13 research outputs found

    Refractоry anomalies on preschool children in Stip

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    Introduction: The refractive anomalies are the most common vision disorders that affect children. For pre-school children, amblypia and the amblyogenic risk factors, like strabismus and significant refractive errors are the most prevalent and most significant vision disorders. The early diagnosis of these disorders allows for an intervention at a time in which treatment and further development prevention are highly possible. Patients and methods: In a period between January 15th and April 15th in 2016, within the screening program for vision disorders at pre-school children in Shtip, 890 children were examined during their stay at kinder garden. The screening was done with a 2WIN mobile binocular refractometer intended for detecting refractive errors, vision anomalies and measuring pupil parameters. Purpose: The goal of this study is to determining the prevalence of vision disorders at pre-school children in Shtip, identifying, early diagnosis and treatment of the vision disorders and also determining the need and benefit of regular pre-school screening program for vision disorders. Results: Abnormalities of the measured parameters are detected within 45.17% of the examined children. Refractive anomalies are detected within 13.37% of all children. 0.56% of all have hyperopia, 1.46% have myopia and 12.13% have astigmatism. Anisometropia >1D was detected within 2.47%, while gaze deviation >4.6° was detected within 34.46%. Conclusion: The screening of pre-school children allowed for an early diagnosis and treatment of refractive errors and ambliogenic factors. With early treatment, amblyopia can be prevented, the life quality can be improved and better academic achievments can be made. Keywords: epidemiology, Shtip, pre-school age, refractive anomalies, screenin

    Дијагностицирање и превенција на најчестите анемии во источниот регион на Р.Македонија

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    Анемијата е состојба каде циркулирачката маса на крвта не ја задоволува потребата на ткивата за кослород. Според СЗО анемијата се дијагностицира кога вредностите на Н6 се пониски од 130 §/1, за мажи, или под 120 §/1 за жени. Редукцијата на хемоглобин најчесто е следена и со пад на бројот на ертитроцитите и вредностите на хематокритот

    „Фразеологизмите како јазична, книжевна и културолошка нишка во наставата по македонски и по странски јазик“

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    Предмет на истражување: Придобивките од соодветниот пристап на фразеологизмите како од јазична, така и од книжевна и културолошка гледна точка и нивно активно вклучување во наставата по мајчин и по странските јазици кои се изучуваат на нашиот Филолошки факултет. Цел: стекнување и развивање на фразеолошките компетенции кај студентите од наставната насоката и нивна соодветна подготовка за ефикасно поучување на јазикот и секако за оспособување на студентите идни наставници за современи наставници по јазик. Целта е преку испреплетување на теоријата и практиката со цел да се поттикне и развие фразеолошката компетенција и со тоа да се стимулира размислувањето на идните наставници, да ги прошират своите хоризонти и да се мотивираат да уживаат во една од највозбудливите, најисцрпните и најважните професии во светот

    Ishrana kod pacijenata sa rakom

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    Uprkos velikom napretku u dijagnostici i terapiji raka , on je i dalje glavni uzrok smrti u razvijenim zemljama. Iako je operacija i hemoterapija uspešno lečenje nekih vrsta raka je neophodno u ovih bolesnika uključuju posebnu dijetu za vreme lečenja i posle toga. Budući da postoji mnogo supstance koje izazivaju. Cilj: Cilj ovog rada je da prikaže dijete u onkolshkite bolesnika u zavisnosti od faze bolesti i uključivanje tkiva i organa. Da se napravi poređenje između onkoloških pacijenata koji su bili pod posebnom ishranom nakon tretmana i onkoloških pacijenata koji nisu bili pod bilo ishrane posle tretmana. Materijal i metode: Naše informacije i uspesne priče dolaze iz časopisa pisanih lekari i ljudi koji je posle uspešnog medicinskog tretmana temi pod posebnom ishranom i žele da podele svoja iskustva sa drugima. Rezultati: Analizirani 10 pacijenata koji su pod posebnom ishranom i 10 pacijenata koji su posle tretmana ne brinu o njihovoj ishrani . U 4 od 10 pacijenata koji ne brinu o ishrani za manje od godinu dana se pojavio dok je ostatak u onim pacijentima koji su na poseban način ishrane u toku jedne godine samo kod jedan pacijent doslo do recidiv. Zaključci: Iz prikupljenih podataka i analiza može se zaključiti da ishrana direktno vlijaae u vraćanje bolesti kod onkoloških pacijenata

    Original scientific paper

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    The adsorption characteristics and porous structure of bentonite adsorbents as determined from the adsorption isotherms of benzene vapo

    Use of antibiotics without a physician recommendation for the student population in Shtip, R. Macedonia

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    Self-medication with antibiotics is concerning in the whole world, even more in developing countries, where this type of drugs are often available even without prescription. The aim of the study is to assess knowledge and behavior towards self-medication with antibiotics among students population and compare frequency of antibiotics self-treatment among medical students and nonmedical students

    Antropolosko drustvo Srbije

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    Morfoloske karakteristike tranzitornih lumbosakralnih spojeva. Morfoloske karakteristike renalne arterije kod humanog bubrega. Testiranje dimenzije bubrega kod humanog fetusa za vreme fetalnog perioda

    Diet for cancer patients

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    Despite great advances in diagnosis and therapy of cancer, he remains a major causeof death in developed countries. Although surgery and chemotherapy to successfully treatsome types of cancer is necessary in these patients include a special diet duringtreatment and afterwards. Because there are many substances that cause

    The adsorption characteristics and porous structure of bentonite adsorbents as determined from the adsorption isotherms of benzene vapor

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    The adsorption of benzene vapor on natural and acid activated bentonites was treated by the theory of volume filling of micropores. The micropore volume and characteristic values of the free energy of adsorption were determined from the adsorption isotherms. The DubininRadushkevishStoeckli and DubininAstakhov equations were used for this purpose. The results showed that natural bentonite has a more homogeneous micropore structure than the acid activated ones. The characteristic values of the free energy of adsorption for the natural bentonite were higher than those of the acid activated bentonite. This is due to differences in its structure and the pore size

    Refractory anomalies on preschool children in Stip

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    Introduction: The refractive anomalies are the most common vision disorders that affect children. For pre-school children, amblypia and the amblyogenic risk factors, like strabismus and significant refractive errors are the most prevalent and most significant vision disorders. The early diagnosis of these disorders allows for an intervention at a time in which treatment and further development prevention are highly possible. Patients and methods: In a period between January 15th and April 15th in 2016, within the screening program for vision disorders at pre-school children in Shtip, 890 children were examined during their stay at kinder garden. The screening was done with a 2WIN mobile binocular refractometer intended for detecting refractive errors, vision anomalies and measuring pupil parameters. Purpose: The goal of this study is to determining the prevalence of vision disorders at pre-school children in Shtip, identifying, early diagnosis and treatment of the vision disorders and also determining the need and benefit of regular pre-school screening program for vision disorders. Results: Abnormalities of the measured parameters are detected within 45.17% of the examined children. Refractive anomalies are detected within 13.37% of all children. 0.56% of all have hyperopia, 1.46% have myopia and 12.13% have astigmatism. Anisometropia >1D was detected within 2.47%, while gaze deviation >4.6° was detected within 34.46%. Conclusion: The screening of pre-school children allowed for an early diagnosis and treatment of refractive errors and ambliogenic factors. With early treatment, amblyopia can be prevented, the life quality can be improved and better academic achievments can be made