3,050 research outputs found

    Shell to shell energy transfer in MHD, Part I: steady state turbulence

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    We investigate the transfer of energy from large scales to small scales in fully developed forced three-dimensional MHD-turbulence by analyzing the results of direct numerical simulations in the absence of an externally imposed uniform magnetic field. Our results show that the transfer of kinetic energy from the large scales to kinetic energy at smaller scales, and the transfer of magnetic energy from the large scales to magnetic energy at smaller scales, are local, as is also found in the case of neutral fluids, and in a way that is compatible with Kolmogorov (1941) theory of turbulence. However, the transfer of energy from the velocity field to the magnetic field is a highly non-local process in Fourier space. Energy from the velocity field at large scales can be transfered directly into small scale magnetic fields without the participation of intermediate scales. Some implications of our results to MHD turbulence modeling are also discussed.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Test beam studies of the TRD prototype filled with different gas mixtures based on Xe, Kr, and Ar

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    Towards the end of LHC Run1, gas leaks were observed in some parts of the Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) of ATLAS. Due to these leaks, primary Xenon based gas mixture was replaced with Argon based mixture in various parts. Test-beam studies with a dedicated Transition Radiation Detector (TRD) prototype were carried out in 2015 in order to understand transition radiation performance with mixtures based on Argon and Krypton. We present and discuss the results of these test-beam studies with different active gas compositions.Comment: 5 pages,12 figures, The 2nd International Conference on Particle Physics and Astrophysics (ICPPA-2016); Acknowledgments section correcte

    Turbulent Origin of the Galactic-Center Magnetic Field: Nonthermal Radio Filaments

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    A great deal of study has been carried out over the last twenty years on the origin of the magnetic activity in the Galactic center. One of the most popular hypotheses assumes milli-Gauss magnetic field with poloidal geometry, pervading the inner few hundred parsecs of the Galactic-center region. However, there is a growing observational evidence for the large-scale distribution of a much weaker field of B \lesssim 10 micro G in this region. Here, we propose that the Galactic-center magnetic field originates from turbulent activity that is known to be extreme in the central hundred parsecs. In this picture the spatial distribution of the magnetic field energy is highly intermittent, and the regions of strong field have filamentary structures. We propose that the observed nonthermal radio filaments appear in (or, possibly, may be identified with) such strongly magnetized regions. At the same time, the large-scale diffuse magnetic field is weak. Both results of our model can explain the magnetic field measurements of the the Galactic-center region. In addition, we discuss the role of ionized outflow from stellar clusters in producing the long magnetized filaments perpendicular to the Galactic plane.Comment: 11 pages, accepted to ApJ Letter

    Some results of test beam studies of Transition Radiation Detector prototypes at CERN

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    Operating conditions and challenging demands of present and future accelerator experiments result in new requirements on detector systems. There are many ongoing activities aimed to develop new technologies and to improve the properties of detectors based on existing technologies. Our work is dedicated to development of Transition Radiation Detectors (TRD) suitable for different applications. In this paper results obtained in beam tests at SPS accelerator at CERN with the TRD prototype based on straw technology are presented. TRD performance was studied as a function of thickness of the transition radiation radiator and working gas mixture pressure

    Symmetries of the stochastic Burgers equation

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    All Lie symmetries of the Burgers equation driven by an external random force are found. Besides the generalized Galilean transformations, this equation is also invariant under the time reparametrizations. It is shown that the Gaussian distribution of a pumping force is not invariant under the symmetries and breaks them down leading to the nontrivial vacuum (instanton). Integration over the volume of the symmetry groups provides the description of fluctuations around the instanton and leads to an exactly solvable quantum mechanical problem.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX, replaced with published versio

    On magnetic field generation in Kolmogorov turbulence

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    We analyze the initial, kinematic stage of magnetic field evolution in an isotropic and homogeneous turbulent conducting fluid with a rough velocity field, v(l) ~ l^alpha, alpha<1. We propose that in the limit of small magnetic Prandtl number, i.e. when ohmic resistivity is much larger than viscosity, the smaller the roughness exponent, alpha, the larger the magnetic Reynolds number that is needed to excite magnetic fluctuations. This implies that numerical or experimental investigations of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence with small Prandtl numbers need to achieve extremely high resolution in order to describe magnetic phenomena adequately.Comment: 4 pages, revised, new material adde
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