5 research outputs found

    Conhecendo espécies de plantas da Amazônia: ingá-vermelha [Inga alba (Sw.) Willd. - Leguminosae - Mimosoideae].

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    Application of coated urea at different phenological stages on second crop corn.

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    The response of second crop corn to nitrogen application was evaluated at different stages of development. The experiment was conducted on the São Carlos farm in Vilhena ? Rondônia/Brazil. The factors under study included the splitting of N associated with the application of coated urea with NBPT (45-00-00) in top dressing. The control group (witness) showed the highest productivity among all treatments, with 7962 kg ha-1 , followed by V3+V7 (7895 kg ha-1) and V4+V8 (7821 kg ha-1). The lowest productivity was 6630 kg ha-1 in V5+V9, indicating that the later the urea application in defining the productive potential of the crop (V4), the lower the yields achieved. Avaliou-se a resposta do milho safrinha à aplicação de nitrogênio em diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento. O experimento foi conduzido na fazenda São Carlos em Vilhena ? Rondônia/Brasil. Os fatores em estudo consistiram no parcelamento de N associados a aplicação de uréia revestida com NBPT (45-00-00) em cobertura. A testemunha apresentou a maior produtividade dentre todos os tratamentos, com 7962 kg ha-1, sendo seguida, respectivamente, por V3+V7 (7895 kg ha-1) e V4+V8 (7821 kg ha-1). A menor produtividade foi 6630 kg ha-1 ocorrida em V5+V9, indicando que quanto mais tardia for a aplicação de ureia da definição do potencial produtivo da cultura (V4), menores serão os rendimentos alcançados

    Effect of selective micronutrients on productivity of upland rice varieties.

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    The realization of optimal recommendations for the nutrient balance of upland rice is an excellent strategy to increase the productivity and sustainability of the production system, especially in soils with limiting conditions for cultivation. The objective of the study was to evaluate the behavior of upland rice cultivars (ANa 9005CL, ANa 8001, AN Cambará and BRS A502), by foliar fertilization (MaxiZinc®, Booster® and Broadacre®) in the first year under dryland conditions in Vilhena-RO. The experimental design adopted was a randomized block design (BCT), with four cultivars and two levels of micronutrients and four repetitions, in a 4 × 2 factorial scheme. The production components evaluated showed statistically non-significant means for the foliar fertilizer factor, except for the number of spikes per panicle, for which there was a significant difference with an 8% increase in the cultivar ANA 8001 in relation to the other cultivars evaluated. Although the cultivar BRS A502 had fewer spikelets per panicle, the number of panicles per m2 compensated for this and ensured statistical equality in yield. The cultivar ANa 8001 produced the best results in terms of productivity and physical quality of the grains, under the edaphoclimatic conditions of the region