3 research outputs found


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    Traffic places very crucial role in metropolitan cities. In this paper we introduce a intelligent traffic light control system. The proposed system is used to control traffic in very efficient manner. As per our traffic signals there are three lights red, green and orange, but in our proposed system we introduced six lights each side, i.e. two red, two green and two orange. First three lights are used to control the traffic in forward direction and other three lights are used to control the free left. In some emergencies the free left can be used to allow ambulance, fire engine ,VIP vehicles and canvas etc  This Intelligent traffic light control system is reduce the traffic by using free left  and It is used to allow ambulance, VIP’s, etc. The proposed system is implemented in Xilinx and dumped in sparton3E future


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    High-resolution mass spectroscopy (HRMS) is a valuable method for evaluating complex and time-consuming matrices, such as human breath, and it's employed to determine the structure's precise mass and chemical structure and elemental composition and identify unknowns and a powerful analytical separation technique. High-resolution mass spectrometry (HR-MS) detects sample matrix to within 0.001 unit of atomic mass. HRMS instrumentation's enhanced resolution allows it to produce fragmentation patterns, which enhances the precision of chemical formula prediction and database comparison for allows for the detection. TOF, Orbitrap, and FT-ICR mass detectors all seem to have a great mass high resolution which may be utilised to achieve maximum data. High-resolution mass spectrometry employs devices able to accurately detecting the density of substances towards the third or fourth significant digit. The Benefit of HR-MS the effectiveness of the approach in the evaluation of complicated mixtures to offer the high peak load required to deliver the accurate molecular weight of the subcomponents. The highest resolution is typically seen in FTICR mass spectrometers. HRMS has transformed how we approach the issue of identifying and monitoring pharmaceutical residues in sophisticated biological materials

    Modeling and phylogenetic analysis of chloroplast ascorbate peroxidase in Ipomea nil (L.)

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    Abstract: Ascorbate peroxidase (APX) is one of the major antioxidant enzymes involved in the detoxification of hydrogen peroxide. APX is found in chloroplast, cytosol and microsomes. The structural model for the APX izozymes has not been solved. In the present study, we describe the structural model for the chloroplast APX of Ipomea nil (morning glory) using homology model, which provides an insight for better understanding of APX molecular function in providing oxidative stress tolerance in plants