333 research outputs found

    Inflationary phase in Generalized Brans-Dicke theory

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    We find a solution for exponential inflation in a Brans-Dicke generalized model, where the coupling "constant " is variable. While in General Relativity the equation of state is p is equal to minus rho, here we find p proportional to rho, where the proportionality constant is smaller than -2/3. The negativity of cosmic pressure implies acceleration of the expansion, even with lambda < 0 >.Comment: International Journal of Theoretical Physics, to be publishe

    Quantum Breaking Time Scaling in the Superdiffusive Dynamics

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    We show that the breaking time of quantum-classical correspondence depends on the type of kinetics and the dominant origin of stickiness. For sticky dynamics of quantum kicked rotor, when the hierarchical set of islands corresponds to the accelerator mode, we demonstrate by simulation that the breaking time scales as τ(1/)1/μ\tau_{\hbar} \sim (1/\hbar)^{1/\mu} with the transport exponent μ>1\mu > 1 that corresponds to superdiffusive dynamics. We discuss also other possibilities for the breaking time scaling and transition to the logarithmic one τln(1/)\tau_{\hbar} \sim \ln(1/\hbar) with respect to \hbar

    Entropy of the Universe

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    After a discussion on several limiting cases where General Relativity turns into less sophisticated theories, we find that in the correct thermodynamical and cosmological weak field limit of Einstein's field equations the entropy of the Universe is R^(3/2) -- dependent, where R stands for the radius of the causally related Universe. Thus, entropy grows in the Universe, contrary to Standard Cosmology prediction.Comment: To be published by International Journal of Theoretical Physic

    A General Relativistic Rotating Evolutionary Universe - Part II

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    As a sequel to (Berman, 2008a), we show that the rotation of the Universe can be dealt by generalised Gaussian metrics, defined in this paper. Robertson-Walker's metric has been employed with proper-time, in its standard applications; the generalised Gaussian metric imply in the use of a non-constant temporal metric coefficient modifying Robertson-Walker's standard form. Experimental predictions are madeComment: 7 pages including front cover. Publishe

    The Pioneer Anomaly and a Machian Universe

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    We discuss astronomical and astrophysical evidence, which we relate to the principle of zero-total energy of the Universe, that imply several relations among the mass M, the radius R and the angular momentum L of a "large" sphere representing a Machian Universe. By calculating the angular speed, we find a peculiar centripetal acceleration for the Universe. This is an ubiquituous property that relates one observer to any observable. It turns out that this is exactly the anomalous acceleration observed on the Pioneers spaceships. We have thus, shown that this anomaly is to be considered a property of the Machian Universe. We discuss several possible arguments against our proposal.Comment: 6 pages including front page. Publishe

    Pryce-Hoyle Tensor in a Combined Einstein-Cartan-Brans-Dicke Model

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    In addition to introducing matter injection through a scalar field determined by Pryce-Hoyle tensor, we also combine it with a BCDE (Brans-Dicke-Einstein-Cartan) theory with lambdaterm developed earlier by Berman(2008), for inflationary scenario. It involves a variable cosmological constant, which decreases with time, jointly with energy density, cosmic pressure, shear, vorticity, and Hubble's parameter, while the scale factor, total spin and scalar field increase exponentially. The post-inflationary fluid resembles a perfect one, though total spin grows, but not the angular speed (Berman, 2007d). The Pryce-Hoyle tensor, which can measured by the number of injected particles per unit proper volume and time, as well as shear and vorticity, can be neglected in the aftermath of inflation ("no-hair").Comment: 16 pages including front cover. New version, accepted by International Journal of Theoretical Physics. To be published soo

    Bianchi type II models in the presence of perfect fluid and anisotropic dark energy

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    Spatially homogeneous but totally anisotropic and non-flat Bianchi type II cosmological model has been studied in general relativity in the presence of two minimally interacting fluids; a perfect fluid as the matter fluid and a hypothetical anisotropic fluid as the dark energy fluid. The Einstein's field equations have been solved by applying two kinematical ans\"{a}tze: we have assumed the variation law for the mean Hubble parameter that yields a constant value of deceleration parameter, and one of the components of the shear tensor has been considered proportional to the mean Hubble parameter. We have particularly dwelled on the accelerating models with non-divergent expansion anisotropy as the Universe evolves. Yielding anisotropic pressure, the fluid we consider in the context of dark energy, can produce results that can be produced in the presence of isotropic fluid in accordance with the \Lambda CDM cosmology. However, the derived model gives additional opportunities by being able to allow kinematics that cannot be produced in the presence of fluids that yield only isotropic pressure. We have obtained well behaving cases where the anisotropy of the expansion and the anisotropy of the fluid converge to finite values (include zero) in the late Universe. We have also showed that although the metric we consider is totally anisotropic, the anisotropy of the dark energy is constrained to be axially symmetric, as long as the overall energy momentum tensor possesses zero shear stress.Comment: 15 pages; 5 figures; matches the version published in The European Physical Journal Plu

    Optical Detection of a Single Nuclear Spin

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    We propose a method to optically detect the spin state of a 31-P nucleus embedded in a 28-Si matrix. The nuclear-electron hyperfine splitting of the 31-P neutral-donor ground state can be resolved via a direct frequency discrimination measurement of the 31-P bound exciton photoluminescence using single photon detectors. The measurement time is expected to be shorter than the lifetime of the nuclear spin at 4 K and 10 T.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Discrete molecular dynamics simulations of peptide aggregation

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    We study the aggregation of peptides using the discrete molecular dynamics simulations. At temperatures above the alpha-helix melting temperature of a single peptide, the model peptides aggregate into a multi-layer parallel beta-sheet structure. This structure has an inter-strand distance of 0.48 nm and an inter-sheet distance of 1.0 nm, which agree with experimental observations. In this model, the hydrogen bond interactions give rise to the inter-strand spacing in beta-sheets, while the Go interactions among side chains make beta-strands parallel to each other and allow beta-sheets to pack into layers. The aggregates also contain free edges which may allow for further aggregation of model peptides to form elongated fibrils.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Scale setting for alpha_s beyond leading order

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    We present a general procedure for incorporating higher-order information into the scale-setting prescription of Brodsky, Lepage and Mackenzie. In particular, we show how to apply this prescription when the leading coefficient or coefficients in a series in the strong coupling alpha_s are anomalously small and the original prescription can give an unphysical scale. We give a general method for computing an optimum scale numerically, within dimensional regularization, and in cases when the coefficients of a series are known. We apply it to the heavy quark mass and energy renormalization in lattice NRQCD, and to a variety of known series. Among the latter, we find significant corrections to the scales for the ratio of e+e- to hadrons over muons, the ratio of the quark pole to MSbar mass, the semi-leptonic B-meson decay width, and the top decay width. Scales for the latter two decay widths, expressed in terms of MSbar masses, increase by factors of five and thirteen, respectively, substantially reducing the size of radiative corrections.Comment: 39 pages, 15 figures, 5 tables, LaTeX2