485 research outputs found

    Bibliografia brasileira de sementes: análise quantitativa.

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    Use of Trichoderma as a biocontrol agent and biofertilizer.

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    Species of the fungal genus Trichoderma have broad environmental opportunism, evolving from a mycoparasitic lifestyle to arivulent symbionts or even plant endophytes. Because of their ability to antagonize plant- pathogenic fungi some Trichoderma strains are used for biological control of plant diseases, acting through different mechanisms of action. Some Trichoderma strains have been registeres of commercial application as fungicide products in agriculture due the their efficacy of biocontrol, large capacity to survive in different environments, and genetic and phenotypic stability. In interaction with plants, Trichodermais able to increase plant defense responses, root development, plant growth, seed germination, leaf greennees, photosynthetic efficiency and carbon dioxide uptake, and a,eliorae abiotic stresses of facilitate a better assimilation of nutrients and detoxification of xenobiotics. Trichoderma spp. can also improve the plant nutritional level and modify the root architecture to get a more efficient nutrient uptake that can substantially increase nitrogen use efficiency in crops Some strains only express one of these mechanis,s, but the most efficient ones exhibit several of them, either simultaneously or sequentially, and can even favor the activities of rhizobacteri and mycorrhizae. Trichoderma can be ruthless with enemies but benefactor and protector of the plant in adverse situations. From a biotechnological point of view , the isolation of genes from Trichoderma spp. and this subsequent transfer to a plant genome may result in a significant improvement in plant defense and resistance to abiotic atresses

    Industrial districts and the fourth industrial revolution

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    Purpose: This paper aims to explore if firms located in industrial districts (IDs) have different adoption paths concerning Industry 4.0 technologies and get different results with respect to other similar firms located outside IDs. Design/methodology/approach: The study is based on a quantitative analysis related to an original data set of 206 Italian manufacturing firms specializing in made in Italy industries and adopting Industry 4.0 technologies. A case study of a district firm is also presented to explain the rationale of investment strategies and results obtained. Findings: The analysis shows that there are differences between district and non-district firms when Industry 4.0 technology investments are concerned (higher investment rate in big data/cloud and augmented reality for district firms than non-district ones). In contrast to a breakthrough view of the fourth industrial revolution, the study suggests that 4.0 technologies emphasize the peculiarities and competitiveness factors typical of the district model in terms of customization and flexibility. There are differences in the motivations of adoption (product diversification for district firms vs productivity enhancement for non-district firms) and in the results achieved. Originality/value: The paper is one of the first attempts to empirically explore the technological innovation paths related to Industry 4.0 within IDs, therefore, contributing to the debate on the possible evolution of the district mode

    Estoque de carbono e quantificação de substâncias húmicas em latossolo submetido a aplicação contínua de lodo de esgoto.

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da aplicação contínua de doses de lodo de esgoto oriundo da Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto de Barueri, SP, sobre os teores e estoques de C e sobre as alterações na distribuição de substâncias húmicas em Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico. O experimento foi instalado em 1999, no Campo Experimental da Embrapa Meio Ambiente, em Jaguariúna-SP; os dados foram obtidos após a sexta aplicação de lodo e cultivo sucessivo de milho. Foram utilizadas, nas diferentes parcelas experimentais, as seguintes doses acumuladas de lodo de esgoto (base seca): 0, 30, 60, 120 e 240 Mg ha-1, sendo estudados os tratamentos: (L0) testemunha sem adição de lodo; e aplicação de lodo de esgoto visando fornecer uma (L1), duas (L2), quatro (L4) e oito (L8) vezes a dose de N requerida pelo milho. Foram avaliados os teores e o estoque de C orgânico nas camadas de solo de 0-10, 10-20, 20-40 e 40-60 cm. Os teores de C associados às substâncias húmicas foram avaliados na camada de solo de 0-10 cm. O teor e o estoque de C orgânico aumentaram com o acréscimo nas doses de lodo de esgoto aplicadas, até a camada de solo de 0-20 cm. A maior parte (50-66 %) do C associado às substâncias húmicas está presente no solo na forma de humina, seguido por C-fração ácidos fúlvicos e C-fração ácidos húmicos, nesta ordem. A aplicação de lodo de esgoto implica maior acúmulo de substâncias húmicas no solo, mas as proporções de C-humificado da matéria orgânica não são alteradas