82 research outputs found

    Hexokinase II Detachment from Mitochondria Triggers Apoptosis through the Permeability Transition Pore Independent of Voltage-Dependent Anion Channels

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    Type II hexokinase is overexpressed in most neoplastic cells, and it mainly localizes on the outer mitochondrial membrane. Hexokinase II dissociation from mitochondria triggers apoptosis. The prevailing model postulates that hexokinase II release from its mitochondrial interactor, the voltage-dependent anion channel, prompts outer mitochondrial membrane permeabilization and the ensuing release of apoptogenic proteins, and that these events are inhibited by growth factor signalling. Here we show that a hexokinase II N-terminal peptide selectively detaches hexokinase II from mitochondria and activates apoptosis. These events are abrogated by inhibiting two established permeability transition pore modulators, the adenine nucleotide translocator or cyclophilin D, or in cyclophilin D knock-out cells. Conversely, insulin stimulation or genetic ablation of the voltage-dependent anion channel do not affect cell death induction by the hexokinase II peptide. Therefore, hexokinase II detachment from mitochondria transduces a permeability transition pore opening signal that results in cell death and does not require the voltage-dependent anion channel. These findings have profound implications for our understanding of the pathways of outer mitochondrial membrane permeabilization and their inactivation in tumors

    Concentration Dependent Ion Selectivity in VDAC: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study

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    The voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) forms the major pore in the outer mitochondrial membrane. Its high conducting open state features a moderate anion selectivity. There is some evidence indicating that the electrophysiological properties of VDAC vary with the salt concentration. Using a theoretical approach the molecular basis for this concentration dependence was investigated. Molecular dynamics simulations and continuum electrostatic calculations performed on the mouse VDAC1 isoform clearly demonstrate that the distribution of fixed charges in the channel creates an electric field, which determines the anion preference of VDAC at low salt concentration. Increasing the salt concentration in the bulk results in a higher concentration of ions in the VDAC wide pore. This event induces a large electrostatic screening of the charged residues promoting a less anion selective channel. Residues that are responsible for the electrostatic pattern of the channel were identified using the molecular dynamics trajectories. Some of these residues are found to be conserved suggesting that ion permeation between different VDAC species occurs through a common mechanism. This inference is buttressed by electrophysiological experiments performed on bean VDAC32 protein akin to mouse VDAC

    Differential Cerebral Cortex Transcriptomes of Baboon Neonates Consuming Moderate and High Docosahexaenoic Acid Formulas

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    BACKGROUND: Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) and arachidonic acid (ARA, 20:4n-6) are the major long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) of the central nervous system (CNS). These nutrients are present in most infant formulas at modest levels, intended to support visual and neural development. There are no investigations in primates of the biological consequences of dietary DHA at levels above those present in formulas but within normal breastmilk levels. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Twelve baboons were divided into three formula groups: Control, with no DHA-ARA; “L”, LCPUFA, with 0.33%DHA-0.67%ARA; “L3”, LCPUFA, with 1.00%DHA-0.67%ARA. All the samples are from the precentral gyrus of cerebral cortex brain regions. At 12 weeks of age, changes in gene expression were detected in 1,108 of 54,000 probe sets (2.05%), with most showing <2-fold change. Gene ontology analysis assigns them to diverse biological functions, notably lipid metabolism and transport, G-protein and signal transduction, development, visual perception, cytoskeleton, peptidases, stress response, transcription regulation, and 400 transcripts having no defined function. PLA2G6, a phospholipase recently associated with infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy, was downregulated in both LCPUFA groups. ELOVL5, a PUFA elongase, was the only LCPUFA biosynthetic enzyme that was differentially expressed. Mitochondrial fatty acid carrier, CPT2, was among several genes associated with mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation to be downregulated by high DHA, while the mitochondrial proton carrier, UCP2, was upregulated. TIMM8A, also known as deafness/dystonia peptide 1, was among several differentially expressed neural development genes. LUM and TIMP3, associated with corneal structure and age-related macular degeneration, respectively, were among visual perception genes influenced by LCPUFA. TIA1, a silencer of COX2 gene translation, is upregulated by high DHA. Ingenuity pathway analysis identified a highly significant nervous system network, with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) as the outstanding interaction partner. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that LCPUFA concentrations within the normal range of human breastmilk induce global changes in gene expression across a wide array of processes, in addition to changes in visual and neural function normally associated with formula LCPUFA

    Impact of intracellular ion channels on cancer development and progression

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    Large scale rearrangement of protein domains is associated with voltage gating of the VDAC channel.

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    The VDAC channel of the mitochondrial outer membrane is voltage-gated like the larger, more complex voltage-gated channels of the plasma membrane. However, VDAC is a low molecular weight (30 kDa), abundant protein, which is readily purified and reconstituted, making it an ideal system for analyzing the molecular basis for ion selectivity and voltage-gating. We have probed the VDAC channel by subjecting the cloned yeast (S. cerevisiae) VDAC gene to site-directed mutagenesis and introducing the resulting mutant channels into planar bilayers to detect the effects of specific sequence changes on channel properties. This approach has allowed us to formulate and test a model of the open state structure of the VDAC channel. Now we have applied the same approach to analyzing the structure of the channel's low-conducting "closed state" (essentially closed to important metabolites). We have identified protein domains forming the wall of the closed conformation and domains that seem to be removed from the wall of the pore during channel closure. The latter can explain the reduction in pore diameter and volume and the dramatically altered channel selectivity resulting from the channel closure. This process would make a natural coupling between motion of the sensor and channel gating

    The sensor regions of VDAC are translocated from within the membrane to the surface during the gating processes.

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    The motion of the sensor regions in a mitochondrial voltage-gated channel called VDAC were probed by attaching biotin at specific locations and determining its ability to bind to added streptavidin. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to introduce single cysteine residues into Neurospora crassa VDAC (naturally lacks cysteine). These were chemically biotinylated and reconstituted into planar phospholipid membranes. In the 19 sites examined, only two types of results were observed upon streptavidin addition: in type 1, channel conductance was reduced, but voltage gating could proceed; in type 2, channels were locked in a closed state. The result at type 1 sites is interpreted as streptavidin binding to sites in static regions close to the channel opening. The binding sterically interferes with ion flow. The result at type 2 sites indicates that these are located on a mobile domain and coincide with the previously identified sensor regions. The findings are consistent with closure resulting from the movement of a domain from within the transmembrane regions to the membrane surface. No single site was accessible to streptavidin from both membrane surfaces, indicating that the motion is limited. From the streptavidin-induced reduction in conductance at type 1 sites, structural information was obtained about the location of these sites