21 research outputs found

    Survival Probability of a Ballistic Tracer Particle in the Presence of Diffusing Traps

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    We calculate the survival probability P_S(t) up to time t of a tracer particle moving along a deterministic trajectory in a continuous d-dimensional space in the presence of diffusing but mutually noninteracting traps. In particular, for a tracer particle moving ballistically with a constant velocity c, we obtain an exact expression for P_S(t), valid for all t, for d<2. For d \geq 2, we obtain the leading asymptotic behavior of P_S(t) for large t. In all cases, P_S(t) decays exponentially for large t, P_S(t) \sim \exp(-\theta t). We provide an explicit exact expression for the exponent \theta in dimensions d \leq 2, and for the physically relevant case, d=3, as a function of the system parameters.Comment: RevTeX, 4 page

    Survival probability of a diffusing particle in the presence of Poisson-distributed mobile traps

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    The problem of a diffusing particle moving among diffusing traps is analyzed in general space dimension d. We consider the case where the traps are initially randomly distributed in space, with uniform density rho, and derive upper and lower bounds for the probability Q(t) (averaged over all particle and trap trajectories) that the particle survives up to time t. We show that, for 1<=d<2, the bounds converge asymptotically to give Q(t)exp(λdtd/2)Q(t) \sim exp(-\lambda_d t^{d/2}) where λd=(2/πd)sin(πd/2)(4πD)d/2ρ\lambda_d = (2/\pi d) sin(\pi d/2) (4\pi D)^{d/2} \rho and D is the diffusion constant of the traps, and that Q(t)exp(4πρDt/lnt)Q(t) \sim exp(- 4\pi\rho D t/ln t) for d=2. For d>2 bounds can still be derived, but they no longer converge for large t. For 1<=d<=2, these asymptotic form are independent of the diffusion constant of the particle. The results are compared with simulation results obtained using a new algorithm [V. Mehra and P. Grassberger, Phys. Rev. E v65 050101 (2002)] which is described in detail. Deviations from the predicted asymptotic forms are found to be large even for very small values of Q(t), indicating slowly decaying corrections whose form is consistent with the bounds. We also present results in d=1 for the case where the trap densities on either side of the particle are different. For this case we can still obtain exact bounds but they no longer converge.Comment: 13 pages, RevTeX4, 6 figures. Figures and references updated; equations corrected; discussion clarifie

    A Singular Perturbation Analysis for \\Unstable Systems with Convective Nonlinearity

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    We use a singular perturbation method to study the interface dynamics of a non-conserved order parameter (NCOP) system, of the reaction-diffusion type, for the case where an external bias field or convection is present. We find that this method, developed by Kawasaki, Yalabik and Gunton for the time-dependant Ginzburg-Landau equation and used successfully on other NCOP systems, breaks down for our system when the strength of bias/convection gets large enough.Comment: 5 pages, PostScript forma

    Persistence properties of a system of coagulating and annihilating random walkers

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    We study a d-dimensional system of diffusing particles that on contact either annihilate with probability 1/(q-1) or coagulate with probability (q-2)/(q-1). In 1-dimension, the system models the zero temperature Glauber dynamics of domain walls in the q-state Potts model. We calculate P(m,t), the probability that a randomly chosen lattice site contains a particle whose ancestors have undergone exactly (m-1) coagulations. Using perturbative renormalization group analysis for d < 2, we show that, if the number of coagulations m is much less than the typical number M(t), then P(m,t) ~ m^(z/d) t^(-theta), with theta=d Q + Q(Q-1/2) epsilon + O(epsilon^2), z=(2Q-1) epsilon + (2 Q-1) (Q-1)(1/2+A Q) epsilon^2 +O(epsilon^3), where Q=(q-1)/q, epsilon =2-d and A =-0.006. M(t) is shown to scale as t^(d/2-delta), where delta = d (1 -Q)+(Q-1)(Q-1/2) epsilon+ O(epsilon^2). In two dimensions, we show that P(m,t) ~ ln(t)^(Q(3-2Q)) ln(m)^((2Q-1)^2) t^(-2Q) for m << t^(2 Q-1). The 1-dimensional results corresponding to epsilon=1 are compared with results from Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 12 pages, revtex, 5 figure

    Random Convex Hulls and Extreme Value Statistics

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    In this paper we study the statistical properties of convex hulls of NN random points in a plane chosen according to a given distribution. The points may be chosen independently or they may be correlated. After a non-exhaustive survey of the somewhat sporadic literature and diverse methods used in the random convex hull problem, we present a unifying approach, based on the notion of support function of a closed curve and the associated Cauchy's formulae, that allows us to compute exactly the mean perimeter and the mean area enclosed by the convex polygon both in case of independent as well as correlated points. Our method demonstrates a beautiful link between the random convex hull problem and the subject of extreme value statistics. As an example of correlated points, we study here in detail the case when the points represent the vertices of nn independent random walks. In the continuum time limit this reduces to nn independent planar Brownian trajectories for which we compute exactly, for all nn, the mean perimeter and the mean area of their global convex hull. Our results have relevant applications in ecology in estimating the home range of a herd of animals. Some of these results were announced recently in a short communication [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 103}, 140602 (2009)].Comment: 61 pages (pedagogical review); invited contribution to the special issue of J. Stat. Phys. celebrating the 50 years of Yeshiba/Rutgers meeting

    Mudança organizacional: uma abordagem preliminar

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