4 research outputs found

    A BGO hodoscope for intermediate mass fragments

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    A BGO hodoscope was developed to detect intermediate mass fragments A BGO hodoscope was developed to detect intermediate mass fragment

    Evolution from sequential decay to simultaneous multifragmentation withincreasing beam energy

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    Two-fragment correlation functions have been measured for Ar-40 + Two-fragment correlation functions have been measured for Ar-40

    Emission order of light particles and light fragments from hot nucleifollowed by binary fission

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    Emission orders of light charged particles and Li fragments from highly Emission orders of light charged particles and Li fragments from highl

    Emission time scales for light charged particles from symmetric andasymmetric fission processes for Ar-40+Au-197 reactions at 25MeV/nucleon

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    Two-particle correlation functions at small relative momenta were Two-particle correlation functions at small relative momenta wer