129 research outputs found
A role for STAT3 in IL-10 downregulation of IFN-γ-induced MHC class II molecule expression on primary human blood macrophages
Open Access JournalPaper Presentation: no. 5postprintThe 3rd Annual Scientific Meeting and 4th Annual Meeting of the Hong Kong Society for Paediatric Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Hong Kong, China, 20 March, 2010. In Hong Kong Journal of Psediatrics (New Series), 2010, v. 15 n. 3, p. 25
Cost of school scoliosis screening: a cohort analysis of 306,144 students followed until skeletal maturity
Session 5: ScoliosisINTRODUCTION/AIM: The cost of school scoliosis screening in a new cohort of students each year may be changed because of change in epidemiology or screening performance. Current cost evaluations were based on a combined cohort of students with limited generalizability to prospective students. Therefore, we aimed to examine the cost of school scoliosis screening over ...postprin
Relative shortening and functional tethering of spinal cord in adolescent scoliosis - result of asynchronous neuro-osseous growth, summary of an electronic focus group debate of the IBSE
Author name used in this publication: Jack C. Y. ChengVersion of RecordPublishe
Amyloid-b peptide on sialyl-LewisX-selectin-mediated membrane tether mechanics at the cerebral endothelial cell surface
Increased deposition of amyloid-b peptide (Ab) at the cerebral endothelial cell (CEC) surface has been implicated in enhancement of transmigration of monocytes across the brain blood barrier (BBB) in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In this study, quantitative immunofluorescence microscopy (QIM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) with cantilevers biofunctionalized
by sialyl-Lewisx (sLex) were employed to investigate Ab-altered mechanics of membrane tethers formed by bonding
between sLex and p-selectin at the CEC surface, the initial mechanical step governing the transmigration of monocytes. QIM results indicated the ability for Ab to increase p-selectin expression at the cell surface and promote actin polymerization in both bEND3 cells (immortalized mouse CECs) and human primary CECs. AFM data also showed the ability for Ab to increase cell stiffness and adhesion probability in bEND3 cells. On the contrary, Ab lowered the overall force of membrane tether formation (Fmtf), and produced a bimodal population of Fmtf, suggesting subcellular mechanical alterations in membrane tethering. The lower Fmtf population was similar to the results obtained from cells treated with an F-actin-disrupting drug, latrunculin A. Indeed, AFM results also showed that both Ab and latrunculin A decreased membrane stiffness, suggesting a
lower membrane-cytoskeleton adhesion, a factor resulting in lower Fmtf. In addition, these cerebral endothelial alterations induced by Ab were abrogated by lovastatin, consistent with its anti-inflammatory effects. In sum, these results demonstrated the ability for Ab to enhance p-selectin expression at the CEC surface and induce cytoskeleton
reorganization, which in turn, resulted in changes in membrane-cytoskeleton adhesion and membrane tethering, mechanical factors important in transmigration of monocytes through the BBB.This work was supported by Alzheimer Association Grant NIRG-06-24448; NIH Grant 1P01 AG18357, R21NS052385, 5R21AG032579 and in part by
1P01HL095486 and AHA 0835676N; ‘‘Bolashak’’ scholarship and Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 1029/GF2. The funders had no
role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript
Estimating Dengue Transmission Intensity from Case-Notification Data from Multiple Countries
Despite being the most widely distributed mosquito-borne viral infection, estimates of dengue transmission intensity and associated burden remain ambiguous. With advances in the development of novel control measures, obtaining robust estimates of average dengue transmission intensity is key for assessing the burden of disease and the likely impact of interventions.We estimated the force of infection (λ) and corresponding basic reproduction numbers (R0) by fitting catalytic models to age-stratified incidence data identified from the literature. We compared estimates derived from incidence and seroprevalence data and assessed the level of under-reporting of dengue disease. In addition, we estimated the relative contribution of primary to quaternary infections to the observed burden of dengue disease incidence. The majority of R0 estimates ranged from one to five and the force of infection estimates from incidence data were consistent with those previously estimated from seroprevalence data. The baseline reporting rate (or the probability of detecting a secondary infection) was generally low (<25%) and varied within and between countries.As expected, estimates varied widely across and within countries, highlighting the spatio-temporally heterogeneous nature of dengue transmission. Although seroprevalence data provide the maximum information, the incidence models presented in this paper provide a method for estimating dengue transmission intensity from age-stratified incidence data, which will be an important consideration in areas where seroprevalence data are not available
Dengue contingency planning: from research to policy and practice
Background Dengue is an increasingly incident disease across many parts of the world. In response, an evidence-based handbook to translate research into policy and practice was developed. This handbook facilitates contingency planning as well as the development and use of early warning and response systems for dengue fever epidemics, by identifying decision-making processes that contribute to the success or failure of dengue surveillance, as well as triggers that initiate effective responses to incipient outbreaks. Methodology/Principal findings Available evidence was evaluated using a step-wise process that included systematic literature reviews, policymaker and stakeholder interviews, a study to assess dengue contingency planning and outbreak management in 10 countries, and a retrospective logistic regression analysis to identify alarm signals for an outbreak warning system using datasets from five dengue endemic countries. Best practices for managing a dengue outbreak are provided for key elements of a dengue contingency plan including timely contingency planning, the importance of a detailed, context-specific dengue contingency plan that clearly distinguishes between routine and outbreak interventions, surveillance systems for outbreak preparedness, outbreak definitions, alert algorithms, managerial capacity, vector control capacity, and clinical management of large caseloads. Additionally, a computer-assisted early warning system, which enables countries to identify and respond to context-specific variables that predict forthcoming dengue outbreaks, has been developed. Conclusions/Significance Most countries do not have comprehensive, detailed contingency plans for dengue outbreaks. Countries tend to rely on intensified vector control as their outbreak response, with minimal focus on integrated management of clinical care, epidemiological, laboratory and vector surveillance, and risk communication. The Technical Handbook for Surveillance, Dengue Outbreak Prediction/ Detection and Outbreak Response seeks to provide countries with evidence-based best practices to justify the declaration of an outbreak and the mobilization of the resources required to implement an effective dengue contingency plan
Fantastische Antike – Antikenrezeption und Citizen Science
Von Michael Kleu Antike Themen spielen eine zentrale Rolle in der Popkultur, wobei sich die steigende Zahl an Büchern, Serien usw. und das Interesse an diesen Formaten gegenseitig bedingen. Für Forschende im Bereich der modernen und zeitgenössischen Antikenrezeption ist deshalb Citizen Science ein spannender Ansatz, um einen Überblick über entsprechende Formate zu bekommen und diese aus der Perspektive und mit dem Wissen der Rezipient*innen zu erschließen. Der Blog „Fantastische Antike“ leist..
Tagungsabstract Schilling: Maritimes Erinnerungswissen im Forschungsmuseum? Die Ausstellungskonzeption im Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseum zwischen Forschungsprogramm und Identitätssuche
Die maritime Berufs- und Lebenswelt hat sich seit den 50er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts drastisch gewandelt. Diesen Wandel möchte das Deutsche Schiffahrtsmuseum in Bremerhaven in seiner Neukonzeption abbilden. Diese soll schiffahrtsbezogene Forschung nicht mehr allein unter einem technikgeschichtlichen, sondern unter einem multidisziplinären Fokus betrachten und zugleich das Wissen und die Erfahrungen derjenigen einbinden, die zwar keine Museums-, aber Spezialisten für den maritimen Bereich si..
Deutsch in Österreich – Citizen Science in der Sprachwissenschaft
von Barbara Heinisch Sprache ist allgegenwärtig, vielfältig und einem ständigen Wandel unterworfen. Daher ist sie das perfekte Forschungsobjekt für ein linguistisches Citizen Science-Projekt, das Interessierte in die wissenschaftliche Untersuchung von Sprache einbindet. Das Citizen Science-Projekt „In aller Munde und aller Köpfe – Deutsch in Österreich“ lädt daher die Bevölkerung ein, an der Erforschung der deutschen Sprache in Österreich teilzunehmen. Das Ziel ist die Erforschung des Gebrauc..
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