9 research outputs found

    Delineation of Violence from Functional Aggression in Mice: An Ethological Approach

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    The present study aims at delineating violence from aggression, using genetically selected high (SAL, TA, NC900) and low (LAL, TNA NC100) aggressive mouse strains. Unlike aggression, violence lacks intrinsic control, environmental constraints as well as functional endpoints. Conventional measures namely latency, frequency and duration were used initially to accomplish the objective of delineation using the above strains. However, these quantitative measures fail to reveal further details beyond the magnitude of differential aggression, especially within the high aggressive mouse strains. Hence, it was necessary to analyze further, the behavioral sequences that make up the agonistic encounter. Novel measures such as threat/(attack + chase) (T/AC) and offense/withdrawal (O/W) ratios, context dependency and first-order Markov chain analysis were used for the above purpose. Our present analyses reveal clear qualitative behavioral differences between the three high aggressive selection strains based on the following facets namely structure and context in an agonistic interaction. Structure refers to a detailed study of the agonistic interaction components (ritualistic display, offense and sensitivity to the opponent submission cues) between any two subjects (inter-male interaction for the present study). Context refers to the capacity to identify an opponent by nature of its state (free moving/anesthetized), sex and the environment (home/neutral territory). NC900 displayed context dependency and structurally a rich repertoire of agonistic interaction components with an opponent. SAL failed to show discrimination and its inter-male agonistic behavior is restricted to a repetitive and an opponent-insensitive pattern of attack and chase. TA was comparable to SAL in terms of the structure but sensitive to context variables. Thus, SAL seems to display a violent form of aggressive behavior, while NC900 display ‘functional’ hyperaggression against a docile opponent in an inter-male agonistic interaction.

    Baseline-dependent effects of cocaine pre-exposure on impulsivity and D 2/3 receptor availability in the rat striatum: Possible relevance to the attention-deficit hyperactivity syndrome

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    We have previously shown that impulsivity in rats predicts the emergence of compulsive cocaine seeking and taking, and is coupled to decreased D(2/3) receptor availability in the ventral striatum. As withdrawal from cocaine normalises high impulsivity in rats, we investigated, using positron emission tomography (PET), the effects of response-contingent cocaine administration on D(2/3) receptor availability in the striatum. Rats were screened for impulsive behavior on the five-choice serial reaction time task. After a baseline PET scan with the D(2/3) ligand [(18)F]fallypride, rats were trained to self-administer cocaine for 15 days under a long-access schedule. As a follow-up, rats were assessed for impulsivity and underwent a second [(18)F]fallypride PET scan. At baseline, we found that D(2/3) receptor availability was significantly lower in the left, but not right, ventral striatum of high-impulsive rats compared with low-impulsive rats. While the number of self-administered cocaine infusions was not different between the two impulsivity groups, impulsivity selectively decreased in high-impulsive rats withdrawn from cocaine. This effect was accompanied by a significant increase in D(2/3) receptor availability in the left, but not right, ventral striatum. We further report that D(2/3) receptor availability was inversely related to baseline D(2/3) receptor availability in the ventral striatum of high-impulsive rats, as well as to the left and right dorsal striatum of both low-impulsive and high-impulsive rats. These findings indicate that the reduction in impulsivity in high-impulsive rats by prior cocaine exposure may be mediated by a selective correction of deficient D(2/3) receptor availability in the ventral striatum. A similar baseline-dependent mechanism may account for the therapeutic effects of stimulant drugs in clinical disorders such as ADHD

    New Paths towards Old Dreams: Microphrenology

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    Neurogenetics of Aggressive Behavior: Studies in Rodents

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    Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology of Aggressive Behavior

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