12,760 research outputs found

    Moduli spaces of vector bundles on a singular rational ruled surface

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    We study moduli spaces MX(r,c1,c2)M_X(r,c_1,c_2) parametrizing slope semistable vector bundles of rank rr and fixed Chern classes c1,c2c_1, c_2 on a ruled surface whose base is a rational nodal curve. We show that under certain conditions, these moduli spaces are irreducible, smooth and rational (when non-empty). We also prove that they are non-empty in some cases. We show that for a rational ruled surface defined over real numbers, the moduli space MX(r,c1,c2)M_X(r,c_1,c_2) is rational as a variety defined over R\mathbb R.Comment: Final versio

    Performances of silicone coated high resistive bakelite RPC

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    Performances of several single gap (gas gap 2 mm) prototype Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) made of high resistive ({\rho} \sim 1010 - 1012 {\Omega} cm) bakelite, commercially available in India have been studied in recent times. To make the inner electrode surfaces smooth, a thin coating of silicone has been applied. An efficiency > 90% and time resolution \sim 2 ns (FWHM) have been obtained for both the streamer and the avalanche mode. The induced charge distributions of those silicone coated RPC are studied and the results are presented. A numerical study on the effect of surface roughness of the resistive electrodes on the electric field of the device has been carried out using Garfield-neBEM code. A few results for a simplified model representing surface roughness, measured using a surface profilometer for the bakelite surfaces, have also been presented

    The Complex Time WKB Approximation And Particle Production

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    The complex time WKB (CWKB) approximation has been an effective technique to understand particle production in curved as well as in flat spacetime. Earlier we obtained the standard results on particle production in time dependent gauge in various curved spacetime. In the present work we generalize the technique of CWKB to the equivalent problems in space dependent gauge. Using CWKB, we first obtain the gauge invariant result for particle production in Minkowski spacetime in strong electric field. We then carry out particle production in de-Sitter spacetime in space dependent gauge and obtain the same result that we obtained earlier in time dependent gauge. The results obtained for de-Sitter spacetime has a obvious extension to particle production in black hole spacetime. It is found that the origin of Planckian spectrum is due to repeated reflections between the turning points. As mentioned earlier, it is now explicitly shown that particle production is accompanied by rotation of currents.Comment: 12 pages, Revte

    Chirped dissipative solitons of the complex cubic-quintic nonlinear Ginzburg-Landau equation

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    Approximate analytical chirped solitary pulse (chirped dissipative soliton) solutions of the one-dimensional complex cubic-quintic nonlinear Ginzburg-Landau equation are obtained. These solutions are stable and highly-accurate under condition of domination of a normal dispersion over a spectral dissipation. The parametric space of the solitons is three-dimensional, that makes theirs to be easily traceable within a whole range of the equation parameters. Scaling properties of the chirped dissipative solitons are highly interesting for applications in the field of high-energy ultrafast laser physics.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, the mathematical apparatus is presented in detail in http://info.tuwien.ac.at/kalashnikov/NCGLE2.htm

    On Modified Gravity

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    We consider some aspects of nonlocal modified gravity, where nonlocality is of the type RF()RR \mathcal{F}(\Box) R. In particular, using ansatz of the form R=cRγ,\Box R = c R^\gamma, we find a few R(t)R(t) solutions for the spatially flat FLRW metric. There are singular and nonsingular bounce solutions. For late cosmic time, scalar curvature R(t) is in low regime and scale factor a(t) is decelerated. R (t) = 0 satisfies all equations when k = -1.Comment: added references; made some clarifications; 8 page