10 research outputs found

    Single particle detection of protein molecules using dark-field microscopy to avoid signals from nonspecific adsorption

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    A massively parallel single particle sensing method based on core-satellite formation of Au nanoparticles was introduced for the detection of interleukin 6 (IL-6). This method exploits the fact that the localized plasmon resonance (LSPR) of the plasmonic nanoparticles will change as a result of core-satellite formation, resulting in a change in the observed color. In this method, the hue (color) value of thousands of 67 nm Au nanoparticles immobilized on a glass coverslip surface is analyzed by a Matlab code before and after the addition of reporter nanoparticles containing IL-6 as target protein. The average hue shift as the result of core-satellite formation is used as the basis to detect small amount of proteins. This method enjoys two major advantages. First it is able to analyze the hue values of thousands of nanoparticles in parallel in less than a minute. Secondly the method is able to circumvent the effect of non-specific adsorption, a major issue in the field of biosensing

    A graphene-based sensor for real time monitoring of sun exposure

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    The photoreduction of graphene oxide (GO) with titanium dioxide (TiO2) was exploited to fabricate a UV sensor for real time monitoring of sun exposure. The sensor was fabricated by simultaneous deposition of GO sheets and TiO2 nanoparticles onto interdigitated electrodes using an AC electrophoresis deposition method. Changes in the resistance of the GO sheets decorated with TiO2 nanoparticles during repeated cycles of exposure to UV were measured to understand the sensitivity of this sensor to UV radiation. Current-time traces revealed that the fabricated UV sensor retains a memory of each cycle of UV exposure; regardless of whether the sensor is exposed to UV for one long cycle or several short cycles. This memory of the extent of UV exposure is a biomimetic approach, analogous to the response of the skin to sun, and means the sensor requires no power except when the data is read from the sensor