvement of the local population in ali forest management activities. It is based on a minimum felling cycle of ten years and an annual timber harvest of 5-10 m3 ha-1

    ­Genotypic value in hybrid progenies of Panicum maximum Jacq.

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    Genetic breeding of forage plants has increasingly contributed to the release of more productive plants. In this regard, evaluating the genotypic value is essential when aiming to rank genotypes based on the mean free of environmental factors. Therefore, this study aimed to predict the genotypic value of agronomic and nutritive value characters of three progenies of Panicum maximum. Hybrids were evaluated in a clonal test in an incomplete-randomized design with three treatments (progenies 1, 2, and 3) and two replications (clones). Six harvests were performed at 25cm from the ground level throughout one year. Progeny 2 provided better results for total and leaf dry mass yield, regrowth, and height, and lower incidence of leaf spot. Progenies 1 and 3 had a better response for qualitative characters such as higher crude protein and digestibility and lower lignin and fiber content. Hybrid progenies of P. maximum have forage characters of interest for breeding, and when using ?Mombaça? grass as parents, the progeny stands out for leaf production and resistance to leaf spot and for ?Tanzania? grass as parent has resulted in better forage quality

    New WC-Cu composites for the divertor in fusion reactors

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    ABSTRACT: The requirements for the divertor components of future fusion reactors are challenging and therefore a stimulus for the development of new materials. In this paper, WC-Cu composites are studied for use as thermal barrier between the plasma facing tungsten tiles and the copper-based heat sink of the divertor. Composite materials with 50% vol. WC were prepared by hot pressing and characterized in terms of microstructure, density, expansion coefficient, elastic modulus, Young's modulus and thermal diffusivity. The produced materials consisted of WC particles homogeneously dispersed in a Cu matrix with densifications between 88% and 98%. The sample with WC particles coated with Cu evidenced the highest densification. The thermal diffusivity was significantly lower than that of pure copper or tungsten. The sample with higher densification exhibits a low value of Young's modulus (however, it is higher compared to pure copper), and an average linear thermal expansion coefficient of 13.6 x 10(-6) degrees C-1 in a temperature range between 100 degrees C and 550 degrees C. To estimate the behaviour of this composite in actual conditions, a monoblock of the divertor in extreme conditions was modelled. The results predict that while the use of WC-Cu interlayer leads to an increase of 190 degrees C on the temperature of the upper part of the monoblock when compared to a pure Cu interlayer, the composite will improve and reduce significantly the cold-state stress between this interlayer and the tungsten.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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