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7 research outputs found
Studies of trypanosomiasis in the Luangwa valley, north-eastern Zambia
A Cox
AJ Viera
+54 more
AP Cortez
AP Cox
B Namangala
B Namangala
B Wissman Von
B Wissmann von
BMC Bronsvoort
Boniface Namangala
Chihiro Sugimoto
CL Hamill
D Laohasinnarong
Dusit Laohasinnarong
ER Adams
F Chappuis
H Simukoko
HA Ahmed
HA Ahmed
HK Auty
J McDermott
JS Dillmann
JW Dennis
K Hayashida
K Picozzi
Kiichi Kajino
Kyoko Hayashida
LR Rickman
M Desquesnes
M Desquesnes
M Lisulo
MA Awan
Masahito Asada
MT Kaare
NE Anderson
Noboru Inoue
OM Thekisoe
OMM Thekisoe
P Bossche Van den
P Bossche Van den
PM Kristjanson
Ryo Nakao
SC Welburn
SC Welburn
Shin-ichiro Kawazu
SL Wastling
T Marcotty
T Notomi
T Robinson
V Mwanakasale
V Mwanakasale
W Muleya
WF Snow
Yasuhuki Goto
Z Bengaly
ZK Njiru
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
Full text link
Investigation of a real-time EPID-based patient dose monitoring safety system using site-specific control limits
A Bakai
A Mans
+31 more
A Piermattei
Benjamin Zwan
BMC McCurdy
BMC McCurdy
Boyd M.C. McCurdy
C Bojechko
DA Low
G Huang
GA Patton
HC Woodruff
Henry C. Woodruff
John Simpson
K Chytyk
K Gerard
L Persoon
LAV Quino
LN McDermott
M Pillet
P Rowshanfarzad
Peter B. Greer
Richard H. Middleton
Shashank Bhatia
SM Nijsten
T Fuangrod
T Fuangrod
T Pawlicki
T Pawlicki
T Sanghangthum
Timothy A. vanBeek
Todsaporn Fuangrod
Z Othman
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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Pre-treatment verification of intensity modulated radiation therapy plans using a commercial electronic portal dosimetry system
A Esch Van
A Kavuma
+36 more
B Warkentin
BMC McCurdy
C Mayo
C Talamonti
DA Low
E Martin De
EE Grein
FB Buonamici
GJ Budgell
Jeffrey C. Crosbie
Kathleen J. Roxby
LN McDermott
LN McDermott
M Bucciolini
M Partridge
M Todorovic
M Wendling
M Zijtveld Van
M Zijtveld Van
M Zijtveld Van
N Dogan
NL Childress
OA Zeidan
P Winkler
P Winkler
PA Jursinic
PB Greer
PB Greer
RJW Louwe
RM Howell
S Both
T Ackerly
W Elmpt Van
W Elmpt Van
WD Renner
Y El-Mohri
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Transit dosimetry in dynamic IMRT with an a-Si EPID
A Kavuma
A Mans
+46 more
A Mans
A Piermattei
AD Low
BM McCurdy
BMC McCurdy
C Talamonti
DA Low
DS Sharma
DW Bailey
E Tyner
EE Grein
Fred W. Menk
H Chung
I Olaciregui-Ruiz
J Chen
J Chen
JV Siebers
K Chytyk
L Parent
LE Antonuk
LN McDermott
LN McDermott
M Partridge
M Sabet
M Sabet
M Wendling
Mahsheed Sabet
MG Herman
NL Childress
P Greer
P Rowshanfarzad
P Vial
P Winkler
Pejman Rowshanfarzad
Peter B. Greer
PG Greer
PG Greer
PL Roberson
S Steciw
SL Berry
SMJJG Nijsten
TR McNutt
VN Hansen
W Elmpt Van
Z Han
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Child Disaster Mental Health Services: a Review of the System of Care, Assessment Approaches, and Evidence Base for Intervention
A Salloum
AL Cochrane
+52 more
AM Steinberg
American Psychiatric Association
B Pfefferbaum
B Pfefferbaum
B Pfefferbaum
B Pfefferbaum
B Pfefferbaum
B Pfefferbaum
B Pfefferbaum
B Pfefferbaum
B Pfefferbaum
B Pfefferbaum
B Pfefferbaum
B Pfefferbaum
Betty Pfefferbaum
BM McDermott
BMC McDermott
Carol S. North
CD Spielberger
CM Chemtob
CM Layne
CP Lucas
CR Brewin
CR Reynolds
CR Reynolds
CR Reynolds
CS North
D Gillies
D Shaffer
DS Weiss
EB Foa
EJ Brown
EM Vernberg
ES Rolfsnes
J Malilay
JI Gold
LH Jaycox
LS Radloff
M Kovacs
ML Marsac
NC Feeny
P Stallard
P Stallard
R Goodman
R Gordon
RS Pynoos
TA Codreanu
TM Achenbach
VA Johnson
VL Forman-Hoffman
WA Tol
WK Silverman
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text